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Post-Christmas Failure (long. possible language.)

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  • Post-Christmas Failure (long. possible language.)

    The day after Christmas was full of post holiday magic and cheer. It was also full of morons and "this is probably a bad time for this" sales. I'm posting this now because I have just today recovered from the horror.

    This begins by saying that the day after Christmas, we started the buy two get one free sale on all used items (I mentioned this in a thread somewhere, I don't know.) Because corporate decided it would be a good to start this the same day that everyone will be returning things, so naturally there will be no point in time that we won't have a line. This day was so full of epic fail that half of the things I don't even remember clearly, because my brain is trying desperately to purge itself of the memories.

    Epic Return Failure
    A family of four comes in, hops in line, waits. Gets to my register, slaps a bag full of crap on the counter, and informs me that they want to return it all. That's fine, is there a receipt?

    Moron Father: MF
    Me: damnit.
    C: manager

    Me: I can't do a return if you don't have a receipt, the computer won't let me.
    MF: But I bought it recently?
    Me: Okay, maybe if I get a manager he can look up the transaction in our computer as long as the transaction was at our store.
    MF: It was on Black Friday. My wife had to wait in line for this stuff!
    Me: Okay, let me get C and if you know about what time of day she purchased the stuff we may be able to find it.

    I get C. He mans the register.

    C: So we're looking for your transaction..Okay, about what time of day was it?
    MF: around noon.
    C: -looks far and wide in the system for this transaction. It was nowhere to be found, the needle in the haystack that never existed.- Sir, I can't find it in here. Are you sure it was at our store?
    MF: Oh no, it was in -some state across the friggin' country.-


    Return of the Guitar Hero Moron
    Yes. It was him. The same little son of a bitch that this post contained. He came back to play Guitar Hero.

    So what was our song today? Iron Man. I hate that song to begin with, because it's always the first song everyone plays, and everyone always sucks at it. This went on for two hours, until I had enough. But, as I was reaching to cut it off, the PS2 mysteriously froze. I guess the system had taken enough crap from that kid too! Of course, he pitched a horrible fit while I was in the middle of helping a line of customers and kept trying to interrupt me to fix it. Of course. But at least the PS2 itself saved me the trouble.


    Buy Two Get One Free
    The way this works, is that I ring up the items, and AFTER I press the "Complete Transaction" key, the system automatically converts the price. It is at this time that I tell you your total. The only problem is, customers can see on our credit card keypad deathhell machines the prices as they ring up. So how many times did I get screamed at because people were too impatient to wait for me to press the button and tell them their real total? If you guessed once every ten minutes, you get a prize that I can't afford to buy you!


    How Did You Manage That?!
    Fifteen year old kid has ten giftcards, each around 25 bucks each, some ten. He brings up 200 worth of merchandise, I ring it up, and go to swipe his gift cards. Now, somehow, this little teenager of magic and destruction managed to completely render useless the magnetic strips on ALL of the giftcards. What follows this transaction is a lot of bitching and moaning about the wait because I had to manually type in every single one of the stupid cards.

    This was the same bitching and moaning when my register ran out of ones, the MOD kept missing the timed safe beeping, and I could only do transactions if people were paying with some sort of card.


    Please Kill Me
    It was only at six at night, thirty minutes before I got off, that the line finally disappear. It was at this time that a guy comes in with a huge box and sets it on the counter. FUCK. I know what this is. Trade-ins. And no one seems to be around to help me. MOD is on the floor trying to help someone figure out what they want to buy, and Dumbass the Slutface (yes, she's that stupid, and yes, she's tried to sleep with every male employee I work with but that's another story) has decided that she has an 'important' phone call to take and wanders off on her cell phone (which you're not supposed to do, but only MOD can really do anything about it).

    This guy has brought in his entire Gamecube collection, which seems to be complete. There were at least 100 games in the box (I found a couple of PS2 games thrown in as well), each I had to check for scratches, make sure they were in the right box, and scan into the computer (half of the time that doesn't work with Cube games, so I have to do a manual search on the sku). I finally get them all done after about thirty minutes (yes it was time for me to get off, and yes another line had formed because DSF still hadn't gotten back on the second register). This was, of course, considering half of them were scratched all to hell. As I get them done, finally, I say, "Okay, that gives you $XXX.XX in store credit."

    His reply? "Oh, well, I think I changed my mind. I want to keep them all."

    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    How long did it take to remove the smear he left on the carpet from you destroying every cell of his body with your pure unadultered anger?
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


    • #3
      .....HAHAHA! That sucks! Wow, I am glad I don't work were you do.
      We Pick Up the Pieces


      • #4
        Holy cow. x_x My sympathy goes out to you, but on the bright side there weren't any people who went beserk over having to stand in line behind the GameCube moron?

        It's rainin', rainin', on the streets of New York City.


        • #5
          Yeah, I'm surprised he wasn't lynched.

          Also, I like Iron Man.

          Of course, I'm not a twittering dickgnoll so I wouldn't be caught dead trying to play it on Guitar Hero in public for 2 hours.


          • #6
            Quoth Liminality View Post
            Holy cow. x_x My sympathy goes out to you, but on the bright side there weren't any people who went beserk over having to stand in line behind the GameCube moron?
            They seemed more mad at Dumbass the Slutface because she was yacking on her cellphone the entire time and talking loudly about going out and drinking that night (very important phone call) when there was a register she could have been manning.

            After GameCube douche, I said, "MOD, I have to leave now."

            "Wait, stay a few more minutes, you're the only one on a register!"

            I look at DSF, look back at MOD, and clock out. No, I will not go over on hours and get my ass chewed out by the store manager because the girl you so desperately want to have sex with is on her cellphone.

            Gravekeeper...if only I didn't work at a videogame store, I would probably love Iron Man too. The good news is, when I went into work last night, they had changed the game from Guitar Hero to some cheapass racing game.
            Would you like a Stummies?


            • #7
              Did you really do that

              Quoth marty View Post
              I look at DSF, look back at MOD, and clock out. No, I will not go over on hours and get my ass chewed out by the store manager because the girl you so desperately want to have sex with is on her cellphone.
              Is that for real? How did he react?

