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Snow makes you stunned

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  • Snow makes you stunned

    This story starts yesterday:

    Huge storm by US standards/Toronto, medium-small for us (25-30 cm with 100km/hr winds). Snow was drifting bad. Heck, after the plow went by we had over 2 feet of snow in our driveway. We of course, are one of two places open in town. Place is rather slow and we close early. Before close, management sets up a display of ALL our snowblowers, being 26. We were also the last place in town to have more then 5. (important later)

    Fast forward to today: store is holyshitbusy, obvious result of a storm. This wasn't the first storm of the year, nor the second or the third. It was however the biggest. And the first for this week (we're expecting one tomorrow and another on Monday night)

    People, want their snowblowers. They also want their broken ones repaired. WE DO NOT do repairs, they go to a local shop. Of course, management has to deal with the brilliant people bringing their snowblowers in after they were told when they bought them to bring them to the shop. One of the blowers? Had ONE SINGLE BROKEN SHEAR PIN! So bloody hard to fix right?

    Now, those 26 snowblowers? Down to 6 at 5pm. Customers were ripping sold tags off blowers to try and take them (futile as they're chained on). I was getting yelled at on the phone for saying we had none left (at 8).

    Typical conversation:
    Me - duh
    SC - duh
    S - seasonal staff

    Me- Thank you for calling Random Hardware
    SC- how much are your snowblowers
    Me - I'm sorry we're sold out right now
    SC - YOU'RE LYING! You had loads when I was in THIS MORNING (oi). You have no idea what you're talking about!!! Get me someone who does
    S - I'm sorry, we're out of snowblowers

    I was also told that two customers got into a fight over the last 30" blower in stock. The guy who got there first went when he bought it.

    I picture tomorrow being hell as A) We are completely out. B) There are 3 currently on the floor, PAID FOR, that are being picked up. These have stickers on them saying so. Of course, people will try to take the tags off. Ugh.

    I'm glad I'm not actually scheduled tomorrow, though I am on the call list (mainly as the super on was never properly trained, and I know her job better then she does...).

    And to my co-workers: for the love of god use your brains. Our pay stubs come by mail on pay-day. Pay-day was yesterday. Yesterday was storm. See the pattern? Yeah, NO pay stubs as post office was closed. I actually had a co-worker nearly yell at me cause the stubs weren't in. So I yelled back at him for being an idiot. He actually asked AGAIN today. No.Mail.On.Weekends. I bet he asks again tomorrow.

  • #2
    Quoth patiokitty View Post
    Kitsune, I sorta wonder if you're in the same general geographic area as I am. This is based completely on your description of the most lovely weather we're having in our neck of the woods, and how it isn't really that bad by our normal standards here.

    No, we don't have a snowblower where I'm to. Instead my landlord actually gets out there and shovels by hand. And we don't have a snowblower at work either. Instead we have a paid odd-job guy that shovels the sidewalk in front of the store. They don't pay us women enough to shovel the snow that keeps getting piled higher and higher.
    If you're in the North-east area, then yeah.

