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General venting

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  • General venting

    Well, i forgot about this website for several months! but fortunatly that means i have several little fun tales, sorry if they seem pedantic but hey, we all can complain!

    SC: old man, face like a bulldog licking p*ss of a nettle

    SC: hello how much is this tin of salmon? it says 89p here, but the same product is priced at 84p here!!
    Me: (big whoop, 5 pence, but hey you might realy need it) ok sir, i'll get a price check

    On this day it was insanly busy in the supermarket, and took about 5-10 mins. for 5p. i earned more than that, i would be willing to pay him the difference if it was the expensive one! but i did it and came back, and low and behold he isnt where he was. I go back to putting stock out and a few min's later he re-appears as angry as hell

    Sc: where were you?!?!? i ASKED you to find it out and i bet you didn't bother!
    Me:its the cheaper one
    Sc: well you should have found me and told me, you wasted my time
    Me: well i couldn't go hunting for you in a large, busy store
    Sc: I TOLD you, i would be in the sweets area
    Me: (um, no you didnt) ok sir i am sorry
    Sc: thats much better, i expect better next time

    Next shift a middle aged woman ran my foot over with a trolly! there was little in it, but christ, the speed she was going, it didn't slow down, it went straight over, and she muttered something over her shoulder, perhaps a sorry, i have no idea. put its the principle!

    On the same day saw a child most likely possesed. they didnt say anything to me, but a 7 year old was sat in a trolly honestly gibbering sub-human noises! a cross between muttering to herself and screaming.

    Met a man who wasn't so much a SC as a tremendously confused bloke
    CC: confused custemer

    CC: hey, do you have *brand* of cereal in 760g?
    Me: nope, we are sold out im afriad
    5 seconds pass of him staring
    CC: umm are you sure
    Me: yes, none are there, and we have none in warehouse
    another 10 sec's pass eventfully
    CC: oh. umm... none?
    Me: None.
    once more...
    CC: like, none, at all?
    Me: (ooooh you mean like ones we sell, not the ones we horde from the evil customers?) Nope, None in the store.
    CC: well, is there another cereal section?
    Me: (Points to 15 foot wide sign saying "Cereal" a few meters behind me) They would be here.
    CC: realy?
    Me: yes, we are sold out, there are none that size here, there aree others on this section if you look next to it
    honestly 30 secs pass of me waiting for him to get the hint
    CC: ok then. Never mind.

    I was annoyed at this point, but i felt bad when he walked of and i noticed the stiching near his ear, he bravely was a brain donor and i shouldn't take advantage of his stupidity

    This next bit didn't happen to me, but i got told about it...
    a SC wanted a certain item, but the co-worker said it wasn't there. So like all sane people he said thank you, then walked of to ask someone else. The manager walked him back to the area, had a look, said sorry mate, none there.
    The SC stared at him as he walked off then said 'I beleive the correct method of addressing is "SIR"' to the co-worker. What a stuck up ****. We are all people for the love of god, what does he want, his shoes cleaned by our peasent-drool, as we idiots (who are incable of finding a item) bask in his aura of greatness???

    And of course there are the many times you have people questioning your inteligence by doing the old If-I-Ask-You-One-Syl-A-Bul-At-A-Time-Loud-Ly-It-Will-Ape-Ar-On-The-Shelf, or blaiming you for not putting out the right stock, but thats many small annoyances, not one interesting story!

    Thats the highlights of the last few months (as i can remember, might rememeber of more)

  • #2
    Quoth Wyte View Post
    CC: hey, do you have *brand* of cereal in 760g?
    Me: nope, we are sold out im afriad
    5 seconds pass of him staring
    CC: umm are you sure
    Me: yes, none are there, and we have none in warehouse
    another 10 sec's pass eventfully
    CC: oh. umm... none?
    Me: None.
    once more...
    CC: like, none, at all?
    Me: (ooooh you mean like ones we sell, not the ones we horde from the evil customers?) Nope, None in the store.
    CC: well, is there another cereal section?
    Me: (Points to 15 foot wide sign saying "Cereal" a few meters behind me) They would be here.
    CC: realy?
    Me: yes, we are sold out, there are none that size here, there aree others on this section if you look next to it
    honestly 30 secs pass of me waiting for him to get the hint
    CC: ok then. Never mind.
    Actually, I can shed some light on this situation. This gentleman was obviously expecting you to pull the cereal he wanted OUT OF YOUR ASS, a talent SCs seem to think sales people possess.
    Learn to master this and your job will be so much easier.

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


    • #3
      Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon View Post
      This gentleman was obviously expecting you to pull the cereal he wanted OUT OF YOUR ASS
      Ahhh the rectum of infinite dimensions...
      My Karma ran over your dogma.


      • #4
        What does 5 pence equate to in American dollars? Is it like a penny?
        "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


        • #5
          Quoth Peppergirl View Post
          What does 5 pence equate to in American dollars? Is it like a penny?
          Other way around, closer to a dime.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Quoth Broomjockey View Post
            Other way around, closer to a dime.

            Give it some time, it'll be closer to a quarter, then a 50 cent piece, then...well, you get the drift...
            "Love keeps her in the air when she ought fall down, let's you know she's hurting 'fore she keens...makes her a home."


            • #7
              Ooops. As the designated 'international specialist' at my travel agency, and therefore converting currency all the time, that I'd have known that.

              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                It appears that the British Pound is now holding steady against the US Dollar. But now the Euro is gaining against them both.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                  It appears that the British Pound is now holding steady against the US Dollar. But now the Euro is gaining against them both.

                  I remember when I was working in CCity we'd get a lot of Brits who'd buy games and game systems from us because ours were cheaper. Like, half the price cheaper.
                  6/16/2008: Best. Day. Ever.

                  Things I've Learned: Birth is not a miracle, it's a science, and science is damned disgusting. It's also really, really, cool.

