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    This woman was, without a doubt, the weirdest basket case I have ever come across. All I have to say is somebody forgot their medication today, there is no other explanation. Nobody can be this screwy.

    M= Me
    WL= Weird lady

    M: You're total is $xx.xx
    WL: Ok, poopsie
    WL: Let me just see if i have the exact change

    *WL dumps entire contents of her purse on the counter and painstakingly sifts through her collection of 9,000 or so pennies*

    WL: I have to keep my change here in my special place, you see, because if I don't then my kids steal it to pay the ice cream man, but I need this change. It's MINE.

    M: Um, ok..

    WL: Such thieving little things. First it's your change, tomorrow its the cheddar crackers, and who knows what's next? Drugs, you bet your sweet hat.


    WL: What was my total again?

    M: xx.xx

    WL: oh yeah, that's right. Thanks, macaroon

    M: ...

    *WL finally gathers up the exact change amount and tosses everything else back in the purse*

    WL: Here

    M: Thank you, have a nice day

    WL: You guys doing any sales?

    M: Well, not right now, but...

    WL: Oh, but you must! What if a child died tonight, they wouldn't have gotten a new toy because you guys never have sales!

    M: I'll be sure to bring it up to the manager, ma'am

    WL: Oh, ok. Come back and see me soon, Chuckles!

    M: *thinking "what in the holy hell..."*

    Unfortunately for me, one of my co-workers overheard the entire exchange and thought it was funny to call me 'Chuckles' and 'Poopsie' the rest of the day.
    "Penny Lou Pingleton, you are absolutely, positively, permanently punished! You will live on a diet of saltines and tang, and you'll never leave this room again....Devil child! Devil child!"

  • #2
    Chuckles, poopsie and macaroon all in one day is a lot.
    We have a cashier who calls everyone honey and I could smack the crap out or her.
    I think you are right -- someone forgot to take their meds.


    • #3
      Not bad. I had a customer who came in. Told me that I need to keep my info secret because of identity theft. Told me that he almost had his identity stolen three years ago. He actually made small talk about it. Started to ask me what types of sales we have on cigs. Advised me never to start smoking. Got his cigs. Debited his account for 100 dollars over. Came back two different times that night. Same idenitity story. Trying to make some lame talk. Kept on calling me "honey." Debited his account for 100 dollars over during the last two transactions.

      I HATE being called: sweetie pie (common) and honey.

      I have to point out that my name tag says "Beth." I have actually requested customers to call me by my name.
      At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


      • #4
        At least she was nice...
        "Because that's how magical meteoric size-altering space goo works." IMDB Message boards.


        • #5
          I had someone call me "Peanut" once, but I think you win the draw on that one.
          The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


          • #6
            The one I hate being called is "young lady." I'm 30. "Young lady" makes me feel about eight. Knock it off, people, I know I look young, but I'm not a kid!


            • #7
              Sounds like this woman walked right out of a Stephen King movie. The nicknames sound like something a killer would lay on you before doing the deed.


              • #8
                Quoth DistantStar View Post
                The one I hate being called is "young lady." I'm 30. "Young lady" makes me feel about eight. Knock it off, people, I know I look young, but I'm not a kid!
                Same here! That 'young lady' stuff makes me so angry.


                • #9
                  Sweet, but insane.

                  We have one lovely little old lady that calls us all "honey" or "sweety", but we don't mind it coming from her and her southern accent. She said she was moving to Florida soon, I'll miss her


                  • #10
                    When I worked at the movie theater, we had this woman who, for some reason, developed a crush on me (I know because she told me, repeatedly). She always wanted to hug me, which was pretty disgusting, as she didn't seem to have the best personal hygeine (I don't think she had brushed her teeth since the Eisenhower administration.) Anyway, everytime she saw me, she would call me "Rickey-Poo," trying to sound flirtateous, (my first name is Rick, if ya hadn't guessed)

                    Every time it came out of her mouth, I just wanted to strangle her (but that would have meant actually touching her and.....well......EW!).


                    • #11
                      Quoth DistantStar View Post
                      The one I hate being called is "young lady." I'm 30. "Young lady" makes me feel about eight. Knock it off, people, I know I look young, but I'm not a kid!
                      I've had several people call me "young man" lately. Hehe I'm 30 as well

                      But what really threw me for a loop the first time...was when someone called me *Mr. Protege.* I was like, um, no, my father's at home cutting the grass.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Quoth CreepyCarrie View Post
                        WL: I have to keep my change here in my special place, you see, because if I don't then my kids steal it to pay the ice cream man, but I need this change. It's MINE.

                        M: Um, ok..

                        WL: Such thieving little things. First it's your change, tomorrow its the cheddar crackers, and who knows what's next? Drugs, you bet your sweet hat.
                        WL: You guys doing any sales?

                        M: Well, not right now, but...

                        WL: Oh, but you must! What if a child died tonight, they wouldn't have gotten a new toy because you guys never have sales!

                        Wow, where did this woman escape from? First she accuses her kids of stealing her change, then her thoughts progress from stealing change, to cheddar crackers ( ), to drugs? Maybe she missed a few steps there. And if she'd raise her kids better, maybe she wouldn't have to worry about such things...

                        And if anyone can explain the "logic" of the child dying without having gotten a new toy, please let me know.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          If I wasn't on a school computer surrounded by people, I would have burst out laughing. Ahem...anyways...that was interesting. I don't mind some nicknames but some are just...annoying. I believe I had a customer call me little girl before. I'm 21 not 4.


                          • #14
                   the avitar!

                            I dislike, VERY MUCH, being called "kid" or "kiddo". Unfortunately, my father is an offender of this pet peeve. But, if anyone has the right to call me "kiddo", it's my dad not any SC! (I'm 32!)
                            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                            • #15
                              Carrie, I second the loving your avatar thing. I also love the awesome story. My coworker and I cracked up reading it.

                              We get so many conspiracy theorists in my store it has ceased to amaze me. We call them the "black helicopter people." Most of them will only get prepaid phones so "they" can't trace them with the "chip" in your phone. Yeah, like what you are doing is so interesting that "they" want to know. Whoever "they" may be.
                              Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

