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money order scammer

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  • money order scammer

    There have been 2 notable ones, one of which I didn't deal with directly, but it's still hilarious. I'll put that one in a second thread, since this one has reached epistle proportions...

    1) Crazy Jersey Lady
    This woman wanted to get some refills on some scripts that she's been getting from our chain in NJ. Ok, I tell her my wait time, she goes away, comes back at the appointed time. The first thing she does is try to protest the copays on her meds, saying that they were too high, that she had insurance, blah blah. I looked up her fill history, even printed it out for her, to show that her copays tonight were the same as what she's been paying back at her home store. She shuts up.
    She then proceeds to try to pay with money orders. We're not set up to take those. Even if we were, I have no idea what to do with them, since I've never had one given to me, so I call a manager back to see what we can do with them. In the meantime, she starts filling out 2 of them. Manager gets back, he tells her we can't accept them, and she then proceeds to throw a fit. She has a prescription blank that she keeps waving at us, and tells us that her brother here in town is a physician. ( I almost told her that only doctors' staff are supposed to have those, and that I could get her brother reprimanded by the medical board for handing them out). She tells us this about 15 times. Finally, after much name writing down and whining and moaning, she gets out a personal check and pays with that. Thank god, Telecheck took it. I would have about died if that was declined.
    She calls back a few hours later to say that she'd been shorted on one of her pills. OK, I could see that possibly happening, corporate has us weigh out pills on a scale instead of counting (although I will double count all controls and a few that tend to weigh off), and it isn't always good at the light capsules like this one was. So, we get a pill ready. She calls again, a few hours later. THIS time, she claims she was shorted on her other script, and that she was mad, her brother (the physician, remember?) counted them too, and blah blah blah. The night pharmacist got her this time, and refused to tell her who had filled them, and that he'd get another pill ready for that, too. At this point, I'm calling BS, though. That script was for 60 pills, and the stock bottle comes in 60 count. I almost just labelled the stock bottle, but the Pharmacy Manager has been wanting us to put everything in the amber bottles since there's been some instances where people were supposed to get a quantity different than the stock bottle, and were shorted. So, I was a good girl and poured it DIRECTLY into an amber bottle. There is no way that one would have come up short. I have NEVER seen a stock bottle short a pill. Broken pills? Yes, but never short. I begin to suspect that the first one was not shorted, either.

    CJL calls the store manager the next day to complain about us. He stood up for us, (he usually will, if it's someone absolutely rediculous like this woman) but agrees to check with the bank about the 2 money orders that she ruined. The bank allowed us to take those two this one time only, so he told her when to come in. She comes in much later, after the SM and AM that was there with me the other night was gone. Instead of finding a manager, she came back to the pharmacy and got one of my other techs. She tried to get him to refund a bunch of (now signed) money orders! Thankfully, he couldn't even if he wanted to, so he called the AM on duty back. (Fortunately, it was the crabby smartass one. Muahaha!) He called the SM to verify which ones we were willing to take back, and only took those 2. She was SOL on the other ones she'd signed at home. Oh...she was mad
    Go back home, you nasty scammer lady! If we could still have notes on file, it would be interesting to see what her home store had written about her.

  • #2
    As I understand money orders, you give someone cash and they print out the money order for that value. They are only useful if you know the amount ahead of time. Either she:
    1. Knew how much the pills were going to cost or else how could she have gotten a money order. (Then why was she complaining of price?)
    2. Thinks money orders are like currency.

    Technically they are, but you don't treat them like currency. If someone's bill is $10 and they hand you a $20 money order, you don't give them $10 in cash back. I would give them a $10 money order. You know money orders have an expiration date, and you can always claim they were lost and get your money back although it takes a while.

    So I could go and get a couple of $100 money orders, wait 6 moneys to claim they were lost, get my money back and then come to your store and use the money orders to purchase goods and get cash back? At least I could if that lady had gotten her way.


    • #3
      Where I work, we sometimes get notices about scammers and the notices also say that we're not allowed to do money orders or moneygrams over the phone. Also, we're only allowed to cash money orders that either come from our store or one of our other stores.
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      • #4
        Hmm...blank script sheet, shady money order attempt, calling back to say she was shorted TWICE, from another town...were the prescriptions for something narcotic? I would guess that this woman may be an addict or at the very least, selling the drugs.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          Oddly enough, no, although if she said she was shorted on a narcotic, there's no way in hell we'd supply her with another pill. She'd get a small amount of money back instead. As it is, we've put a note to double count ALL her scripts in front of her that will show up on the front of every label that prints out for her.

          She came back yesterday to get stuff for a cruise. Agh! Go away ugly lady! I had to double count 5 scripts in front of her today. She didn't look particularly amused, but jeebus, if you get that note on your labels, it means we trust you about as far as we can throw you. At least the brother thing checks out, he was driving her around. Note to Self: never go to that doctor.

          Here's to hoping she finally goes away for good.

