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"..when i used to work here..."

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  • "..when i used to work here..."

    Or, better yet... "That's not how we did it when I used to work here..."

    Even though some of my best, kindest, most understanding customers have worked retail themselves-- it seems that many of my WORST customers at the ones who did retail, or worse yet, worked at either my store, or within the chain, at some point.

    In the past year, the craft store has changed the way they do a lot of things. One is the way they do the tills at the register. Used to be, office person would set up all the registers with cash before the store opened.

    So, you'd clock in, go up to your register, sign in--and immediately be able to take customers. And then, when you were done, at the end of the day? You shoved all your cash, credit slips, checks, coupons and other random bits of paper--in a plastic drop bag....and it was shoved (dropped) in the safe. For the office person to deal with in the morning.

    Or whenever the hell they did that.

    Now, we don't do that anymore. They realized--hey, wait...the cashiers should like--omg totally be counting out their shit at the end of the day. Of course, we have a magic machine that does it for us. But still. So, now, at the end of every shift, you still have your plastic bag for various bits of paper--and cash, but there is another one just for the next days use. It's got the amount of cash in it that we start the day with.

    Even though we have the magic money counting machine, sometimes THAT bag is off. So, now when we start, we first have to get a magical keyholding person to allow us into the register, so we can stuff the till in there, and then...we... open the bag and COUNT THE MONEY.

    Because it's been off by a lot more than a few cents. (I'm talking dollars. lol)

    Customers don't understand this. We don't call them over, they just start forming lines. And they....breathe at you. You all know what I mean, that impatient noise they make when they are trying to hurry you up.

    A couple of weeks ago, there was a shift change, and for a bit, there was only ME, as a cashier. Just little ole me. All alone, with the rabid craft store shoppers. It really wasn't bad, as far as it goes. There was a line, but there was absolutely NO backup, until the other person got there. And since she wasn't in the freaking building....there wasn't anything I could do to make her appear.

    But when she did appear, I paged her right away (she knew that it was just to make the customers happy). She eventually showed up (she had to do super important stuff, like...clock in. And Pee. ) And she got to counting her drawer. She kept getting interrupted, because she was at customer service, so it took her longer than normal. But eventually, she finished, and opened up her line.

    I said "Yay! Customer Service is now open!" Or something equally silly and over the top. By then, my line is normal sized again, with like two customers. The woman whose transaction I was in the midst of... snots at me "Ugh...FINALLY...after she stood over there doing NOTHING for five minutes"

    I told her "She was counting her drawer"

    "Well, she's not supposed to be doing that out here anyway!"

    "Yes, she is"

    "No she's not...when I worked here. we were NEVER allowed to do that". I of course told her how...uh STUFF CHANGED. And she continued to snot on and on about it.

    And I wanted to poke her. Or whack her, with a giant dowel rod.
    you are = you're. not "your".

  • #2
    Quoth simplyanother View Post
    . . . And I wanted to poke her. Or whack her, with a giant dowel rod.
    And you would have been totally justified in doing so.

    (That's just my opinion, of course.)

    Retail Haiku:
    Depression sets in.
    The hellhole is calling me ~
    I don't want to go.


    • #3
      Don't you know that procedure is never, ever, ever supposed to change?

      The worst offenders for me were at the Mighty Green Corporate Coffee Siren. Former employees would just grab a cup and demand my pen because they "knew" how to do it. Every single damn time they would mark "S" for skim under milk when we (at the time) were using "S" for soy. When corrected they would say "When I worked here..." yea, yea, I get it. Things change, baby.
      "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
      George Carlin


      • #4
        The customer should have known how rapidly things can change in retail if she's really worked in it herself.

        I also agree that you would've been totally justified in whacking the customer over the head.
        "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

        When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


        • #5
          Gah. People like that should know better. Jesus!


          • #6
            Really reminds me of the whole "I work retail and I know how it is.." I have actually never met A person that felt some sort of sympathy for working retail and it was either some sort of "I would have given my customer a discount" or "My customer would have never treated me that way because I give EXCELLENT service" when they treated me like crap.

            I have started to learn from regulars that they use that line to their advantage; they don't work retail, they think it'll give them some sort of access to discounts.

            It still pisses me off when we go to Pizza Hut and my b/f says "I used to work here it worked this way" because I used to work there and that was 5 years ago. Honestly, no one cares if you worked there or not. I tell him that and he gets mad, but I'd rather defend my fellow workers.


            • #7
              See, I'm the opposite way. I work retail and I don't get all uppity about it and berating other retail employees with how things "should" be done because I understand all the bullshit they have to deal with on a daily basis and they're just doing their jobs the way they were told to.

              If I have a problem with something, I complain to management, they're the ones who made things that way, or can refer me to their higher-ups if they're the ones responsible.
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                I had one of those a few days ago. When told they had to swipe their Credit Card on the PIN PAD i get "well, you can still swipe it on you side" Um, no hasn't been that way for about 8 year or more.


                • #9
                  Mostly related, when the mighty changeover occurred and they got the freaking efficiency experts in to revamp the stores, we had many many issues with the new cash policy (same company as simplyanother's, FYI). Since our store is a smaller one we only have a few people working at any time, and so when a shift change happened or when anyone got on their register for the first time that day, it was almost not even worth calling for backup. Wasting time getting keys to new cashier, putting out money, etc. Another thing that bugs me a lot is that CASH DRAWERS SHOULDN'T BE OPEN THAT LONG. That kind of thing should be done in the... office? Yeah--that makes more sense. But our company isn't in the business to make sense.

                  Personally, as soon as I start my shift I put out all the tills myself to avoid any catastrophes. I really don't care if corporate doesn't like it; I ignore most of the new rules anyway.


                  • #10
                    I count my drawer and do paperwork right after I log out of my machine at night. Sometimes I'll have to count 1st shift's drawer if they were told to skidaddle (such as corporate cutting hours again) but everthing's done in less than a half-hour anyways (And I clean up my store about a half hours before I close up, too, because I really like when people look at me and say "Oh! You're closing! Better get to check-out then!" then I have a nice 10 minute window before closing to just stand there and look pretty ).
                    Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                    Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                    • #11
                      I only did it once, and it was a in a complaint letter to corporate.

                      I worked at Quizno's in 1999-2000 (god I feel old).

                      I went to a Quizno's recently, and was told I couldn't make a combo out of a large sub. I made sure to mention that a)It wasn't like this when I worked for Quizno's b)I've done it before every time I had gone to a Quizno's and c)when I looked at my reciept I was given the combo price anyway because the computer does it automatically.

                      The complaint wasn't about this it was about the general lack of product knowledge/unproffessionalism in the store, and how I ended up paying for 2 drinks because the lady couldn't understand I wanted to pay extra for a large.

                      So it sometimes has merit, (i.e. hasn't changed in 9 years now, why didn't this person know that?) But you're right in the examples above, the people should have known better. Especially if they worked there.


                      • #12
                        You know, the only time I've ever used the "I used to work here" has been to commiserate with the employee over a particularly difficult customer or situation. Basically to empathize with them and let them know that others understand their suffering.
                        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                        • #13
                          in regards to the cash part... we only have one till at my store. It gets counted in the morning when the opener arrives. It gets counted when the second shift staff arrives (usually just me, or sometimes K. He never does it though, unless I do it for him). It gets counted again when said opener (B) clocks out. It gets counted when second shift clocks out and fourth shift clocks in. It gets counted yet AGAIN when 5th shift comes in to help with the dinner rush. And then counted when 5th shift clocks out (5th shift hours are between 3 and 5 hours long, depending on the day) and then... it gets counted AGAIN at the end of shift. So in all... it gets counted... *counts in head* about 10 times through the day.

                          In the last week or so (since the 2nd anyway!) we have always come up even. Before that, we could be anywhere between even or 60 under, depending on who was on-shift. Since W got fired, L left, K (Goomba!) wrote her horribly inept quit-note, and J (stinky BO guy) quit, we have never, not once, been short. Over, yes, but not short. That makes for a happy Munkie.
                          "FUCK NO I DON'T WANT YOUR FREAKY ALIEN MOTHERSHIP ORANGES. " - Cookiesaur

                          Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648


                          • #14
                            Quoth Retail Associate View Post
                            And you would have been totally justified in doing so.

                            (That's just my opinion, of course.)

                            . <-- Invisible period here
                            OT. What, if anything, does the invisible period represent?
                            Last edited by Ironclad Alibi; 07-16-2008, 12:20 AM.
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."

