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Inventory Night

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  • Inventory Night

    We do our own inventory. I actually like it, because it's not hard work, and the company goes all out and gets us a really nice, and HUGE, free lunch in exchange (and for 100 odd workers, that's really nice of them! We got bbq beef and chicken, potato and macaroni salad, baked beans, green beans, corn, cake, pie.... *drools* and I digress...)

    Well, normally our closing hours on Saturday is at 6pm. Now, usually we're very busy, so we close the door a little late and push people out around 6:30. On inventory night, we close the door right at 6, and "push" everyone out right after. No exceptions, because we need to get it done! We put people in every aisle, and walk up front, telling people they need to leave, not letting anyone pass until the store is empty, hence "push".

    Now, normally, no one cares. But inventory night, someone ALWAYS goes off, so they have all the supervisors and managers do it.

    SC: Excuse me, I need to get by.
    SUP: I'm sorry, sir, we are closed for the evening, you need to head to the front and check out.
    SC: You are NOT closed! I just got in the door!
    SUP: They must have closed it right after you. I am sorry, but we are closing down now, and you need to check out.
    SC: But I need my groceries NOW! I WANT A SUPERVISOR.
    SUP: I am a supervisor, and this is my manager.

    (This manager was standing with her at the time. He's a new manager, just came from another store. He's really cool, and everyone likes him here, but we're still not sure what to expect out of him on some situations.)

    Manager: I am sorry, sir, we are closed.
    Manager: We've only been open for 5 years, sir. You have a good evening.

    I about died laughing when the sup told me this story. Poor lady gets the short straw every inventory for dealing with SC's during the push. And new manager is definitely a new favorite.
    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey

  • #2
    Strangely, I used to enjoy doing inventory too. We actually had, in later years, a company caled REGiS doing the actual counting and computer entry, but someone from each area had to be there to deal with items that were tagless, and other problems, for hand-inventory.
    We USED to get good food, but that stopped fairly recently, with just pop and cookies being served during our short breaks. These were ALL NIGHT inventories too...I remember working till almost 3 AM one time. (we're talking about four floors of store...huge.)
    Still, inventory was fun if only for the folks I worked with. I kinda miss it.
    I no longer fear HELL.
    I work in RETAIL.


    • #3
      The only part I play in my store's inventories is pre-counting the backroom, which can be mentally taxing but is a nice change from all the grunt work I normally do.

      I only worked with the inventory crew once. Slowest night of work ever. All we did was sit around and wait for one of the inventory flunkies to bark out "SKU CHECK!" if something was missing a UPC.

      There was pizza that night, but I think it was only meant for the inventory crew. I snuck a few pieces anyway.

      EDIT: I almost forgot, I have to do reconciliation too, which is about as fun as smashing myself repeatedly in the manparts with a hammer.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Enjis View Post
        Strangely, I used to enjoy doing inventory too. We actually had, in later years, a company caled REGiS doing the actual counting and computer entry,
        We use RGIS, too. I've done my share of inventory. It's fun, the managers bring goodies - veggie trays, donuts, coffee, etc. - and they get us pizza and soda (last time I worked inventory I got to go with one of the managers to pick up the pizza).

        I love that in the comic strip Retail the inventory company is called EGRGIS. Which only someone who's worked with them is going to get.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          My company no longer uses RGIS. Instead we've been using a company called WIS for the past couple years.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            I've seen that sort of thing happen to us before on Inventory Day at the store.

            In fact, I may have shared this story before elsewhere on the boards, so if so, apologies for repeating myself.

            When these events happened, our store closed at 6pm on Sundays, but on special event days (Inventory Day or Employee Shopping Night), we closed at 5pm. We would have signs up for about a week to ten days prior to the day in question.

            This particular series of incidents happened in a year when the store had been picked to do a second inventory in January, after the holiday season, in addition to our normal summer inventory day.

            My friend Chris works the front door on these days, because he makes NO exceptions for anyone and WILL start yelling at you if you don't listen to him, and he will not apologize for it. Just the sort of hardass you need with some stupid or sucky customers that want to raise a fuss about our closing early.

            Inventory Day (January) -- ~5:25pm

            Chris: Sorry, sir, we're closed.
            SC: No you're not.
            Chris: Yes, sir, we are. *points to sign*
            SC: I thought you closed at six!
            Chris: We close early today because of store inventory.
            SC: But I called your store's number and it said your store hours were from ten to six!
            Chris: That was the recording, then.
            SC: Why didn't it tell me you were closed early?
            Chris: Probably because corporate handles the recordings.
            SC: Well, I need to buy something.
            Chris: I'm sorry, sir, but we've been closed for almost half an hour. All our cashiers are closing down.
            SC: I drove over an hour to get here!
            Chris: Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't let you in the store.

            At this point, the SC decides he's not going to let this stop him and walks into the store anyway, and Chris starts shouting almost immediately for him to stop, and summons the managers, who repeat the same message to the SC: "We're closed. Sorry you came all this way for nothing. Nothing we can do." The SC leaves, angry as hell.

            I'd seen all this happen because I was helping run interference at the door by checking receipts so we could get all the customers still in the store out. So I witnessed the whole thing.

            Inventory Day (August) ~5:20pm
            Again, I'm close enough to the door to see this go down, collecting the empty 5gal water jugs that customers return for their deposit.

            Chris: Sorry, sir, we're closed.
            SC: I thought you closed at six o'clock.
            Chris: Most Sundays, we do, but we have store inventory to do tonight.

            And what follows is almost exactly like the previous incident, and when I turn to watch, I realize that the SC is the SAME GUY. He goes through the same routine: he called the store number, the recording didn't say anything about our closing early, he'd driven an hour to get here, etc. etc. And just like the last time, he's turned away because all the registers have shut down.

            I'm thinking that either this guy is just having really bad luck when it comes to this sort of thing, or he's just doing this to be an ass, because he knows we're really busy with Inventory or whatever. I'm naturally inclined to believe that most people are not jerks (or at least I was back then), so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.


            Employee Shopping Night (November) ~5:20pm
            I'm finishing up at the front door, with Chris having worked the morning shift this particular day. One of the managers is helping dissuade more people from entering the store, as an FYI.

            J2K: Sorry, sir, we're closed.
            SC: But your sign says you close at six.
            J2K: *points to sign taped to door* We're closed early today for Employee Shopping Night.
            SC: What's that?
            J2K: We close early so our employees and their families can shop here and not have to worry about the holiday crowds.
            SC: I called your store's number and it didn't say anything about this.

            And now I recognize him again. I would love to call him out on the fact that this is the third time I've seen him in here doing this very same thing, but the manager who is at the door was the sort who would not be happy about my doing so. And besides, this type of SC will deny anything like what you're accusing them of, so I'd get nowhere.

            J2K: Yes, sir, they probably didn't change the recording. My manager *points* can handle any further questions you have.

            And I can hear him go through the whole routine again -- called the store line, drove over an hour to get here, etc. etc. And once again he's turned away.

            Once he's gone, and the line of customers leaving is dead, I turn to the manager.

            J2K: That guy? The "drove over an hour to get here" guy?
            M: Yeah?
            J2K: He's been in here before, doing that same story.
            M: Really?
            J2K: Swear to god. He showed up at BOTH of our two last inventories. Used the same story both times.
            M: Huh.
            J2K: We'll have to keep an eye out for him next inventory.

            He never showed up again on Inventory or Employee Shopping Night days -- or if he did, I didn't hear of it. But it was just one of those things that made me wanna snap 'cuz he was being difficult for being difficult's sake.
            PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

            There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


            • #7
              Quoth Nakajo View Post
              Manager: I am sorry, sir, we are closed.
              Manager: We've only been open for 5 years, sir. You have a good evening.

              *Had to add that extra touch....*
              Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 10-18-2008, 04:37 AM.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                YAY, I feel special.
                "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


                • #9
                  Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                  My company no longer uses RGIS. Instead we've been using a company called WIS for the past couple years.
                  Well, I.P., I have to tell you that your company made the right decision. WIS may cost a little more, but for your money you get a REAL inventory. RGIS will make up numbers and "sell" them to you. WIS will count and recount and audit and recount again until you are satisfied that the inventory is accurate. How do I know? Simple -- I used to be an Inventory Supervisor with WIS. We did get some employees come from RGIS and they told us about the "sell the number" attitude. I also ran some inventories that were previously done by RGIS and I can assure you the customers (store managers) were infinitely more pleased with our inventories than theirs.

                  Oh, and to your "flunkies" comment? Yeah, some of our inventory associates would flunk basic math -- but we weeded them out fast.

                  Stick with WIS, pay the extra fees, and you will save in the long run when it comes time to reconcile shrinkage!
                  I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6

