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Exact Change and Announcing Money

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  • #16
    I'm all for exact change if you have it. It can be frustrating if there's a long line behind you and you're digging around for that extra penny, but I see it as a good way to practice my patience.

    I don't know if this bugs the rest of you, but the one thing I cannot stand more than anything is if a person hands over a bill, say a 10, waits for the cashier to open the till, then announce, "Oh wait I think I have 16 cents" or whatever. Whenever I see it happen, it's like a flipshit switch goes off in my brain. If you think you have exact change, announce it before you've handed over your cash or the cashier has already started the process of counting out your change. Both as one who worked as a cashier and watching cashiers as a customer, sometimes it confuses the crud out of us. It interrupts the brain process of what I'm/they're doing, especially if you hand over an odd amount like a quarter when you owe 16 cents. Don't confuse the cashiers. It just causes pain for everyone. Besides, I know the till comes out to be the same whether or not you give exact change or recieve change back, but I hate entering an exact dollar amount then am suddenly handed over a bunch of change.

    I have no idea why, but it just infuriates me. It's almost irrational. Just thinking about it gets me annoyed.
    It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
    The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs


    • #17
      the only time I hated exact change was this total bitch who paid for a $200 sale in $1 /$2 coins

      she poured them out on to the counter (from a bag) and then stood there chatting with her friend while it took me at LEAST 10 minutes to count it all

      I really really disliked that bitch (thats the only word for someone who would do that). I called my manager about it and even though she asked me to take the coins, she reemed the lady out telling her we were NOT a bank and she would not be accepting coins in the quantity again.

      other than that, the stores I have worked at we were constantly running out of coins so any coins people had given me I was happy to have. We even used to "buy" change off customers it got so bad some times.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #18
        Quoth Chanlin View Post
        Like Texan I almost always hand the coins over first and say "That should be $0.XX amount" and then I will hand the bills over. I generally only announce the bills if I'm handing over more than one. For example if the amount is $25 I will then say "And that should be $25."
        Bolding mine, but I say the same thing. Also, I don't inflict exact coins unless I already have them in my hand for easy pickings.
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #19
          One time a lady came through in Drive-thru, ordered $20 worth of happy meals and cheeseburgers, and then paid in quarters. Yes, she handed me fifty quarters, which I then have to count. I would've liked to have killed her on the spot.
          "Warning: Do not climb inside this bag and zip it up. Doing so will cause injury and death." -- A label inside a protective bag (for fragile objects), which measures 15cm by 15cm by 12cm.


          • #20
            Call me anal retentaive, but I actually count my bills out to the cashier before handing it over to them. But then I've also been given waaaaay too much change back on several occasions too. I also face my bills (both before I hand them over and in my till at work).

            I don't mind getting exact or not exact change. To be honest, I'll take any change I can get because I'm constantly running short! Grrrr!

            These days though, I mostly use my credit card.
            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


            • #21
              I say "that should be X," too, if it's more than one or two bills, only because sometimes bills stick together or sometimes I miscount. Sometimes I'll give the change (usually if it's a small amount, or if it involves 1 or 2 pennies that I have) but I don't mind getting change back. Mostly I just know it's a pain when you have to count out 92 cents or whatever...the cafeteria at work and some grocery stores I frequent have the automatic change machines for the coins, though. When I get coins back, I don't put them in my wallet; I put them in my pocket and when I get ready for bed I toss all my change in a jar on my dresser. When it's full I take it to the counting machine at the bank; generally it holds around $80 or so, and it saves me an ATM transaction.
              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


              • #22
                Quoth Tauri.Sith View Post
                One time a lady came through in Drive-thru, ordered $20 worth of happy meals and cheeseburgers, and then paid in quarters. Yes, she handed me fifty quarters, which I then have to count. I would've liked to have killed her on the spot.
                Surely you mean EIGHTY quarters.


                • #23
                  Quoth Chromatix View Post
                  Surely you mean EIGHTY quarters.
                  Well, there's a reason why I failed elementary math. Too many numbers involved!
                  "Warning: Do not climb inside this bag and zip it up. Doing so will cause injury and death." -- A label inside a protective bag (for fragile objects), which measures 15cm by 15cm by 12cm.


                  • #24
                    Sometimes I'm like that, but I prefer paying with debit any more. My mom is a change-a-holic though. She always carries coins galore in her purse to where if the amount is $8.98, she'll dig around and look for ninety-eight cents instead of giving the guy a $10 bill and getting $1.02 back in change.

                    On the other hand, I once saw a lady at the store who was digging for exact change in her sock! She literally pulled off her sock and dug around for coins that her nasty-ass, fugusy, calloused, bunioned, crusted foot had contaminated. Yuck! And I don't think cashiers can refuse this, which is why I would never do that kind of job.


                    • #25
                      Never ask me, 1) I tend to give engineer change and 2) out of sheer show-off-ness I learned to count change the old fashioned way.


                      • #26
                        Our cash registers. like most these days, will tell you what the change is when you input what the customer gives you- thus eliminating the need for math. The first few places I worked had old-fashioned rudimentary cash registers that did not tell you the change, so I learned to give change by counting up- your total is $5.36 and you give me a $10 bill, I do the whole 4 pennies to $.40, a dime to $.50, two quarters to $6, and 4 one dollar bills to $10. I do the counting in my head of course, but it drives the girls at work crazy when I hand the client their change, THEN input their payment into the register and give them their receipt. (I have yet to have an unbalanced drawer in 5+ years at this job.) I've tried explaining it to them, I think it's a useful skill to have, but I just get the "But the register does it for us!" So I gave up.


                        • #27
                          I don't mind exact change at all. I used to love it when a customer had the exact total; it usually saved me from having to open a new roll of coin.

                          Any cashier who gives you a hard time about spending an extra sixty seconds to dig out a nickel makes me wonder whether they think they have somewhere else to be.
                          "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


                          • #28
                            I love the people with exact change. Because I'm lazy and that means I can just drop the cash in and slam the drawer (I always close the drawer before I give up the merchandice. I'm cracked like that).

                            I have learned to work super fast, though, and that a certain combo of coins makes up a certain number (but then again, I work in a dollar store, everything's the same bloody price so you get the same bloody amount in change back).
                            Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                            Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


                            • #29
                              If it's a small amount, like for coffee or something, I generally fan the bills a bit just so they're easy to see. For larger amounts I just have them arranged by amount since they often have to count it themselves anyway for security purposes. For change, I don't really carry much other than quarters these days unless I've already bought something since leaving home, and they're all in a little coil purse or in the wallet fold with my cash.


                              • #30
                                Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                                I love you.

                                Actually, at my store we aren't required to face the till, but the first place I worked was like that, and I'm neurotic.
                                I don't got time for that, I gotta get the money in the drawer and get to the next customer(speed is stressed at my store). if there is no next customer I still have to get it shut because my iph includes the time the drawer's open

                                I don't usually give out exact change, but that's because I save the change for play money, 'cause I usually don't miss a few cents.
                                me too. except my change just collects dust on my shelf, I'll probably deposit it sometime

                                luckily customers can't confuse me with their weird change tactics, I'm a human calculator(one of the cheap ones that only adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides) and I don't put the money in the drawer until the transaction is done. I get alot of people in the middle of counting out their change "oh, can I get *bills changed*?", so I tell them "yes, just a second"(my supervisors have money to bring me if I need it, so I do it if I can, if I can't comfortably I send them to the in- store bank)
                                Last edited by nomorecarts; 08-27-2008, 10:08 PM.

