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One of our crazy regulars hit a patron

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  • One of our crazy regulars hit a patron

    It was 15 min. after we opened. I hear running, I hear "grumble grumble bitch!" and I see a patron running toward the exit. I call out, "Keep you voice down!" as he runs out the door. The security guard and I look at each other but we are used to crazy people.

    Next thing I know a patron (never seen him before) came up to security and told the guard that that guy hit him (I think in the face). So forms are filed out, statements taken. I don't know if they called the police.

    Of course I tell all my co-workers about it. I described the regular, though I don't know him by name.

    Yeah, most of us librarians are worried about being assulted, so now we are really worried. Esp. about the crazy homeless people, which are a lot.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

  • #2
    Mr Fan - you make me wonder. Your posts always talk about the homeless that patronize your library. The homeless shelter/treatment facility where I do my internship has quite a few of our "clients" who, during the day, when they are not allowed to hang out at the shelter, they walk down to the library and hang out there or the "mall" in front of it. They hang there to get their afternoon sack lunch or they go to the library to - where I presume now - give you and your staff crap.

    This is very interesting. Because going to the library is encouraged by the shelter. People, if they would like to - can use the resources there (Internet) to help look for work. I don't know if the shelter ever considered how the library feels about this.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      I'm a chick. but if people want to shorten the name, it could be dmfan. Whatever works or is easy to type.

      Anyway, yes, a lot of homeless come in here. There are the quiet ones who go read magazines or books or play chess. Then there are the crazy ones, who can't articulate what they want and start yelling when you don't understand them; ones who smell like beer, or piss or sweat...of the past 20 years. there are ones who don't take their meds, ones who mumble and stuff.

      We had some series of brown-bag symposiums about the homeless. We had people who work with the homeless attend meetings.

      Mostly we librarians wouldn't care about the homeless being in here, because it is a nice place to stay cold or warm. People read books or other things and that's fine. But then when the homeless (and not homeless) disturb patrons, and us, then we don't want them in here.

      I'm sure once in a while the chief of the library or someone contacts homeless advocacy agencies, but besides giving us pamphlets and classes, it's not so cut and dry with what to do with the ones that disturb the public.

      Since working here the librarians weren't allowed to tell smelly people to leave. Even though our rules say "The following behaviors and activities are prohibited in the library builidings...Offensive bodily hygiene that contitues a nuisance to others."

      I feel our administration just doesn't want some advocacy group to get angry at us, so the admin. doesn't want us to do anything.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        Our security guard had to ask a smelly woman to leave the library before, but my understanding is that it has to get to the point where other patrons are complaining before the security guard or librarian-in-charge is allowed to ask that person to leave.
        Last edited by KellyHabersham; 08-20-2008, 10:18 PM.


        • #5
          Quoth KellyHabersham View Post
          Our security guard had to ask a smelly woman to leave the library before, but my understanding is that it has to get the point where many other patrons are complaining before the security guard or librarian-in-charge is allowed to ask that person to leave.
          Yeah, that's what admin. want. But you know, a lot of patrons don't want to "start something". They do feel bothered but instead of asking for help they just move or leave and never come back.

          I found out more info. on what happened today.

          The crazy guy borrowed a laptop from us, so we had his information. I really dont' know why he hit the boy, besides hitting his mouth and eye, but the boy's (ok, he was probably 18-22 years old) father is a cop. So he calls his father and it seems 3 police cars pulled up to our building. Granted, I never saw cop cars.

          Then I heard the crazy guy came in around 1pm, walked around a little, and left in less then 30 seconds.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.

