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  • Razors

    Do you guys have customers like this:
    Walks in and makes no effort to look for item.And then the jackass says Razors.Not excuse me or can you tell me where.Just razors. I mean I know they look at us as non human but come on.

  • #2
    Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
    Do you guys have customers like this:
    Walks in and makes no effort to look for item.And then the jackass says Razors.Not excuse me or can you tell me where.Just razors. I mean I know they look at us as non human but come on.

    *Sigh* All the time.

    I keep getting people who just point at me rudley to get me to walk up to my register as they are walking up. Its almost as bad a someone asking me if "I'm open." No, dumbass, I'm just standing here for my health.

    My only hope is that one day they poke themselves in the eye with their own finger.
    "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,


    • #3
      Damn, I'm disappointed.

      When I saw the title, I thought this would be funny. The "point and laugh at the poor sod that brought harm unto himself by acting stupidly" kind of funny. So disappointing.

      But I sincerely feel for you. This is very rude behavior.
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        Had a guy come in to my store and hold up a peice of RAM for a computer. I asked him if I could help him and all he did was grunt.

        I asked him if he needed more ram like it and he grunted

        I asked him if he needed to replace the ram and he grunted

        I asked him if he had purchased it from us, it failed and he needed us to run a return (say it with me boys and girls) and he grunted.

        Now not understanding lowland gorilla I was confused as to what this semi-evolved siman wanted. I again asked if he could explain what ne needed and he blew up in my face.

        "God Damnit! How [smurf]ing hard is it to get me three more gigs of this shit! Jesus you're an idiot!"

        My boss walked over and told me to go on I stormed out of the store and over to the Arby's, cursing and ranting to the universe at large. This bastard had me so mad I honestly felt like I could have lept over the counter and eviserated him with my bare hands and teeth.

        I stayed there until the boss called me on my cell phone and told me to come back, and to bring him the receipt so he could pay for my lunch.

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          When I was working in the retail stores, I used to love messing with customers whenever they gave me one word greetings. Like so:

          Me: Hey there, how can I help you?
          SC: CDs!
          Me: Music!
          SC: ...CDs?
          Me: ...DVDs?
          SC: you work here?
          Me: *points to the nametag and colorful, red attire*
          SC: Umm well can you tell me where blank CDs are?
          Me: Oh, I'm sorry! I thought we were playing one of those 'one-word association' games. They're on aisle 5.
          SC: Oh...thanks?

          I always got a kick out of that one until my manager caught me doing which he then laughed his ass off. After that, I got a kick out of watching my manager do it to customers too.
          Some people are like slinkies,
          They don't really serve a purpose,
          But they still bring a smile to your face
          When you push them down the stairs.


          • #6
            They used to do that at Kinkos. Usually just grunt out a name or something at me. I'd look at them and just say, "Okay." And unless they decided to act like they had some damn sense, I'd move on to the next guy with a quickness.

            Ever been in a slammed Kinko's? There's no time to play games in there.


            • #7
              ALL the time. They'll walk in the door and without moving their eyes to scan a very small area to find what they want they'll stand there and just say, "Ice!" "Milk" and my favorite "Tylenol" (Sorry, I beat you to them).

              "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


              • #8
                I love the ones who bark out a single word and then make you play twenty questions to figure out what the heck they actually want... which they NEVER know!

                SC: Dog Food!
                Me: OK, what kind? (side note - we carry twenty brands, with 2-15 varieties in each!)
                SC: I don't know, just normal food!
                Me: Um, OK, do you recall the brand?
                SC: blue bag! (this does not narrow it down very much, but it helps a little bit)
                ME: OK, what kind of dog do you have? Is he a puppy, a senior, large or small breed?
                SC: Why is this so complicated???!

                And nine times out of ten, when I finally do get the brand they've been buying before, the SC then says, "But I want to change his food."



                • #9
                  Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                  "God Damnit! How [smurf]ing hard is it to get me three more gigs of this shit! Jesus you're an idiot!"

                  My boss walked over and told me to go on I stormed out of the store and over to the Arby's, cursing and ranting to the universe at large. This bastard had me so mad I honestly felt like I could have lept over the counter and eviserated him with my bare hands and teeth.

                  I stayed there until the boss called me on my cell phone and told me to come back, and to bring him the receipt so he could pay for my lunch.


                  That's nice from your boss. It's good to see that some do care for their employees.

                  Had it been me in your place, I would have eviscerated him with the sheer tone of my voice.

                  "How [smurf]ing hard indeed, when you only expressed yourself with mere grunts more fitting of some simian creature now extinct rather than of a Homo Sapiens. I am indeed an idiot for asking you questions and expecting you to actually answer them so I can help you, when obviously I should have read your mind, since I am obviously not worthy of your words. That said, you can take that 'shit' of yours and try to get some more elsewhere, for I can't remember any 'shit' being in our catalog. You have a good day, sir."
                  "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                  • #10
                    If they ask me something like "Milk?" then I'd say.."Well, what about it?" I figure if they're gonna be rude about it then i can return the favor.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                      If they ask me something like "Milk?" then I'd say.."Well, what about it?" I figure if they're gonna be rude about it then i can return the favor.
                      My response would be "It does a body good!"
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        i had a similar experience as this, but my responces got me fired (hated the job so didnt matter too much)

                        Me: Hey there, how can I help you?
                        SC: CDs!
                        Me: Cheerios!
                        SC: what?

                        my manager caught me before i could respond and fired me on the spot. i know i deserved that one, but it felt sooooo good, they closed that store 6 months later. i had moved on to bike assembly by then.
                        This is a drama-free zone; violators will be slapped. -Irving Patrick Freleigh
                        my blog:


                        • #13
                          Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
                          Do you guys have customers like this:
                          Walks in and makes no effort to look for item.And then the jackass says Razors.
                          Maybe you were supposed to apply them. To his inner arm. Then your own. See? You just ruined his suicide pact. tsk.


                          • #14
                            You folks are LUCKY! About half of the ones who come into the hardware store have no idea what they're looking for is actually called.
                            We have to get good at interpreting their hand gestures, stilted descriptions, and still almost always have to ask, "What does it do?" or "What are you trying to do?"
                            It is not really SC behavior. We know that it's pretty arcane knowledge and in many cases the things we sell go by various regional terms, especially among plumbing and electrical contractors.
                            "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
                            -Eric Foreman That 70's Show

