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Cashier Rants

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  • Cashier Rants

    You are not a rockstar in the grocery line.

    I don't know what was up with this guy, but he was in my line, with dark shades on, shoulder length hair, a wifebeater, and would not say a word to me. Which is fine, I'm becoming less offended by people who don't say hi back, because chances are I don't want to listen to them anyway. But this dude flings a 100 dollar bill onto the counter, arrogant as f*** and just stares. I wonder what would happen if he had thrown it on the floor and by accident it was swept under my register, never to be seen again. How long would Too Sexy For My Money be cool then.

    I don't care how people pay, unless I don't have enough cash in my drawer. If you give me a hundred, for something that cost 7 bucks, and I have tens and fives, but no twenties, guess what you're getting? And no, you don't have the right to complain; ask for your money in a lower denomination next time you're at the bank. This is a different guy, but after I gave him what I had, he was all pissy with me, “There's a reason I carry around hundred dollar bills!” Is that reason to inconvenience every cashier you run into when you buy piddly items?

    Try reading the screen before you call me out on my grievous mistakes.

    I touched on this last time, with the various ways our sales ring up. Sometimes, items will ring up at their original price, and then take off money right under that price. This woman thinks I'm charging her twice. And she does this on every item that rings up that way. She can't shut the hell up for a second and read the screen entirely, she has to think I'm making a mistake first.

    Put a bar between your items.

    I don't understand why people don't use the bars that distinguish their items from someone else's items. This is an especially common mistake in the express checkout. No one uses the bars. o_O What the hell. And then they get all pissy because I'm putting someone else's items on their tab. Do they not see the bars? Do the bars need LED lights embedded into them now?

    Don't get in line without your complete purchase.

    'Oh, I have one more item, he's coming.' is not an excuse, is not justification, is in no way acceptable for holding up my line. If I have no one in my line but your lovely self, then yes, we'll wait. If I have five people, and your item is no where to be seen, we are not waiting. If you are perusing the candy section or the magazines and I've already rung up all your items, it is time to stop perusing and GTFO.

    I cannot sell you eight stamps.

    They come in a book. A book of twenty. I cannot break that book up. Repeating to me that you only need eight is not going to change the fact that come in twenty packs. Go to the post office.

    What is it with people coming to the Everything store to buy items and then complain about said items, when there is clearly an actual establishment that creates these items in excellent quality, not just mediocre, and that that is their sole purpose in life and people don't go there. Instead they come to the mediocre grocery store, not the Single Purpose in Life store, to complain that these items are not up to their snuff. Yes, it's cheaper at the Everything store, but you also get what you pay for. Don't go buying funeral flowers or a wedding bouquet at the grocery store. Off to the florist with you.

    Do not tell me the price of the item you're buying when I cannot find the UPC code.

    The price does not help me. I need a code. Or a manager's override. Generally the code comes first, and the manager is everything's gone to hell, last resort. People do this a lot with produce items. I do not need to know that your peaches are a buck 78 a pound. That does not help.

    SCs like to give a lot of completely useless information. This is pretty much all around, no matter what the problem is. They think they're being helpful, but more often than not, it's distracting.

    Somethings that don't bother me.

    Exact Change. - I get off work at the same time no matter how long it takes anybody to count out 17 pennies from the bottom of their purse. I tell them this, when they keep apologizing profusely.

    People who don't respond to my automatic greeting. - It's automatic. If they don't acknowledge me, the chances are they are not worth the additional acknowledgment I have to give them if they do respond. A lot of the people who do respond are also nitpicky SCs. Not all of them, mind you, but I rarely have a nitpicker give me the silent treatment.

    Large orders. - It really depends on the customer, how pleasant this experience is going to be. Since I'm new-ish, the large orders give me a way to measure my bagging speed. Of course, if they have their own bags and a large order we have a different story. I'm really trying to stop glaring at people who bring their own bags. Really, I am. My only complaint is that it destroys my speed. And somehow... the people who use them tend to be snobby and huffy. Though there are some special people out there, who offer to help out and bag their items, when they bring their own bags. I <3 those people.

    Well, that's my rant for tonight. It helps relieve a lot of the bad vibes that build up over the day. ^_^ I'm happy this place exists.
    Last edited by Jory; 09-05-2008, 08:49 AM.

  • #2
    glad to have ya aboard! gratz on getting that rant off; sounds like you needed it!
    Your true character is who you are when no one is looking.


    • #3
      Cashiers do usually greet me over here, but I usually just nod at them (or in their general direction). I want to get my stuff on the belt and paid for, not to pass the time of day in a language I don't even understand properly.

      (Given the quality of American "edumacation", I think that goes for at least some of your typical customers, too!)


      • #4
        Yeah, not to say that all my quiet customers are lame. When I'm in the line, it's kinda like in and out and on with life. Automatic Q&A at the most basic level.

        I've lost track a few times though. I say hi, they say hi, then a few items later I say hi again. ^_^;; My mind just went on auto-play.


        • #5
          I should also say that in Europe, "baggers" are not very common. I think most places will find someone to help if you need it, or sometimes the cashier will help if they end up waiting for you, but in general you are expected to do it yourself. And in Finland, you are expected to re-use your bags, or buy new ones.


          • #6
            Heh, I had a customer and his wife come through my line, and as they were leaving the woman said in a huffy voice, "I guess we have to bag our own groceries now." Because I didn't bag their ice. It's in a bag already, and an additional bag doesn't do much, since bags of ice are pretty big. I think they walked off without grabbing any additional bags, so the whole thing didn't make sense.

            At the old grocery store I worked at, there were specific employees for bagging. But the current employer doesn't have that. So I get to enjoy people hovering over me, watching how I bag stuff, with their standard non-negotiable bitching. yay.

