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Uncommon Sense (Somewhat long)

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  • Uncommon Sense (Somewhat long)

    So this to me just makes sense, so I already know it must not be allowed, but damn people have no sense sometimes.

    Small background, I work for a Prepaid Cellular Service provider. One of my many responsibilities is to handle LNP requests. LNP, or local number portability is the process by which you are able to change phone service providers but keep the same phone number.

    So I frequently get situations where the original service provider will ask us for some piece of information to authorize the account, or a piece we provided is wrong. For example the account number, or account password/ or pin code.

    Almost inevitably when confronted with this information the customer will ask "What should I do?"

    To which I inevitably respond "If you aren't sure of what the information they are requesting should be, your bes bet is to contact your current provider and ask them."

    Now at this point you think people would say ok and do just that, but no, this wouldn't be a post if the story ended here. No most often people will either repeat the questions of "What should I do" or will go on to insist that they don't have an account number or whatever they are being asked to provide, some will go so far as to insist that we or their current provider are trying to give them a hard time. Some will insist we try random guesses, to which I will indulge one guess, but after that for the love that all that is holy and good in this world JUST CALL THEM ALREADY!!!!!

    [Sarcasm]Why no this isn't a sticking point for me, not at all why do you ask?[/sarcasm]

  • #2
    The sad thing is that they arn't sure of the most basic info., like their name.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.

