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Submitted for your approval, is it a full moon this week?

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  • Submitted for your approval, is it a full moon this week?

    Here are some High(?) lights for this week in the wonderful world of LP. Note all of these happened in my really ghetto store, really really ghetto store.

    1. Have a VERY Large Man do a pick up and return he's about 5'7 300+ pounds. We have been trying to get this guy for weeks. He walks in without anything and we get him on camera picking up a couple of boxes of shoes. He then circles around and goes up front and returns them. Lo and behold I and a manager stop him with his store credit and ask him to return to the store. Does he come back nicely? Silly rabbit Now I'm not in the best shape I'm "fluffy" as my husband calls it. But if need be I can run. Big Boy not so much, he makes it half way across the parking lot where he collapses. We call the cops and paramedics. Big Boy goes to the hospital and jail.

    2. Young man wearing the uniform of the wanna be's baggy pants, a Sean John shirt, sideways hat. He steals from us and tries to run, well his pants are baggy, real baggy they fall down. He's commando and I, my boss and two old ladies get a view of his wedding tackle. Not much to report on there

    3. Blonde Tweeker lady comes in and conceals a whole lot of merchandise in her big purse I go to stop her she shoves me and tries to take a swing. I avoid the blow and go to restrain her she is struggling and my hand slips and I grab the first thing I can which is her hair (I don't normally go for that,) well as the adrenaline is pumping I realize I have something in my hand a LARGE pile of blonde hair in my hand. She was wearing a wing but according to the Store Manager who had came out to help me the look on my face was priceless I thought I'd scapled her.

    I think I stop now and add more later. Enjoy!

  • #2
    Wow. People are stupid...and scary. I always have a great deal of respect for LP. Stay safe.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      I love that you call his Charlie Brown "wedding tackle". Can I steal this and use it?

      However, on another note, I am so sorry that people think you're going to miss a blatent act of stupidity. Yikes.
      check out my new blog!!!!

      feel free to comment/send me the links to your blog!


      • #4
        wedding tackle is a pretty common phrase round here.
        That and family jewels. Lovely phrases.


        • #5
          oh, btw, yes I do believe it is a full moon this week, which oddly other than it being busy hasn't effected the hotel much.

          Oh and please say saggers going commando isn't going to be a new style... it's bad enough looking at their underwear, looking at the ass may be too much
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

