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The ten lines you just don't want to hear

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  • The ten lines you just don't want to hear

    I'm a cashier/bagger at a grocery store. Good times.

    10. "Hi (my name)"

    This one just annoys me, we wear nametags with our names on them. I don't know why customers feel a need to address you by name as if they know you. Not really sucky just annoys me for some reason.

    9. "You look bored"

    Actually I was enjoying a nice break until you showed up.

    8. "Why do you _____?"

    Look, I work in the front end, I don't know crap about why this was on sale one week and not the next, or why they stopped selling the scooby doo cookie mix or why there aren't enough carts, take it up with the management if you have a legitimate complaint.

    7. "Damn, I actually forgot my money at home, is there any way to keep the order?"

    This one isn't really sucky, it can be legit, but it's just a real pain, for customer and employee alike. We can't hold orders, they have to be canceled out and redone later. Also if they have to run out to their car and get it. What's worse is when customers wait until the entire order has been run through, then they give you the club card, THEN they run out to their car. They should just tell you they're going to then do it.

    6. "Are you open?" Am I open? Let's see.

    Four things are required for a register to be open.
    1. A cashier is standing at the register
    2. The light is on
    3. The sign is turned so that the closed is facing you
    4. There is no blockade of the register

    Customers actually only need one of these before they head in your direction. I have seen people with like two things go around a blockade and ignore sign and light, but since a cashier was still there, that's enough apparently. Or I've actually just shut my light off and left and a customer still came in right afterwards. I was heading off to break and they were like "hey aren't you going to serve me" and I'm like no sorry I'm closed, but I was closed and had left before she even got there. Fortunately someone took over that register right then.

    5. "Isn't that supposed to be ____?"

    90% of price issues arise from the fact that the sale price is not shown, but it is automatically deduced when the club card is scanned. It just shows the item at regular price with an "A" next to it. It's understandable if people ask about this, it can be confusing, especially for non-regular shoppers. Where the issue arises is when there's no A. Meaning it isn't on sale and either someone didn't change a sign or the customer is just stupid and can't tell what's on sale and what isn't. This is the more polite way to ask about an incorrect price, and often resolved better.

    4. "That's not right, it's supposed to be ___"

    This is the above one's potentially rude (depends on tone of voice) counterpart. When a customer demands the price is incorrect, it can go two different ways. Sometimes they just say forget it I'm not paying that much for it, I don't want it, but the more persistent ones defend that they are indeed correct. Needs someone to price check. About 70% of the time the customer is just looking at the wrong thing, but often the signs aren't changed, and they ALWAYS complain about that. Sometimes they put the signs up late Saturday or leave them up Sunday morning, and we get the blame for it, along with everything else.

    3. "I must have that penny somewhere"

    The classic "old lady" line, and they always seem to have a ton of change. I personally love the ones where for example the bill is $20.27 and they have the 20 and a dime and a nickel or two and maybe a penny oh darn I don't have enough here I'll just give you a $100. Or some people just throw a whole pile of change on the belt and expect you to pick out 42 cents.

    2. Me: Hi, how are-"How much is this/this better ring up right/this is on sale and I know it/blagh blagh i'm annoying i should just shut up"

    I HATE interrupting customers. Hate them. They always demand something or shove something in your face immediately. Or sometimes they will do this while you're still on the previous order, maybe waiting for the card to go through or something and just glancing in the general direction of the line. Even worse are the customers who move their cart up when the customer being served is bagging, and then everyone else in line moves down, and the current customer still has to come back and pay. Give people some space, and stop interrupting.

    1. "Do you have any more of these in the back?"

    No. We don't. You can go look yourself if you want. Actually please don't, you aren't allowed there.
    Last edited by joetheman; 10-19-2008, 04:17 AM.

  • #2
    11. This is cheaper at [fill in competitor here].

    I hate that. If you know it's cheaper elsewhere, then buy it there. Price-matching is a pain in the ass.

    12. That's ridiculous!!!11!!!

    As we all know, this is what an SC will often say when confronted with any reasonable response from an employee that happens to be contrary to their unreasonable expectations.

    13. Oh you're kidding!

    See above.

    14. Are you serious?

    See above. Often heard when informing a customer that the item they seek is out of stock or discontinued.

    15. Look, I just want/all I want is [fill in impossible/unreasonable/illegal thing here].

    Said in an effort to make their request seem simple and reasonable, when it usually isn't.

    16. Do you work here?

    Bonus points when you are in full uniform.

    Double bonus points if you are in full uniform, but clearly NOT the uniform of the establishment you're in.

    Extra Life if you're not in uniform AND not in the store you work at.

    17. Why is this so expensive??!!

    Usually uttered my someone buying the cheapest ink cartridges on the market.

    18. You guys keep jacking up the price!!!!

    99% of the time, the price hasn't changed in months, even years, on the item in question.

    19. Can I get a discount?

    Most often asked when a customer is buying low-margin items.

    Bonus points if they are wearing flashy jewelry or driving an expensive car.

    20. [When the store has just closed]. I just need one thing/I'll be quick.

    NEVER true. NEVER.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.


    • #3
      oh haha I forgot one. often a customer hands you a whole bunch of coupons and then one or two don't work and you ask them did you buy this and they're like oh no, that's right you didn't have any

      they always feel the need to add a dumb comment like that, also they often add "(competitor store) never runs out". then please do shop there and leave us alone.


      • #4
        Quoth joetheman View Post
        9. "You look bored".
        "And YOU look dumb enough to actually think that comment is clever, original and cute."
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5
          The "Are you open one?" bugs me the most because even though you are standing there placidly with your light on unobstructed that still question you but when your light is off and there is a "This Register is Closed" sign they still try to throw their crap on the belt.


          • #6
            21. Do you need my club card?

            um, no. I have one of my own. But you might need yours.

            22.(along the same line as you look bored)
            You look lonely.

            Thanks! So do you!

            23. Did my discounts come off?

            See those minuses there, those are discounts.

            24. (tap tap tapping on the debit screen) Why isn't this working!?!

            Because you put your groceries waaaay down there on the belt and they havent even made it to me yet so that I can start the transaction!

            25. Those sodas are 2 cases for $6.00! Why is my total so high?

            Um, here in Oregon, there is a deposit on sodas.

            26. Do you work here?

            27. Why are potatoes so expensive now?!?

            Didn't you hear? They are the new gas.

            Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


            • #7
              I work at the Customer Service Desk and one thing I hate to hear is, "If something rings up wrong at Kroger they give you the item free!" Yeah, well we are NOT Kroger and all we do it adjust it to the correct price...that is why our prices are lower than Kroger! But if that policy is so important to at freakin' Kroger!


              • #8
                Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                16. Do you work here?

                Bonus points when you are in full uniform.

                Double bonus points if you are in full uniform, but clearly NOT the uniform of the establishment you're in.

                Extra Life if you're not in uniform AND not in the store you work at.
                you forgot Instant Win if you are in full uniform, with name badge, answering the phone, working on a computer, in an Employee's Only area (gotten that a few times at the hotel)

                oh and

                28. why doesn't the breakfast come with more
                ... um, because it's FREE... you are getting MORE than what you paid for, so don't complain

                29. do you make these cookies from scratch
                why yes, I spend all my days off at home baking cookies for the hotel...

                30. can't I get a smoking room
                ... sure thing... you can just ignore that huge sign behind me saying "this facility is 100% non smoking" (I know, that might help my stalkers find me)

                31. where is you're elevator
                umm, we're a 25 year old, two star, two story hotel... and you think we have an elevator ... oh wait, you were serious.

                I'm sure I have more... those are just the ones I can think of.
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  32. After hearing "911 - what's your emergency" Well, this isn't an emergency, but...
                  Yeah, yeah, I know. I've heard it all... There's a city number, plus a non-emergency number we gave you last time you called. In fact, we also gave it to you about 20 minutes ago... how about you use that one?

                  33. From an officer: Is Stateside down? (Our way to pull up all the warrants/vehicle/person information)
                  Us: Yeah, it'll be down til XXXX time.
                  Officer: Okay, run this for me, then.
                  No... just no. Did you not hear me say it's down? If it's down for you, it's down for us too... you know this. it's all the same system. Why must you torment us like this!

                  There's more, but my hand hurts for some reason...
                  Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


                  • #10
                    I'm also a cashier at a grocery store. Some pet peeves:
                    - "Oh; I just forgot one thing." It happens (a lot), and if you can grab it without holding up the line then by all means do so; if you can't, please pay for your items so I can help the people behind you.
                    - Old people irritated by new technology. Example #1: We've started processing checks electronically; the machine verifies the account and deducts the amount automatically. (Pretty cool, though it also takes 3 times as long and requires a second signature approving the electronic transaction.) You can imagine explaining this to some folks. So much anger and confusion: "I've never heard of that in my life!" "I have the money in my account!" "Is this going to make it easier for people to steal my identity??" Example #2: Electronic pens. We started using them fairly recently. Some of the elderly are baffled by this technology.
                    Customer: "It's not working." *presses harder*
                    Me: "Well you have to-"
                    Customer: *presses even harder*
                    Me: "No ma'am, don't press too hard you might break i-"
                    (I respect older people and try to give them the benefit of the doubt; and in fairness, I'm sure I'll be confounded by some fabulous new technology in supermarkets of the future which enables you to pay with your nose.)
                    - Young people who pay with crinkled up dollar bills.
                    - Any people who throw/toss their money at you or on the counter. You're either spending too much or not enough time at the casino.
                    - My biggest pet peeve is people who are in a hurry. They often behave like tailgaters in traffic, following too close to the car in front of them. Newsflash: Sticking your money into my face while I'm waiting for the previous customer's receipt to print isn't helping matters.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Applerod View Post
                      Example #2: Electronic pens. We started using them fairly recently. Some of the elderly are baffled by this technology.
                      Customer: "It's not working." *presses harder*
                      Me: "Well you have to-"
                      Customer: *presses even harder*
                      Me: "No ma'am, don't press too hard you might break i-"
                      keep them away from SLCCU... they now have a security thing where it doesn't show you the signature until after you finish signing... I'm sure they would have fun with that...
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #12
                        34. Why is petrol so expensive? Why are you constantly putting the price up?
                        Yeah, that's right. I control all petrol prices and I love to put them up just to torment you. I have to buy petrol too, dingus. The price goes up cuz the price of oil goes up, and the petrol companies control it, not the stations. And definitely not me.

                        35. Why does my petrol always have an extra penny on the end?
                        Cuz you put it there. We check our pumps regularly to make sure that they are working properly, so it's not the pump. It's you. So just pay the extra penny and stop whining.

                        36. Why did you not turn my pump on?
                        Well, you were smoking, on a mobile and waving the hose around your head while dancing a jig. Not really, but this question really bugs me, cuz every single time we don't authorise a pump, it's cuz someone is breaking the rules which are in clear view on every pump. If we have a spare person, we will go out and tell the person so, but sometimes like when the entire world is buying petrol, we can't do this. If we use the tannoy, for some reason it seems to turn a regular SC into a super SC. O.o

                        37. Mobile phones aren't dangerous around petrol pumps. I saw it on Top Gear/Science Abuse/Other TV programme.
                        That as may be, but the aforementioned petrol station rules clearly state that you are not allowed to use your phone on the forecourt. Until the rules change, you still have to turn your damn phone off.
                        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                        My DeviantArt.


                        • #13
                          Quoth batmoody View Post

                          23. Did my discounts come off?

                          See those minuses there, those are discounts.
                          Oops, I did this one once, but in all fairness, I did LOOK for the minuses on the screen first! I didn't see any, so I asked!

                          Quoth Fenrus View Post
                          32. After hearing "911 - what's your emergency" Well, this isn't an emergency, but...
                          Yeah, yeah, I know. I've heard it all... There's a city number, plus a non-emergency number we gave you last time you called. In fact, we also gave it to you about 20 minutes ago... how about you use that one?
                          When I lived in an apartment, I called many a time about the neighbors breaking the noise ordinance. They had their stereo/tv up so loud that I could not hear normal conversation in MY apt with all the doors and windows shut, and it was after 11pm. Every time, I'd call the non-emergency number. Every time, I'd get transferred to 911.

                          Quoth Applerod View Post
                          I'm sure I'll be confounded by some fabulous new technology in supermarkets of the future which enables you to pay with your nose.
                          We pay through the nose now...won't be much different.
                          Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                          • #14
                            Quoth joetheman View Post
                            4. "That's not right, it's supposed to be ___"

                            This is the above one's rude counterpart. When a customer demands the price is incorrect, it can go two different ways. Sometimes they just say forget it I'm not paying that much for it, I don't want it, but the more persistent ones defend that they are indeed correct. Needs someone to price check. About 70% of the time the customer is just looking at the wrong thing, but often the signs aren't changed, and they ALWAYS complain about that. Sometimes they put the signs up late Saturday or leave them up Sunday morning, and we get the blame for it, along with everything else.
                            Not necessarily rude, since there's a third way it can go. I was in Safeway last week and ran into a rather strange computer glitch.

                            The normal price for a 12-pack of cans of Pepsi (any flavor) was $5.99. The sale price was buy 2 at regular price and get 2 free. I had four 12-packs, all Pepsi.

                            The price total (after swiping store card but before sales tax) for the soda was $23.96. "That's not right, it's supposed to be ______" isn't sucky when the price actually IS wrong.

                            (Somehow, one of the flavors was incorrectly entered into the computer as not part of the sale, and despite the other three 12-packs being covered, the one that wasn't somehow negated the sale price. If the one 12-pack wasn't covered by the sale price, the total should have been $17.97, not $23.96).


                            • #15
                              No, those exact words aren't necessarily rude, it's the way they say it.

