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if you refuse to give me info i cant help you!

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  • if you refuse to give me info i cant help you!

    So, if i could ever wish death apon somebody it was this woman.

    me- banging my head this entire call.
    SC- has no clue.
    SC1-the first lady.

    italics are my thoughts

    me-opening speel
    sc1-I am a (my company name) member and I need roadside assistance

    what a shock!

    I get her name and then she passes me off to the other person.

    Me- do you have the address where the vehicle is located?
    SC- 123 meh street, big city, il
    Me-and is that where the vehicle is located?
    SC-oh noo
    Me-and where is the vehicle?
    SC-im on the highway.
    me-which highway?
    me.- and what city are you in?
    sc- im not in a city im on the highway.
    me. ok what city are you closest to?
    sc- silly tnow
    me- i cant find that city, can you spell it for me?
    sc- S-i-l-l-y-t-n-o-w.
    me-so sillytown?
    sc- agryly no its s-i-l-l-y-t-o-w-n!
    i hate you.

    me- ok what street are you at?
    sc- county road 409.

    note that 409 does not cross 29 within 3 counties on either side of silly town.

    me- how far away are you from silly town?
    SC- i am a mile north of silly town.

    note on map there is only one road anywhere near one mile north of silly town.

    Me- could that be county road 665?
    SC- i dont know its a mile north!

    I spot to this location and notate what she says.

    me- and what is wrong with the vehicle?
    SC- i dont know.

    what did the wheels fall off, is it on fire, did aliens abduct it? is it cut in half?

    Me- did it just stall while driving?
    SC- i think so.


    Me- we have ot approved repair places in 20 miles. do you have a place in mind to have your vehicle towed to?
    Me-............and where is it that you want your vehicle towed to?
    SC- oh diffrent city........
    Me- .......where in diffrent city?
    sc- oh danny's

    not there is no danny's in diffrent city.

    me- i am not seeing danny's address.
    SC of it is spelled dani if that is any help.

    note no dani either.

    why me???

    me-Do you know what the cross for 29 is in diffrent city?

    note 29 and beach never cross in that city.

    its been 2 hours and i am still annoyed.
    My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....

  • #2
    You don't need to wish death. If Darwin was right, she'll get herself killed on her own. Hopefully before she procreates.
    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

    Who is John Galt?
    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


    • #3
      Quoth taxguykarl View Post
      Hopefully before she procreates.
      In which case, she gets an appropriately named award!

      Bless these internets :P

