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You're telling me it's illegal to make money!! (2 tales in 1)

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  • You're telling me it's illegal to make money!! (2 tales in 1)

    Oh boy am I glad to don't work in the Copy and Print Center.

    No, this isn't a story about someone trying to counterfeit money.

    Because our staffing levels are overabundant , we had no one to cover the copy center when the girl there had to take her 30 minute lunch break except for Chrissy, our Inventory Associate. She used to work CPC, but because of the remodel she didn't know where anything was in the CPC anymore, so she quickly fell behind and paged for any available associate to come help.

    I responded to the call, thinking maybe she had someone who needed help in self-serve, or with shipping a package. That I can do; and sort of full-serve copy center stuff I can't do because I'm not trained on it.

    She had about four customers over there, all of whom needed full service help. Honestly, I'm not sure what Chrissy expected any of us to do, since there was no one else trained on CPC in the building, but I did manage to make this guy his copies (he only wanted 15 double sided copies made, easy enough to figure out).

    Next two customers turned out to be a husband and wife, and they wanted to know about a book they were having bound. That I can't help with because I haven't a clue about that sort of thing. I apologize and tell them that they will have to wait for Chrissy.

    Sucky Husband demands to speak with the "other girl who was here," the one who is currently on her lunch break.

    Me: I'm sorry sir, but she's on break right now.

    SH: Well when I worked here.....

    Yeah, BULLSHIT you worked here. I've never seen you before in my life.

    SH:....I never took a break THIS long!!

    Yeah, BULLSHIT. You have no idea how long she's been gone, and neither do I.

    Me: I'm sorry sir, but she's on a 30 minute lunch break right now, and I don't know how much longer she has.

    SH: Well then go back there, get her OFF break and up HERE to help me!!

    EW much?

    Me: Sir, she's on a legally mandated break, and I can NOT take her off it.

    SH: Oh! LEGALLY MANDATED now, is it?!?!

    Me: Yes sir, under State of New Hampshire labor laws.

    At this point, an outside line call for my department is ringing back, so I ignored this doucherocket and picked up the call on the CPC phone.

    While I'm on the call, I can hear SH talking loudly to his wife making comments.

    SH: It's ILLEGAL to help people these days!

    SH: It's LEGALLY MANDATED to sit on your keester and do no work!

    SH: No wonder the economy is bad!

    Eventually I had to put the call on hold and walked away from the CPC.

    SH: So you're telling me it's illegal to make money, eh?

    Me: No sir, that's NOT what I said.

    SH: YES YOU DID! That's EXACTLY what you said! I heard you say it.

    Me *now halfway across the store and calling back over my shoulder*: NO SIR, I did NOT say that! YOU said it!

    Right then, the CPC girl returned from her break and went to help SH and his wife.

    Oh, and the kicker? They were in at 11AM to pick up a job they'd been told would not be finished any earlier than noon.

    And on a side note, the call that I took in the middle of dealing with SH was a doozy in itself. It was a guy who claimed to have undergone knee surgery and was unable to walk. He wanted me to set aside two dozen Sharpie markers at the front counter for him. Why he selected the electronics department for that instead of Office Supplies is beyond me.

    Me: Sure, I can do that. No problem.

    SC: So when I get there I'll just beep the horn and you'll bring them out.

    Me : YOu'd still need to come in to pay for them.

    Turns out he wanted us to come out, take his money, go back in and ring up the markers, then bring them and the receipt out to his vehicle.

    I'm sorry, but this not a drive-thru, and it's not a Sonic's; we don't provide curbside service here. Second, if you can't walk, how can you drive yourself here (assuming that bit) and why is it so important to get two dozen Sharpies?

    Amazingly, Professor X okayed this, but then the guy never bothered to show up.

    Two entirely separate SCs at the same time. That's gotta be a record.
    Last edited by Dave1982; 11-11-2008, 03:56 PM.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Ahhh a Sonic Vanilla Dr Pepper would be nice right now.

    We used to have a guy that would park right in front of the alley entrance and wait for an employe to come by and get them to go in and do his shopping for him, bring it out, go find out how much, argue about the price, give you his money and carefully count his change to make sure you were not stealing from him and leave.

    I don't know if was disabled or just lazy, considering he had about a lb of chewing tobbaco in his mouth, drooling down his chin and dried on his shirt, I will go with lazy.

    He caught me once, after that I would rather walk around the block to the front entrance than wait on him again.
    "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


    • #3
      Wow.. the SH.. just.. wow..

      To the SH..

      "If it's illegal to make money.. and judging by the impression you're trying to give with your condescending attitude, you should be the first person incarcerated.

      As an added kicker, if I'm on the jury in that trial, I'll suggest 100 hours of community service for every month you're sentenced. Perhaps that'll get the suckitude out of your system."
      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


      • #4
        Quoth Dave1982 View Post
        Second, if you can't walk, how can you drive yourself here...?
        Perhaps only his left leg is bad, and he drives an automatic - which is likely in America. You only need your right foot for throttle and brake in that case.


        • #5
          Quoth Chromatix View Post
          Perhaps only his left leg is bad, and he drives an automatic - which is likely in America. You only need your right foot for throttle and brake in that case.
          How'd he get to the car then? If someone helped him, why couldn't they come with?
          Pit bull-

          There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


          • #6
            Chances are it's more difficult for him to get in and out of the car than to actually walk. He probably has crutches to help with the walking.

            Personally, if you need markers while in that condition... that's what mail-order is for. But maybe I'm used to the very quick delivery times of the UK.


            • #7
              Where in NH is this? Just out of curiosity. Maybe I'll pop in and say hi.
              Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


              • #8
                Quoth ralerin View Post
                Where in NH is this? Just out of curiosity. Maybe I'll pop in and say hi.
                Check your PM
                "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                RIP Plaidman.


                • #9
                  I now need to find out where those twits in the first story work, so I can, ahem, re-educate them.

                  "Whaddaya mean you're taking a break? I need help NOW! What, is it illegal to provide customer service and make money now?"
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    What I love about retail is that certain customers don't care if you've been there for x amount of hours and demand you help them despite your stomach growling and your feet hurting. They want to be helped now.
                    Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kyree View Post
                      How'd he get to the car then? If someone helped him, why couldn't they come with?
                      If he does like my Mom, just drive your electric power chair to the car, get up from chair, walk a couple of steps (maybe,) open the car door and scoot in.

                      When she gets home, she does the opposite.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        If that cockhole is so aggravated about people not working you should have asked HIM why he's NOT at work and is instead spending his day harassing store workers at the copying center.


                        • #13
                          When I work nights at the supermarket bakery, it usually will be dead after 5:30-6 PM. As long as I have my displays full-sh after that i don't have to bake any more breads, usually. I usually take my union and/or lawfully mandated break around 6:30-7 when it is slowest, get back finish prep and then do my cleaning.

                          I was on break once, closed sings up all by the register, and counter and I get a page for customer assistance. I make a page back to have the person who paged me cal the break room phone.

                          This was a SC who demanded that they place a cake order AND have a cake decorated, THEN do their shopping. Now I had about 2 minutes left on my break so I told the CDH that i would be down in a minute or so. The SC had picked out a cake and left it out he counter with a note of what they wanted and what color.

                          I do the writing and then about 30 minutes later the SC comes back, places custome cake order, asks for the cake says "if you have nor been taking you stupid break when I first came here i would have purchased this <drops cake on floor> now you lost a sale.

                          I told the MOD what they did. The MOD called them told then we would not make their custom order, then e-mailed all other area stores to advise the of this and suggested that they require a non-refundable deposit if they place a order their.

