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Ummm ok?

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  • Ummm ok?

    I'm curled up on the couch and watching tv as well as hitting 'New Posts' more then a couple times. And all of a sudden I am getting a huge and frantic knocking on the door. Since I don't use the front door I shout that I'm heading to the back door. The dogs are going absoluty nuts and I'm trying to think of who would be beating down my door.

    I open it and find...a couple of my neighbors.

    All of them knowing I work for the postal service and DEMANDING to know where there mail is. And "It's a government holiday." Doesn't cut it. Nope because apparently SOMEONE found mail in their mailbox today so that must mean that we only deliver to those we like on holidays.

    My head is stomach is oven is dinging... I close the door and pull all the shades. GAH

    Only took them five minuets to leave...and when I looked out nothing was damaged, broken, or missing so yea...stupid.

  • #2
    *blink* Wow the suck is strong in that one! Seriously bugging someone on their day off? Uncool.
    Today was going to be just one of those know, full of zombies.


    • #3
      And what gets me is that this isn't a unknown holiday...well unless one lives under a rock. And since I know this little group were SAHM's before and SAHG's just boggles my mind.


      • #4
        Find out what they do for a living. Then go to their house on a weekend or if they work weekends go at 4 in the morning and DEMAND their services.


        • #5
          I wouldn't have been so nice. I would have said leave or I will call the cops. I would have been like WTF are you guys doing? I would have gone off on them.


          • #6
            For a second there I thought you were posting in the wrong forum

            so that must mean that we only deliver to those we like on holidays.
            Well, if that's the case, I guess they won't be getting mail on future holidays, either.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              I forgot that today was a holiday. And since it was my day off, I was wondering why the mail has not come
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                Yes but you didn't go to some mail carriers house and demand to know where the mail was.


                • #9
                  Quoth Aethian View Post
                  Yes but you didn't go to some mail carriers house and demand to know where the mail was.
                  If I did that to my mail carrier, they'd probably stop delivering to the house and make me go to the post office every day to pick it up. But I'm not a stupid, sucky customer either...

                  Our normal mail carrier is a nice lady and even on normal working days when I don't get any mail, I think "YAY! No bills!" not "WTF? Why didn't I get any???"


                  • #10
                    The mail was probably from yesterday. I know my G-ma thought there was no mail yesterday OR today.

                    ... um.. was there mail yesterday?
                    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                    • #11
                      Geezum freaking crow!

                      If you're that desperate to know, a quick phone call to the local mail service would have sufficed, rather than breaking down neighbour relations like that.

                      How terribly inappropriate!


                      • #12
                        The whole erosion of holidays bothers me.

                        Basically, used to be when it was a statuatory holiday (Like Rememberance Day) you didn't go to work, unless you worked in a necessary service, like Fire, Police, Emergency, Power, etc. Basically, there was an unspoken respect for the holiday and most businesses respected it. If you didn't NEED to be open that day, you weren't. Everyone accepted that they COULDN'T go to the grocery store that day, that they COULDN'T go to the bank and pay bills, and for the most part they accepted this and adjusted accordingly.

                        Now? Now, we just pay the OT and have everything open anyway.

                        To me, it just seems... well, horribly disrespectful that something like Rememberance Day has become just another day of business, and that Christmas isn't far behind.

                        For injstance, the college I work TECHNICALLY is locked up on statuatory holidays. HOWEVER, there are exceptions, in what are supposed to be exceptional circumstances to open certain buildings if need be.

                        Well, after all the 'exceptions' were tallied up, pretty much the entire campus was open for business. Teachers had scheduled classes. Student labs were open and students were in working on projects. Athletic events were going on in the athletics areas. I don't think they even observed the Minute of Silence.

                        We're right next door to the airport, with a small military base. I'm sure they were terribly impressed with the respect we were showing to the day.
                        Check out my webcomic!


                        • #13
                          Oh goody! Does this mean I can go over to my neighbor who works at Wal-Mart and demand she return the shirts I bought last week right there in her living room?

                          Logic like that makes my brain hurt...


                          • #14
                            Yeah I woulda been pissed as well. If anyone were to come to my house to complain about my work I woulda prolly asked them what they do....they odds are I coulda find something wrong with what they do & then tell them how glad I was that they were here becase ...

                            I am sorry you had to put up with that b.s. Don't even stand for it!
                            When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers. ---Colleen C. Barrett---


                            • #15
                              They are SAHG's....Stay at home grandmas

                              These are the same women who got into my business when the ex had been visiting because "Thats just not proper" constantly saying that Mom lives with me when she visits once a week to do wash. Make remarks of me not walking my dogs with them when they walk there dogs...other then the fact that I work all day and am not there when they walk their dogs.

                              They are just busy bodies but yea last night was too far and made me lower my impressions of them quite a bit.

