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Moneygrams bring out the SC's and

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  • Moneygrams bring out the SC's and

    Background: I'm generally at the insanely busy service desk by myself, left to clean up heaping piles of returned merchandise, long lines, and whiney customers. This is the third day in the row I was left alone, and it's beginning to break me down. I'm graduating in less than a month, I work 5 days a week, and I barely have time to get any homework done. I've been going crazy.

    Long story shorter.

    I misspelled a person's name on a money gram (note: the sender, not the receiver), because his writing was sloppy, so I put an O instead of a U. I generally make sure I spell everything right, but I guess I was in a hurry, because we were busy. It happens.

    Now, anyone that does money grams knows that once they are sent through, the story can't alter them, the person has to call the 1-800 number. They can change it NO PROBLEM, but I can't.

    So the guy bitches, and I explain that I can't alter it, etc, but that it doesn't matter because the receivers name is right. But if he wants to change it, he has to call the number.

    I try to take back the receipt that he has signed, and he won't give it back, and gives me the stink eye.

    SC: This is not my problem.
    Me: Well, it isn't up to me to call the number. I'm not allowed to.
    SC: But I did not do the problem.
    Me: I know, but I am not allowed to call that number, it's for customers. They can change it no problem, and like I said, it doesn't really need to be changed.

    The man's tone is extremely condescending, and it's really beginning to piss me off. You really had to be there to understand it.

    He bitches some more, so I call the manager over, and shuffle his stuff for her to deal with.

    He basically repeats what he said before.
    SC: I want HER to admit that it was HER mistake.
    Me: Sir, I already admitted that it was.
    SC: That's what I wanted.
    And he continues to bitch.

    So I can't deal with this anymore, and I walk out with 30 some minutes left on my shift, and punch out. I'm literally so mad that I have tears in my eyes, and I'm shaking.

    As I'm leaving, the guy is still there at the service desk, and I give him the stink eye and walk out the door.

    I don't think I can explain the exact demeanor and tone this man used, but it was the most rude thing I have ever come across. I don't think I even want to go back to work tomorrow.

  • #2

    Did the SC look something like that? I wouldn't be surprised.

    Maybe, if you're lucky, he got abused as a child...I kinda hope so...
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


    • #3
      Best. Pic. Ever.


      • #4
        That dude was an idiot. Mistakes happen. I was at the bank and she deposited my money into another person's account. Honest mistake and she fixed it easily though she didn't openly admit it but I wasn't even upset. People need to take a breather and realize shit happens.

        I messed up some guy's credit line because I paid the wrong marker. Usually you're supposed to pay the oldest one first because that way it doesn't get pulled out of their bank accounts. Needless to say, I paid off the most recent and got his account put on hold. I caused a huge thing but the guy was really nice about it.

        I hate it when they treat me as if I am stupid. No, its called being human, something they know nothing about. It doesn't matter who caused the issue, if it has an easy resolve why bitch?

        The other night I called my phone company because I couldn't get any outgoing calls on my cell. The guy said the servers were down and was all scared to tell me. He apologized up the wahzu but I told him it was okay and understandable. It's sad because when stuff goes wrong the person on the receiving end is always super scared of the reaction.

        But back to the topic, that dude needed a chill pill. I'm sorry he caused you to feel like that. It's hard not to take things personal. I get all shaky and angry and usually ask to disappear into the back until I can fake a retail smile again.


        • #5
          I'm going to imagine all future SC's as wearing that flaming bag while bitching at me. That'll take the sting out of it. And I'll be able to laugh in their faces.

          Let's hope I don't try to set anyone on fire. That'd probably result in more bitching.
          Excuse me, good sir paladin, can you direct me to your EVIL district?


          • #6
            That picture is amazing.

            Yeah, the biggest thing that irks me is that I did apologize as soon as he pointed it out. But I was more into getting it resolved, which is something I can't do personally.

            I just wasn't in the mood for it, and I do tend to take things personally at work. I'm glad I had this place to vent, other than my boyfriend hugging me.


            • #7
              Quoth malmalthekiller View Post
              I misspelled a person's name on a money gram (note: the sender, not the receiver), because his writing was sloppy, so I put an O instead of a U. I generally make sure I spell everything right, but I guess I was in a hurry, because we were busy. It happens.
              I run into this same kind of nonsense. The customer has a dependent's name and social security number handwritten on (in quite a few cases) scratch paper. MY handwriting is the butt of jokes, but some of these people make me look like a calligrapher. Inevitably, I get either a number or name wrong and the return is returned by the IRS. It must be corrected and re-submitted with 24 hours.

              Don't let these jerks get you down, malmalthekiller.
              I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

              Who is John Galt?
              -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


              • #8
                Quoth taxguykarl View Post
                I run into this same kind of nonsense. The customer has a dependent's name and social security number handwritten on (in quite a few cases) scratch paper. MY handwriting is the butt of jokes, but some of these people make me look like a calligrapher. Inevitably, I get either a number or name wrong and the return is returned by the IRS. It must be corrected and re-submitted with 24 hours.

                Don't let these jerks get you down, malmalthekiller.

                Thanks. I did, however, call off today. Mental health day and all.

