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Who here has ruined Christmas?

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  • #61
    Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
    This may sound like a dumb question; but how do I do that? ^^;;
    User CP, Social Groups, bottom of the page.



    • #62
      While I didn't actually spoil Christmas I did once spoil Christmas Eve for someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas.

      The lady in question wasn't a member of any branch or organized (or disorganized) religion. Instead, she and a group of her friends had put together their own centered around the worship of, for the purposes of this post, Baal.

      I was manning the Library on Christmas Eve. I didn't mind it because I could walk home in 20 minutes and we closed at 4:30. At 4:30 on the dot I was ready to go. I was in my hat and coat locking the door when who to my wondering eyes should appear but...the Baalista herself.

      I said I was sorry but we were closed. It was, after all, Christmas Eve and I had family to go to.

      Her response?

      "I almost figured you'd be closing out of spite."

      No, we weren't closing any earlier than normal and no, she didn't call to check.
      Research is the art of reading what everyone has read and seeing what no one else has seen.


      • #63
        I haven't ruined Christmas yet. This will be my first Christmas to ruin for the masses and quite frankly, I'm kind of looking forward to it. Looking forward to ruining Hanukkah and Kwanzaa as well!

        I have ruined this year alone Valentines Day, Mothers Day, 4th of July, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, EID, Halloween, Yom Kipper and Easter. Equal opportunity offender.
        "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


        • #64
          So today some fat cow came in with her mother, I guess. Today is the first Wednesday of the month, and therefore Senior Day.

          Fat cow barked at me "Where's the Charlie Brown Christmas trees?"

          It turned out we no longer had any. That was one item that flew out of the store but quick. So I told her we didn't have any more.

          "Well you just ruined my Christmas! I hope you get coal in your stocking this year!"

          And I hope you get Slim-Fast in yours. I can't help it that other people found the tree so gosh darn cute and started throwing their money at it.

          Then she started in on her mother, or at least the older woman who was along with her: "We could've gone out and gotten that damn tree any time, but no, you had to wait until today and get your damn discount!"

          Another Christmas successfully ruined by I.P. Freleigh.
          I am teh win.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #65
            I ruined someone's Christmas when I wouldn't let them in at 6:20-30when we closed at 6. He only needed to do all his Christmas dinner shopping in two minutes.


            • #66
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              Fat cow barked at me "Where's the Charlie Brown Christmas trees?"

              "Well you just ruined my Christmas! I hope you get coal in your stocking this year!"
              Completely missing the whole POINT of said tree.... *headdesk*
              "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

              My pony dolls:


              • #67
                I ruined Christmas Eve for a co-worker once. It was the 3-11 shift at the front desk of a hotel and while we were supposed to get there 10 minutes before our shift to count the till out, they never paid us for it and it always pissed me off when I thought of the accumulation of those 10 minutes over the 4 years I was with them.

                Anyway, I had family over that year and got to work right at 3. She bitched me out for having to stay 5, less than 5 actually, extra minutes on Christmas Eve.

                Her plans for the evening? She was alone and planned to color her hair.

                "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                • #68
                  Since Christmas is the one day my workplace is closed, I'm certain we'll be ruining a few Christmases. Maybe even Eve, since I think we have some charity thing with lots of orphans or something.

                  The downside is I probably won't be working Christmas Eve, so I won't get to crush any hopes and dreams of sugar plums.
                  "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


                  • #69
                    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                    "Well you just ruined my Christmas! I hope you get coal in your stocking this year!"
                    Oh, the fun I could have had with that. Grandma's farm was in the middle of a coal seam in rural SW PA. After some flooding one year, part of the hillside came down, exposing a large coal seam. Local mine couldn't touch it because we owned the mineral rights. Anyway, giving someone coal for Christmas was a threat I could easily back up
                    Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                    • #70
                      Guild created; Feel free to join, if you have posted in this thread. XD

                      I look forward to ruining more Christmases this year; the petrol station is closing on Boxing Day for the first time this year. No doubt the thought of not being able to buy petrol, sweets and car stuff for two days will ruin at least one Christmas.
                      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                      My DeviantArt.


                      • #71
                        Ah yes, 3 days before Christmas, someone wanted to special order this book as a Christmas Present....problem is, the delivery would be a week AFTER Christmas.


                        • #72
                          I 'intentionally' ruined christmas for people.

                          Hello! First time post. I can relate to this ruining of the holidays for people. I don't see how the holidays are any special, since when I worked at walgreens I worked straight through them (christmas included) so honestly I didn't give two shits if someone went home without their precious candy to go in the stocking. Anyway.

                          I worked in the photo department, and the store where I worked at was CURSED with a 90s photo developer machine which was completely inferior to that of quality than any other machine any other walgreens had, and of course, the wal-mart down the street (which I was told about frequently when the quality of our photographs was compared to them.)

                          Anyway~ People have this thing about printing christmas cards or something and having enough room to type their entire life up until the point of on the card, and then they get SHOCKED when the machine that prints their cards (we actually used what you could buy for a home printer to print digital prints. it was.. so terrible..) that not only could we only print one at a time, but because it was an inferior printer we couldn't print these crazy ass sizes and textures and pop ups and god knows what on them.

                          I say, well, THEY said I intentionally ruined christmas for at least 4 different families concerning THAT ordeal because it was completely my fault that we didn't have more superior printing abilities. Yup. My fault.

                          What else was my fault? Oh yeah, because of our inferior equipment sometimes film would get jammed and.. well.. deteriorate, making it un recoverable. My fault too. I intentionally ruined their only pictures of their dead dog knowing it was going to be a christmas present.

                          Oh.. what else? Since I work in photo that apparently means I'm the manager of the cooler (where we keep frozen drinks and what not) as well, and SURPRISE!!! We run out of egg nog. Not only do we run out, but we run out on christmas day. And a customer had the gall to come up to me and ask "well.. can you go in the back and make some?"

                          Yeah I'll just get back there and churn you some egg nog, or however the hell you make it, on christmas day so you can take home to your family and enjoy where I'll still be here at work serving bitchy demanding customers who are angry because we ran out of batteries, egg nog, eggs, milk, and other necessities because I guess the time to plan for these things is... the day after it's needed and everyone and their grandma runs out of these things due to a mass wide epidemic of procrastination. GAH. And if it doesn't make things worse, they have to bring in their children who are merrily singing along with the songs that are played above your head OVER AND OVER about christmas and how freaking wonderful it is that you get to spend time with your family, ect ect... my christmas considered of me sitting at home, alone, eating left over taco bell. That's freaking great. Some of those years.. I intentionally hoped something would go wrong just so the people could get all irate and go "WELL NOW MY CHRISTMAS IS RUINED" where as I could reply "regardless, I'm still going to be here, and I still don't care."

                          ..I don't work there anymore.


                          • #73
                            I ruined 3 Christmases and saved 1, and I wasn't working.

                            I first ruined Christmas at Wally World because I bought the last glove compartment sized ice scraper for my car. Lady nearby went batshit crazy and made a dive for it, claiming I've just ruined Christmas for her teenage son and won't I feel sorry when he gets into an accident because he drove off with ice on the window.

                            Okay, first: if your son has any neurons left in his noggin (which must be more than you, I guess) he won't be driving with ice on the windows. Second, if you happened to look to your left, there are dual snow brush/ ice scrapers that while they won't fit in the glove box, will do the same damn thing.

                            I ruined another Christmas at the same Wally World because I wouldn't lend my cell phone to a random stranger so she could call her sister and tell her they still have those Elmo Live dolls.

                            I ruined a third Christmas because someone couldn't tell the difference between my business clothes (I had gone to field study) and lack of nametag and the Wally World uniform, and I couldn't randomly fire an employee who had told him they had sold out of some video game his son wanted. I have yet to see exactly how this ruins Christmas.

                            Now, the Christmas I saved was kinda fun. I was looking for mini ornaments for my tiny artificial tree when this lady was all in a panic because she couldn't find wire hooks for her ornaments. I told her what someone had mentioned before -use paper clips- and I helped her pick out some green ones, telling her they'll look like the ornaments are floating. She thanked me maybe 20 times.


                            • #74
                              I had the pleasure of ruining many Christmases during my time at the Call Center from hell. The music club would include a non-recorded merchandise flyer in our regular club mailings. Included in this flyer would be the Playstation, XBox, etc. that was currently popular. These items were priced way higher than in the stores, and took at least 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Of course, those members who wanted to purchase these items had not built up a sufficient purchase history with the club to allow us to ship a $300 piece of merchandise to them unless they prepaid. I constantly had members who either had delinquent balances, or had only spent around $20 so far with the club who would go crazy when told that the did not qualify to have the merchandise shipped without prepayment. Each time one of these calls was escalated to me and I backed up the previous rep by informing the member that it had to be prepaid, I ruined their child's Christmas.
                              "I guess they see another cash cow just waiting to be dry humped." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                              • #75
                                I GOT TO RUIN CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Some of our tools ship in the original packaging and women are writing into my company saying we destroyed their husbands Christmas. I had to laugh out loud and then called I GOT IT so then I had to give everyone at work this website and why I was happy to get a ruined Christmas.

                                Thank you for givng me a really bright spot in this long assed day.
                                Last edited by mscrybaby; 12-06-2008, 06:10 AM. Reason: cause I am an idiot

