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/rant on

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  • /rant on

    There is this mailbox holder at the store I work at. He uses his box with us to run a business so he gets billions of packages delivered all the time. Which is annoying enough in itself trying to find room for all of them but its a service we offer so I can'tbe justified in complaining about it.
    So, the inevitable happens and we one day apparently receive and sign for a package that goes missing - we tear the store apart and its like nowhere. Guy, who usually has pretty quiet demeanor, turns into the grandfather of all SCs. The package contained, he says, a $200 piece of equipment he needs immediately. He demands that we not only pay for the shipping of the lost box, but the item it contains, as well as the shipping for the replacement he must order, as well as the cost of the replacement item.
    Since it seemed (at the time) that this was our fault, my manager agrees to work with him. She offers to pay all the shipping costs as well as take $200 off his yearly mailbox fee (about $250). ALL he has to do is bring in an invoice showing how much he paid. He agrees.
    Weeks pass. No invoice. More weeks pass. No invoice. No one ever sees him because he begins coming in at night to get his mail and packages.
    So, last night he came in with his two dogs. He was a total dick to me when I said hi and asked how he's been doing. He spread out a bunch of paperwork on the counter and ignored me for like 20 mins. Customers kept coming in and his dogs would jump up on them. He left their leashes on so they were running around getting tangled up in shit. Now dont get me wrong, I love the hell out of dogs and I dont mind them in the store. But when your animals are knocking shit over and jumping on other customers its time to reign them in. At least I think normal people would realize that. But he just ignored me when I said casually "wow they're frisky tonight, huh?"
    So he had to mail some stuff and thus was forced to converse with me on an ultra-minimal level. I figured he was pissed about not getting his money, so I said, "Hey, by chance do you have that invoice for us? I don't think you ever got reimbursed for that package." And he said "Why don't you just forget about that."
    And I said, "Ok, well we just want you to be hap-" and he cuts me off and says "It doesnt matter its too late just drop it."
    Ummmm ok.
    One of his dogs got excited and left a piss trail on the carpet, which he neglected to clean on his way out. Today we found out from a friend of his who is also a regular customer that the douchebag had the package in question the whole time, he just misplaced it - then blamed us and had us all stressed that we lost it, then doesnt apologize or even tell us and is a dick and lets his dogs piss in our store. What an asshat.
    /rant off

  • #2
    Is there any chance for a banning?
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


    • #3
      and how about a "no pets" rule?


      • #4
        Either banning or perhaps a cleaning fee?
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

