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A Long List

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  • A Long List

    Sorry, but with the slowness of my posting...I got lax in posting new stories. Sorry for the length.

    Assuming Command
    I was relieving the fitting room girl for lunch. Now, I may be odd, but I enjoy fitting room. It’s in a small enclave, so it’s separate and (a bit) quieter than the store. Plus, I like just being able to sort the clothes, hand people claim tickets and stuff. This also means I’m bathroom attendant.

    See, we have an electronic lock for our restrooms, and the buzzer is located in the attendant’s “stall.” So, I happily buzz people in, inform them the men’s fitting room is not the restroom.

    Anyway, a gentleman and his son go in to use the restrooms and I go about my work, which is actually fairly easy that night because I have so few customers in the back, and I am happily sorting clothes. Once the two come out, however, the suck begins.

    NM=nice man
    R=another coworker

    NM=Sir, I don’t know if you’ve been told, but your restroom is a mess.
    Me: how so, sir?
    NM: In the handicapped stall, there’s…crap, all over it.
    Me: O_O Oh, okay sir. Thanks for telling me. We’ll take care of it.
    NM: Yeah, I was just letting you know. It’s on the rim and…
    Me: No problem, and we’ll definitely take care of it. Have a nice night.
    I stand there, not quite sure what to do, although I know something must be done. I’m curious, but I can’t leave my station. That’s when I remember S (a noob)is recovering the Kid’s dept. right next to me.
    Me: [poking head around corner] Hey, S, can you come here for a sec?
    S: sure, what is it?
    Me: A customer just said someone crapped all over the handicapped toilet…[explaining the grosser parts]
    S: Damn…what the…?
    Me: Yeah, so, I can’t leave the fitting room since I’m the attendant right now. Can you go in and confirm it…?
    S: Yeah…sure.
    He leaves and comes back.
    S: It’s not that bad…it’s just a little bit, not all smeared like he said.
    Me: Yeah, well…[looking at tape and hold slips] Here, take these. Tape the stall door shut and post an ‘out of order’ sign. We’ll let the maintenance guys or someone take care of it…[I’d paged my MOD, but she was indisposed, so I did it to keep other customers from complaining]
    As S goes in to do this, R, who’d been at CS, walks up to use the restroom.
    Me: So, guess what?
    R: What…? O_o
    Me: Someone thought it’d be nice to crap on the toilet instead of in it…
    R: What…? Why’d-nevermind…
    Me: Well, the regular stall is good, just don’t use the handicapped.
    It was a nice little conversation piece afterwards.

    In which I almost snap
    Two girls are in my line, it’s Dec. 23rd , 8:45pm and I’m tired. It’s our last day we’re open until 11, so, the store is Hell. They ask if they can pay half on a mall gift card and half on a real credit card. I say “yes,” and ring them out. All goes well, I charge their gift card, and as I ask, “Credit or debit?” and they tell me credit, I ask for ID. The suck ensues…
    G1= sucky girl 1
    G2= sucky girl 2 (Actually, not that sucky, but she’s an accomplice)
    AL= aggravating lady
    ALK: AL’s toddler
    G1: Well, actually, it’s my dads card.
    Me: Oh, sorry, but we need the cardholder to be present, is he here in the store?
    G1: No, this is my Christmas present [referring to the jeans she was buying]. Are you sure you can’t take it?
    Me: Sorry, but the cardholder needs to be present.
    G1: Really? No one else has this problem.
    Me: [Bull, I’ve been carded at Circuit City and plenty of other places] I understand, but this is the store policy.
    G1: Can I speak to a manager or something?
    Me: Sure, but she’ll say the same thing…
    G1: Well, I’d really like to speak to her.
    So I call my ASM, and she reviews with me that it is a strict, non-negotiable policy. Even though the transaction is only $11.37 (so sad I remember that…) we can’t do it. I hang up and tell her this.
    G1: Well, I’d like to speak to her myself.
    Me: [over PA]ASM, please call back at [my register] (To ASM) Yeah, she wants to speak to you personally
    ASM: [sigh] Be right there.
    As this is going on, I should note that, due to the POS setup, I cannot suspend the transaction, and I can’t void it without the customer’s permission. Since I am logged on, there is also no way for me to open another register (only one register was closed, and it was the stall behind me, btw). There was a long line and they were getting annoyed. Is it my fault? No, but that doesn’t stop people’s griping.
    AL: [heavy sigh] Come on already…[said “quietly” so we could all hear, mind you]
    ALK: You! [to me] hurry up.
    Me: O_o [urge to kill…rising…] Sorry, it’ll just be a moment longer.
    My ASM comes up and begins to debate back and forth with G1 and G2 about how they can’t use a card with someone else’s name on it. Now, I know at other stores you can, but not here. We’ve had too much trouble with ID theft, and it’s a policy meant to protect you.
    G1: So, is this just your policy.
    ASM: [fed up she has to come down in the first place] No, it’s company policy, and we can’t override it.
    G1: Can’t or you won’t? [said very condescendingly]
    ASM: [keeping her cool] Can’t. it’s one of our biggest policies and we have no way to ignore it, even just once. We can get in trouble if we do.

    We finally get the girls to concede defeat, but not after 10 or so minutes. As my ASM walks off, she calls one of our few floor people to open the one closed register, since my line is getting even more horrid that usual. But, the register has to be counted, and I still need to get Wingus and Dingus out of my line. They decide to leave the pants for their father to buy, and get the rest on the gift card. I void it out and start over again. As I swipe the card, it comes up [declined]. I try it all a manner of ways, even running manually on my console, but to no avail. I call over ASM again, and we agree that, since the card had been previously charged, funds won’t return for 1-3 days. So, the girls, with the help of ASM (who was being extremely helpful by personally holding their products for them-even stuff we’re not supposed to be held) put the stuff on hold. But before all that happens…

    AL: Hurry up all ready!
    Me: [lost it] We’ll be with you, give us a sec, ok?!
    ASM: Shush…[places a hand on my shoulder Calm down]
    I admit I snapped, and I did ring up AL, who was kinda nice after she realized I was about ready to reach over and pull her skull through her ass, but…

    Random Schizo Guy
    Back when my AS Tara (rhymes w/ her name) was still working at my store, there was this random shizo who would wander in as we close. When informed of us being closed (or closing in 5 minutes) he would go on a rant, “Why’d all these stores close and…?!” blah, blah, blah. But since she’s gone…I can’t remember any times he’s been back. Odd.

    Marshall’s SC
    There’s a Marshall’s by the store I work at, and the amount of SC’s that we exchange are numerous. But this one is a bit different. Note: I found this out from NJ, my new AS, as it happened to her right before I came in to work.
    Apparently, this guy tried to return something, and NJ told him he couldn’t for whatever reason…he also wanted to purchase something, I think, but idk. Anyway, he starts telling NJ off, telling her she doesn’t know how to do her job, etc.. and the clincher, which if I was there would have made me punch him, “No wonder you’re still working at Ross.” In the end, NJ told him to leave or she’d call the cops. Mr. Badass Marshall’s associate walked out quickly.

    Language Advice
    I really need a sign that ways “No hablo espanol.” Because, the amount of people who think I should or do speak Spanish are annoying me to no end. I hate the people who get mad at me, though.
    Me: Hi, how are you?
    SC: Hello, speak Spanish…?
    Me: No, sorry ma’am.
    SC: Why not? You need speak Spanish.

    No, I don’t need to speak Spanish. I have no desire to, I will never speak it. In fact, you should learn a little English when visiting a country that primarily speaks English. I graciously learned a bit of Spanish when I went on a school trip to Mexico, so the least you could do is reciprocate.

    Plus, I worked X-mas eve after being told I had it off. Needless to say, no one was treated as kindly as they expected to.

  • #2
    Quoth Hobbs View Post
    As this is going on, I should note that, due to the POS setup, I cannot suspend the transaction, and I can’t void it without the customer’s permission.
    That's a bad setup and policy. Sorry it's such a pain.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #3
      Quoth wagegoth View Post
      That's a bad setup and policy. Sorry it's such a pain.
      well, because i had already partially paid it, with the gift card. once the money is 'in' so to speak, it's impossible do do anything besides void it, and that's something we can't just be arbitrary about.

