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Cutting, pet peeves and dogs with headaches....

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  • Cutting, pet peeves and dogs with headaches....

    No, it is nothing to do with self harm...

    Mr. Cutter.

    On the larger registers, we get the odd customer who comes through mostly because they actually bother to READ the signs that say "plastic bag free". So a guy is hanging around my register with two items, behind an old lady with about 6-7 items and a couple with a $100 shop...roughly. So the couple lets Mr. Cutter jump in front of them because he only has two items....he then proceeds to jump in front of the old lady! He realised and apologised, but gave me the world's dirtiest look when I served him. What a douchewaffle.

    Pet Peeves:

    1. We have a trolley bay. It is where the trolleys are stored. It takes all of 30 seconds to store said trolleys in the trolley bay, so whyyyy do people walk all the way down to near the parcel pickup area and shove the trolleys there? It's a safety hazard!!!
    2. If I don't follow the way you've set your groceries up (i.e. 3 jars, 4 cans, a bag of dog food, 4 more cans) and I go to grab the cans before the bag of dog food, PLEASE don't shove the cans in front of me...I may grab one or two to fill out the bag, but I am capable of packing bags. Seriously!

    The doggy has a headache!

    This isn't sucky but is very cute.

    Little background: we have a plastic dog sitting by our drinks machine with a coin slot on top of its head. People can make donations to the Guide Dogs society and/or the Royal Society For The Blind. Usually kids will go nuts over keeps them out of the parents hair for a while...until the kids start pestering to put money in it. (usually small change)

    Yesterday, on my register, a woman comes up with a child in a stroller. The child is roughly 3 but very quiet. Annnyway, I scan her groceries, bag them etc. and the child pipes up:

    "mummy, the doggy has a headache!"

    The mum looked a little embarassed, but found it very funny. She explained to me that her child believes that the dog has a headache so they need to put money into it . Very cute.

    Bonus round

    This is technically a sighting, but is also very funny. On New Years Day (a public holiday in Australia), my sister and I went and saw Bolt in 3D. Very good movie by the way At one stage, I ducked out to go to the loo and when I come back, I hung around watching. There's a scene which involves the main character and a lookalike character and in the audience this little girl goes in the cutest voice

    "So there's two doggies now?"

    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...

  • #2
    Quoth fireheart17 View Post
    Pet Peeves:

    1. We have a trolley bay. It is where the trolleys are stored. It takes all of 30 seconds to store said trolleys in the trolley bay, so whyyyy do people walk all the way down to near the parcel pickup area and shove the trolleys there?
    For exactly the same reason so many of the customers at my weekend retail electronics job leave their carts where they do. They will shove the front wheels of the cart up onto one of the decorative grassy dividers we have, let the cart roll into an empty handicapped space, or walk it all the way back to the store to leave it parked between the entrance and exit doors but don't bother to take it the extra 20 feet into the store where our greeter/security guy can put it away.

    Granted, I don't know what that reason is, but it must be the same line of thinking. And I'm sure a combination of stupidity and laziness comes into play somewhere.

    Quoth fireheart17 View Post
    The doggy has a headache!

    The mum looked a little embarassed, but found it very funny. She explained to me that her child believes that the dog has a headache so they need to put money into it.
    That's funny. I like Little Kid Logic. It's much more entertaining than the "logic" some of their parents use.

    By this kid's reasoning, though... "Hey, everybody! HawaiianShirts's hand hurts! Please put money into it to make it stop hurting!"
    I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
    - Bill Watterson

    My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
    - IPF


    • #3
      No, it is nothing to do with self harm...
      That was the first thing that came to my mind, now I'm all disappointed.
      If I dropped everybody who occasionally said something stupid from my list of potential partners, I wouldn’t even be able to masturbate


      • #4
        Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
        By this kid's reasoning, though... "Hey, everybody! HawaiianShirts's hand hurts! Please put money into it to make it stop hurting!"
        Lol, bear in mind that the dog is plastic. It's also had its nose smashed in for reasons that I can't comprehend so now it's been filled but I'm surprised that she didn't say anything about that.

        But still...
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...

