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When did belligerence ever solve a problem?

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  • When did belligerence ever solve a problem?

    Fun one today. Guy had come in on Dec. 20 (one of the busiest days for a shipping store) and shipped a watch back to a vendor. Today he returns.

    Important background note: This guy is not in the wrong for being torqued off. I would be too in his situation, but there's a difference between being angry and completely losing your shit. He was working up to the latter.

    He hands me one of our receipt forms and asked to track the package. I do, and comparing the address on his receipt (in KY) to where it was delivered (in NC), it's immediately plain that someone was going a little too fast when processing the shipment (as there are 3 of us, it's impossible to know which of us messed up). The address bore a generic "Returns Dept", but there are about 9 different "Returns Dept" addresses in the computer. Ugh. Okay, this is a fixable thing. It sucks; it really sucks that his package went to the wrong place, but again, this is something that we can deal with. However, I can't get a word in edgewise to tell this guy what I'm going to do to fix the problem. I can't even get a word in to apologize for the error. He has gone off on the cosmic wondertrain of "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!" at an ever-increasing volume. I agree, but human error is going to happen eventually, even to the best team. This is only the third package in 2008 that we've had a problem with (the others were a lost package and a damaged shipment, this is the first error for us). He's still going...our service sucks, he's never using our service again, our store is a joke, *I* am a joke...

    The other important things to note...this is not a little guy. I run about 5'10" or so, and he was a good head taller so 6'5" or so. Maybe late 40s. Standing to one side of me is the lady I was waiting on, and sitting at the desk nearby was my girlfriend who often stops in midday. Ordinarily I would wait for someone in a shouting mood to run out of steam and explain what I'm going to do to fix the error. With other people in the store as a captive audience and this guy becoming increasingly loud and insulting, this is not happening.

    I finally cut off his ranting and tell him to leave and that we'll call him when there's something to report. He refuses. I advise him at that point that I will call the police if necessary. This BLOWS his mind. As I pick up the phone and start pushing numbers, he sputters then leaves. The lady at the counter was very kind after he left. Less than ten minutes later, he returns.

    He demands corporate's number and address. He demands a copy of the tracking page. And he insists that he is going to call corporate RIGHT HERE so he can make me talk to whoever answers. Yeah, no thanks. I tell him he'll need to take the call off-premises. My phone rings and I take it. Hah, my supervisor. Perfect. I step in the back and brief him on the situation. Fun. I move back to the front to find the guy still at the counter. He ensures that I have his correct phone number (surprise surprise, it's a blank on the form he didn't fill out when he was first in) and snidely comments "You could've asked for that before threatening to call the police." To which I responded "I would have been able to, if you weren't being quite so belligerent."

    My girlfriend was so wound up by it she cried after he left.

  • #2
    It solves more problems than any other way...

    It's true. This guy came in and was being a douche. He was being aggressive and obnoxious, not belligerent. Belligerence indicates the ability to actually take action to harm someone, but does not actually require violence or even agressiveness. Look at the Cold War. NATO vs the Warsaw Pact, belligerents in a war with nary a shot fired. Unlike him, you did engage in a belligerant act (threatening to call the police) and it did solve your problem for a moment, didn't it?

    (BTW, kudos and well done!)


    • #3
      Consider me educated on vocabulary! I also did not know the exact meaning of belligerence.

      "Sir, yelling and screaming didn't work for me when I was three. I would expect that it wouldn't work for you at your age."
      Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


      • #4
        Quoth Jack Doe View Post
        It's true. This guy came in and was being a douche. He was being aggressive and obnoxious, not belligerent. Belligerence indicates the ability to actually take action to harm someone, but does not actually require violence or even agressiveness. Look at the Cold War. NATO vs the Warsaw Pact, belligerents in a war with nary a shot fired. Unlike him, you did engage in a belligerant act (threatening to call the police) and it did solve your problem for a moment, didn't it?

        (BTW, kudos and well done!)
        One of the definitions of belligerent is hostile and aggressive.

        Also, I'm not sure how the OP saying he's going to call the cops can be construed as belligerent, rather than letting the SC know there would be consequences for not leaving the store as he was asked.


        • #5
          So, update. The guy came back in on Saturday (coincidentally, my day off). He started in the same way on the poor part time lady behind the desk. He also apparently talked to my boss later in the day and was so frothing and irrational that the boss pretty much told him off. The boss then called the local police dept to ask what to do should he return to the premises. ^_^

          So now I'm under standing instructions that should he come in and start with the yelling or insults, I'm to call 911 immediately. Fun.


          • #6
            Well next time you COULD ask the tool to show you EXACTLY WHERE in the US Constitution that states that you have a basic, God-given right to service anywhere you choose to go. In fact, I don't think Australia's constitution even states that.


            • #7
              Quoth The Grim Shipper View Post
              So, update. The guy came back in on Saturday (coincidentally, my day off). He started in the same way on the poor part time lady behind the desk. He also apparently talked to my boss later in the day and was so frothing and irrational that the boss pretty much told him off. The boss then called the local police dept to ask what to do should he return to the premises. ^_^

              So now I'm under standing instructions that should he come in and start with the yelling or insults, I'm to call 911 immediately. Fun.
              Let's see, 1st time he was being an ass. 2nd time he was being a prick. NEXT TIME call the police as soon as you spot him. There's no reason to put up with that kind of behavior.
              I'm surprised he hasn't been banned from the store. The police should have been called the 1st time.


              • #8
                You're bringing up a bad memory for me. I had a guy like this once and had to call the police to get rid of him. Long story short, he (mildly) assaulted me, and threatened me with physical harm prompting a 911 call. Unfortunately, the officer took his statement first and totally sided with him. She barely listened to me, telling me he did nothing wrong and convinced me to just drop it. The complete and total indifference of my management team cemented it in my mind that I had to be over-reacting. It wasn't until weeks later that it struck me that I should have never let him away with it.

                My point of the story is not to take this guys crap. You've even got the approval from management. He shouldn't even be allowed in the store, but since he is, if he so much as frowns, let the cops deal with him.
                Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."


                • #9
                  There used to be signs saying "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

                  I wonder what the modern-day equivalent would be?

                  Perhaps: "No manners, no money, no merchandise."


                  • #10
                    Quoth Chromatix View Post
                    There used to be signs saying "No shirt, no shoes, no service."

                    I wonder what the modern-day equivalent would be?

                    Perhaps: "No manners, no money, no merchandise."
                    I saw a sign at the returns desk of Canadian Tire that read something along the lines of "Our employees deserve to be treated with respect. Any use of profanities or other rude behaviour will result in you being denied service and the police being alerted to your behaviour."
                    Quoth = Crossbow "EvilHomer, Irv, Gravekeeper, and Seraph: the Four Horsemen of the Dumbpocalypse."

