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Thanks a lot for CRUSHING my spirits... (slight vent)

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  • Thanks a lot for CRUSHING my spirits... (slight vent)

    So I think I have great people skills and awesome customer service. I always go the extra mile when it comes to customers, and they like me alot. Many customers tell me how friendly I am and how much they like me. And it makes me happy to see that the customers are pleased
    It all changed last Friday...
    My coworker/friend told me that two, not one, but TWO customers called in and complained about me on the same day.
    This is strange because, like I said, I'm an angel to the customers!
    Apparently, I was RUDE and CRABBY to the customer. A woman called in and vented to my coworker about how I was unfriendly and I was rude. She then started asking how long I've worked there and all this stuff about me.
    Someone else called in and pretty much said the same thing and said that I was disrespectful.
    This totally CRUSHES me because I'm a really kind-hearted person, and I try everything to make people happy. But when someone tells me I'm rude and crabby, it's like shooting Bambi. Why would you want to SHOOT a nice, innocent deer? Seriously that's what it felt like to me

  • #2
    They are miserable persons that have nothing in their lives going for them, so they take it out on someone who cannot defend themselves. That, sadly, is human nature.

    You don't have to feel good about yourself as long as someone is feeling worse than you do.
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      Unfortunately, there's some people who're never satisfied. There's nothing you can do about them - giving them the company wouldn't be enough. You could have done it faster, and they'd want refunding for all the times they came in before...

      I'm sure you're an excellent worker, and despite one or two morons, try to keep it up. If you just remember to be yourself, those who matter won't mind, and those who mind won't matter. It's nice to see there's someone who still cares about customers and service, even if not all of them deserve it.
      "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


      • #4
        I feel for you and I've been in similar situations as well. This is a list of complaints I've had against me...

        -Throwing groceries into the bag (I don't throw them)
        -Not taking some bitchy woman FIRST when I open a lane. (thankfully didn't get into trouble )
        -Several complaints about the plastic bag-free lanes (those were waived for all staff due to the fact that it wasn't against the staff necessarily...poor manager though )
        -Crappy attitude (and they were rude first)

        Surprisingly, I've still survived. According to a few family members, I need to be swearing my head off before I get in trouble. (although I did once yell the f-word by accident...the customer understood thankfully and I was sent home after that because I was a wreck)

        All I'd say is back up your complaints if you can. and it could be worse-several people on here have had freebie grabs.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #5
          Don't worry about it,your boss and co wrokers know that these complaints aren't true.They all know how you treat customers.It sounds to me that these might be the same idiot that complained both time.She/he done it once and then had someone else call and complain again.Its just some miserable person that has nothing else better to do.


          • #6
            Quoth pizzaparlorchick View Post
            But when someone tells me I'm rude and crabby, it's like shooting Bambi. Why would you want to SHOOT a nice, innocent deer? Seriously that's what it felt like to me
            Deer is good , seriously....I have a batch of deer jerky ready to go in the smoker.

            Though in this situation it really sounds like the same person calling in to complain. There are lots of paranoid people out there, you may have been busy focusing on a task, and had a serious look on your face and this person felt it was directed at her. Don't sweat it, if you know you are generally a nice person and provide good service, don't let the evils ones invade your space. You are letting them take a piece of you without giving anything back.

            There is an old adage...If one person tells you something about yourself you may disregard it, if two people say the same thing they are best friends, if 3 or more tell you the same thing then you may want to think about it, if 10 people say the same thing then you have a problem. If this is your first complaint, don't be bambi, be a duck.


            • #7
              Do you wear a name badge?

              I don't know how many people work at your employer, but, was anyone else wearing your mane badge?

              I know when I'm feeling crabby, it occurs to me to do that. I never have, of course, but it occurs to me.


              • #8
                [QUOTE=workerbee222;478934]Do you wear a name badge?

                I don't know how many people work at your employer, but, was anyone else wearing your mane badge?


                I am the only employee who has a name tag (long story) and I've only worn it once in the past month. But both customers used my name so I guess it was on that day that I wore my nametag.


                • #9
                  If the behavior they complain about is out of character, that will be treated as a joke by managers and CWs.

                  It should be noted that a SC's definition of rude is not kissing their backsides and giving premium service for free.
                  I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                  Who is John Galt?
                  -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                  • #10
                    Two customers?

                    I assure that if you can't remember having a crabby day then there were never TWO customers calling in. SC are lazy and you would have to be extra bad (which you would remember) to get two separate callers on the on the same day.

                    It is either the same customer calling twice while changing their voice or a SC of a friend backing up the original SC.

                    Still, it is really once one bitch of a SC and that is to be expected now and then because some people always have to fine fault in others to feel good about themselves.


                    • #11
                      If you're normally a friendly person, the two complaints against you will go nowhere. Some people just can't ever be satisfied.
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Welcome to the dark, soul-crushing realm that is customer service. You'll soon join our ranks of the hopelessly jaded, cynical wretches.
                        I will never go to school!

