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"I Don't Work Here" megathread

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  • #91
    Quoth Ree View Post
    There was a nicer way to word that, Tanizaki.

    I agree that it seems odd to be amused that a customer mistook Confuzed-Monkey for an employee when he was wearing clothes similar to the uniform and helping out, but there was no need to be so sarcastic.

    Confuzed-Monley was not throwing a hissy fit or even complaining. He just found it amusing.
    I think you owe him an apology.
    If he wants an apology, that's for him to decide. It seems to me that if we can dish it out, we should be able to take it.


    • #92
      I agree, I don't think Confuzed-Monkey threw a fit of any kind. He only mentioned to the SC that this was the clothes he liked wearing because the SC said that he shouldn't be wearing those clothes.

      I'm sure Confuzed-Monkey never woke up that day, thinking of what clothes would confuse the most customers. He also seemed to be pretty civil to a person who was basically trying to tell him what he should be wearing




      • #93
        I agree. In fact, I got from the story that Confused Monkey wasn't offended or rude at all. I even went back and re-read it and I am a little taken aback that anyone would read that into it.

        What part of that story led you to think he could dish it out but not take it? He seemed pretty good natured about the whole encounter to me.


        • #94
          One day I was in the casino about an hour and a half out of town with my boyfriend, and I was walking by myself to play some slots (we tend to split up in the places that we know like this place). I was wearing my blue "Save the Manatee Club" shirt and ratty jeans and sandals. Someone came up to me and asked me if I could fill their machine because the hopper was empty. I had to tell them that I didn't work there, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to open any machine because I didn't have any keys. I know that the people that work there have blue shirts on, and BLACK pants, but blue shirt wasn't even close to that color blue, or even the same sort of style...(their blue shirts don't have "Save the Manataee Club" on them, for one). I thought it was humorous. Then I considered getting a job there, lol.
          "I'm not even supposed to BE here today!"


          • #95
            Quoth Tanizaki View Post
            If he wants an apology, that's for him to decide. It seems to me that if we can dish it out, we should be able to take it.
            I don't mean to call you out directly, but it seems to me that you are being a little indignant. Confuzed-Monkey didn't sound frazzled to me, it didn't sound like he intended to play games with the lady. An apology beforehand is more sincere than being prompted for one.


            • #96
              Quoth squall View Post
              I don't mean to call you out directly, but it seems to me that you are being a little indignant.
              It's a moot point now, though, since the person to whom your comment is addressed is no longer a member here.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #97
                But their avatar now rocks.


                • #98
                  The uniform for my store used to be a red polo shirt or a red t-shirt, and a pair of khakis. As it turns out, this is the same uniform for Target.

                  One day I had a short shift at my store and after I was done I ran to Target while still in my work clothes.

                  I got quite a few people asking me where various things were in Target. I told them I didn't work there; I had come from my store which, coincidentaly, had a similar uniform.

                  They all understood and left me alone without further questions. The uniform at my store has since changed, so it is no longer similar to Target's, but I still make sure to change out of my work clothes before going there.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #99
                    Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                    But their avatar now rocks.
                    A similar one for you can be arranged

                    *tries to look threatening*


                    *looks constipated instead*
                    A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                    - Dave Barry


                    • AGAIN!!! It has happened again!

                      Today, I am on my lunch and at a grocery store looking in the bakery. Now, as usual, I have my big purse with me and look like I am shopping.

                      Anyway, I am looking at cakes and pastries,and the lady next to me keeps saying "excuse me" and "help", so I look over. She seems to be looking past me so I ignore her (nothing seems THAT wrong to where she should be saying "help") and continue picking out my yummy treat (lol). She starts huffing and puffing and saying "excuse me" again.

                      I pick out a vanilla custard danish (ooh yeah), put it into a baggie and start walking to the register to pay. I see her go to the counter in the bakery and look around. She starts YELLING "excuse me, I need help"! So, naturally, I turn around to see what she is yelling about. She seems to just be trying to get an employee to help her, so I turn around and start to walk to the register again and she shouts "you"!

                      I turn around and she shuffles up to me and starts to ask me how she pays for a cake if she takes one in a bag. She asks if she has to print a label out herself or if they just charge her at the till. I said "excuse me"?

                      At this point, and still, I am not sure if she thought I worked there or if she thought I was just a customer.

                      I go to ask her if she thinks I work there, but she cuts me off. She starts asking about labels again, so to shut her up, I said that I always just bring it up to the till and pay. She said "is that how they do it now"? and "are you sure"? I said "as far as I know, okaaayyy"?

                      Then I left...and was confused. What the hell was she on about? She must have thought I worked there...if not then she is just an annoying horrid person!!! I really wanted to shake her and tell her to shut the hell up and that I DID NOT WORK THERE...I just wanted a custard danish!!!!!
                      "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                      • Custard danish sounds goooood!

                        You must look like a very, very helpful person! How does one look helpful? I do not know!


                        • I have a (kind of) opposite story.

                          A little background: I'm about the height of your average 10-year-old: 5'1".

                          I was doing returns and as I was walking down the end of an aisle I saw this little girl run my direction from inside the aisle. I went into the aisle to put whatever I had away (I think it was flour) and this random woman WHEELS AROUND ON HER FEET AND GRABS MY UPPER ARM and screams in my face, "I told you to stay next to me!!!!" Freaked me the out!!! Then the lady looked absolutely mortified that she had grabbed a grown woman (though I don't look it) by the arm (let alone an employee) and screamed. She appoligized profusely, but for some reason I didn't want to let it go. Usually I'll let a slip-up go, but . . . my personal space (and dignity, for that matter) had just been violated! I just walked/ran away from her without saying a word, doing a glance over my shoulder to give her a "holy crap, lady!" frightened look. Later than night I saw her and her daughter come to my line for checkout and I just stared quietly (same look as before) at her the whole time, only speaking to her if I needed to ("Paper or plastic?"). I don't know what would have happened if she had said she needed help out to her car!

                          I know I should have been more gracious, but I really felt violated!!!
                          Last edited by kerrisan; 08-10-2006, 02:45 AM.
                          ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                          • Quoth Onte View Post
                            Custard danish sounds goooood!

                            You must look like a very, very helpful person! How does one look helpful? I do not know!

                            Yes.....I MUST look helpful! Although, I usually walk around with a scowl on my face. I am one of those people that strangers tell to "smile". LOL!
                            "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


                            • Quoth kerrisan View Post
                              I know I should have been more gracious, but I really felt violated!!!
                              Just read Kusanagi's assault-- to you both for the way you handled it.

                              When I imagined what you and the woman must have been feeling as I was reading that, it occurred to me that you might want to submit that to publications or organizations that are parenting resources; it might push a few indignant parents to reconsider the appropriatness of their quick expressions of anger. (I'm not sure the best place to submit it to, but I bet others have ideas, and your doing it yourself might make you feel better).
                              I second that Frederick Douglass quote--unfortunately, so do a lot of SCs.


                              • Quoth Mixed Bag View Post
                                . . . it occurred to me that you might want to submit that to publications or organizations that are parenting resources; it might push a few indignant parents to reconsider the appropriatness of their quick expressions of anger. (I'm not sure the best place to submit it to, but I bet others have ideas, and your doing it yourself might make you feel better).
                                Thanks for the hugs! And you know, that submission idea sounds like a good one. I might try Parenting magazine; maybe they will do an article or something about the dangers of acting on impulse: how it can be dangerous for your children . . . or embarrassing for you!

                                . . . although in hindsight, I really could have (and should have) handled it better. I guess I really just wanted to guilt-trip this lady for acting on impulse or something. I don't know why I couldn't just let it go then. One of my lower points as an employee, but now that I think of it it was also near the end of my employment with Kroger.
                                Last edited by kerrisan; 08-10-2006, 06:03 PM.
                                ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~

