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Yule tide blues

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  • Yule tide blues

    Minor inconveniences

    Ok these are a collection of the most common crappy things being pulled where I worked over the Christmas period and afterwards. Some more major than others but all aggravating to some degree.

    So, where is it?

    This is a generalized scream.
    This annoyance has been pulled so many times over the last couple of weeks I grate my teeth every time it happens now.
    Not meaning to sound sexist but every single time it was a man who did this.

    There’s only one of us on the till,

    (There should be more, but most of us have been juggling two or three tasks along with the ‘normal day’)

    It’s busy, really busy.
    All the general scripts and add on sales junk has gone out the window to try and process the ever growing numbers of customers asap.

    Yet people are coming to the till to exchange things, no problem with that, but for the love of God don’t just bring the item and not the replacement!

    We don’t have the time to go find it for you! You had to walk past it to get into the queue in the first place!
    As you can see we are all up to our eyeballs and the queue is building behind you while I run around doing your @$%&* shopping for you!

    Staring at me like a dumb animal when I don’t immediately produce what you want instantaneously does not help.

    And to the gentleman, who saw we didn’t have the item in the size he wanted came to the queue anyway and demanded one. Didn’t seek to inform me that there wasn’t one there. Waited until after I had gone across the floor searched for it, been screamed at by my boss, for leaving said till and queue.
    Words can not express your idiocy, or how much I wanted to slap that grin off your face.

    No receipt no refund

    Again, generalised so many times has this happened my happy psycho chipper attitude is now just dark cynicism.

    Lady/ Gentleman/Person who is screaming at me, it is our store policy.
    No proof of purchase for branded goods and I can’t do anything for you.
    No receipt I can’t give you cash, period.
    Especially not when that item has been on sale for so long.
    If this is from another part of the store and you have already been told no, don’t come to me for a different answer, I won’t give one no matter how much you try to bluff, intimidate or cajole me.

    Ok now I’m angry (drawn from one that really got me annoyed)

    When it’s a children’s toy don’t try to emotionally blackmail me or my colleagues .
    We went above and beyond to try and find this supposed purchase for you so you could return it.
    This purchase did not exist, (so you either scamming us or you paid for it another way than the one you’ve told us).

    Telling the kid directly in front of us and other customers, that because these mean old people won’t give you a refund that they now can’t have that other toy that you have been promising them is a low blow indeed.

    (on a branded toy you bought, and lost the receipt for, if this isn’t a scam which now I’m suspecting it is)

    When they then burst into tears don’t expect anything other than a filthy look from me for shamefully using you child in this manner to get something we can’t give.

    Buy them the toy anyway and find that proof of purchase, not have them stand howling at my till because you are assuming I’ll cave at this disgraceful scenario you orchestrated.

    Made up offers

    Really sick of this and during the sales far to much of it goes on and often we don’t have the staff to check and confirm it’s a scam.

    Most of you probably know the drill

    SC- I found it in ---% off section therefore it is and you will give me it at that price. Despite the fact it is new stock, not marked down, and from a completely different section.

    Me – No, it’s full price.
    I’m no longer being polite with this reply because they try it continuously.


    You came went to a secluded part of our store and got yourself drunk on booze,
    (some of which may have been off the shelves)
    on Christmas didn’t you have anything better to do?
    Or couldn’t you at least have gone to the pub?
    There’s quite a few within short staggering distances, or maybe they just won’t let you in. More fool us for thinking you came to get last minute gifts, and to the mess you left there you disgusting man, no one wanted to clean up your shit (I regretfuly mean that literally).

    Health and safety

    I’m not comfortable being on this ladder, but it’s the only one I can use to reach. Dear Sc I dislike you for putting me in this situation, I loath you for doing things that make my situation atop this ladder even more precarious.
    I hate you for deciding that you no longer want this item after all this palaver, but I will contain it to silently fuming until I can escape on my break to the back room to swear my lungs out.

    Health and safety two

    I will say this now, you are bad parents. No more than that, you are callous, short sighted and stupid.
    I am eternally grateful that these words did not escape my lips during the Christmas period, though there were a few close calls.

    The reason for my fury?
    Parents letting, encouraging and in a few cases even teaching their young children to play on the escalators! Even when the staff members have asked them and the child to please stay away from them.

    I just hope that they never find out exactly why we continually get their kid off the escalators.
    But I fear they might when their little darling plays on them next time, and takes a tumble down those sharp edged stairs.
    Please excuse me , I need to wander round the corner to scream now, before my head explodes.