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Dirty bathrooms & the morons who complain about it

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  • #46
    Pharmacy bathrooms....yeah

    I used to work grave yards in a rather busy pharmacy. Because the managers could not be bothered to hire someone to clean them and thought they where above such lowly tasks it was left to the grave yard personnel to clean the bathrooms. Now this is a pharmacy with a lot of sick people coming through on a regular basis many of them strait from the ER with heavy laxatives in there systems...and no one cleans the bathroom until the graveyard personnel get a chance at around 3 am. I hope that the flaw in this logic is as clear to everyone hear as it was to me.

    Things I have found in the bathroom:
    evidence of explosive diarrhea on all 4 walls of a stall and the ceiling.
    small to medium sculptures made of shit and toilet paper. sometimes affixed to varies surfaces.
    enough crack pipes, needles, various legal and illegal drugs in quantities that the police had to be called. (one such parcel was cocaine that had a spectrogram reading more pure then that made by the government/drug companies to teach students and forensics the signature)
    several different forms of ammunition some times partially disassembled.
    a wall literally painted in blood.
    evidence of multiple fires (how the hell do the alarms not go off?)
    and more open and used boxes of stolen condoms, lube, other items from the family planning isle then I previously thought could be hidden in trashes and odd places.
    several stolen purses hidden with varying degrees of intelligence and/or malice.
    a few things that where utterly unidentifiable but that even bleach could not get rid of smell or stain.

    and the best part of all of this...there where no staff bathrooms. HOW THE HELL COULD THE DAY SHIFT NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS?
    Don't go towards the light... Go left damn it LEFT! ... Why did God install that bug zapper?


    • #47
      Quoth Enjis View Post
      A former manager of mine said when she worked in the Juniors department......
      girls would take in ALL sizes of the prom dress they wanted to the fitting room, and pee all over the ones they DIDN'T want, just to make sure no other gal in the area had the same prom dress as she did.

      Wowsers! Thousands of dollars of dresses ruined so no one would show up the vandal at her own prom!
      That makes it easier to find and charge the little bitch.
      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


      • #48
        The other day, this guy complained that the door to the customer toilet at the petrol station was locked. The kicker? We have no customer toilet; we do however have a connecting door between the shop and the back area that needs to be released before entry. I explained this to the customer, he just said, "So is there a toilet back there? And can I use it?" I told him to go to the store and use theirs. He moaned about us being selfish. -.-
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #49
          I don't have a horror story of my own to add but in highschool a buddy of mine was a janitor/cleaner/whatever title you want to give (I always called him a 'waste disposal technician) at a fairly upscale restaurant in my town.

          His job was to clean the washrooms (as well as other stuff as one would expect a janitor to do) he told me the womans washroom was ALWAYS about 10x worse than the guys washroom. so in one 8 hour shift he'd clean the guys washroom once or twice, and the womans 4+ times because it'd be trashed every few hours.. .and this is on a daily basis!
          Common sense... So rare it's a goddamn superpower.


          • #50
            Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
            At the supermarket, we once failed horribly on the mystery shopper cuz the toilets were trashed barely ten minutes after the cleaner had left them. Timeline went like this: Cleaner goes into toilets, cleans them thoroughly. 10 minutes later, disgusting subhuman goes in and trashes ladies toilet; throws poop everywhere, pees on floor and squishes wet toilet paper and paper towels on walls and floor. Some time after disgusting subhuman has left, mystery customer enters. -___- What can we do, have someone on guard all day in the toilets just in case someone decides to trash them? After all, the toilets can be reasonably clean all day long; it only takes one disgusting pig to wreck them.
            Please don't insult the pigs. Seriously, I just don't get it. I've heard of toilet art, but have never seen it personally. I just can't conceive of ever having the inkling of an idea to do that. No one should have to clean that.
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • #51
              Quoth Nyoibo View Post
              Hey!, I handle my dingdong quite well thankyou.
              Sorry I found this funny
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #52
                Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
                Recently I spoke with someone who worked in a Subway down in Texas.

                One time, he got a "Beavis" who asked to use the restroom after devouring his sandwich. Then he sent them in....then he got an ominous feeling once the Beavis Left. Sure enough, he walked in and the urinal was on fire.

                I've also thrown paper towels away at CSU and have found ashes and burned paper towels in there. Are these guys smoking TP?!

                If they are smoking weed and don't want the smell to get out a filture can be made out of toilette paper rolls and toilette paper, although a fabric sheet works much better.

                I think people drawing with shit/ smearing shit has to do with mental health problems. One girl at my work would do that and later it was found out she was hiding tampons under her bed. She was a real piece of work and likely fetal alchol. I think it has to do with the person not wanting to flush down something that came out of them because it is like they are losing that part of themselves.


                • #53
                  Every once in a while our ladies' room gets badly trashed . . . even the bagger on duty dreads going in there to take care of matters.

                  Couple of weeks ago, there was one such incident. We have 3 stalls in our ladies' room . . . 2 regular stalls and a larger handicapped stall. First stall was backed up something awful (at least once a week this stall gets that way b/c the rod that operates the lever inside the tank gets out from underneath the rod that operates the float, which leaves the handle on the tank hanging limp. Easy fix . . . which I've done countless times if I'm using that one.)

                  Second stall was okay. The biggest mess was in the handicapped stall . . . let's just say the outside of the toilet was brown all the way to the floor.

                  I went all over the store to find someone to take care of the mess after having to go to the 2nd stall (couldn't be helped . . .it was all I could do to suspend breathing the short time I was in there) and NOBODY wanted the job. I didn't go into details, except for the phrase "HazMat Detail" (guess that was pretty self explanatory.)

                  Finally, Opie asked the bagger on duty to go in there and hose everything down . . . too bad he (the bagger) didn't get hazard pay (he more than deserved it IMO.)

                  But in all seriousness I'd love to find out who these people are and where they live and go to their homes and trash their bathrooms and see how they like it.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #54
                    Quoth Food Lady View Post
                    Seriously, I just don't get it. I've heard of toilet art, but have never seen it personally. I just can't conceive of ever having the inkling of an idea to do that. No one should have to clean that.
                    Consider yourself lucky. My first experience was my first day on the job at a bookstore, in 1982. The restrooms were supposed to be "employee only," but we tended to be generous and let the public use them. The first time I had to attend to Mother Nature, I walked in, stood in shock for a moment and came back out. The person who was training me must have noticed my ashen face, and asked what was wrong. I gently explained to her that I would just wait till I got home. Sandra, if you're reading this, I applaud your bravery for cleaning that up! I could not have done that!
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #55
                      Quoth Digitalpotato View Post
                      I have to wonder just what in the hell people in CSU are DOING inside our bathrooms. I sometimes walk into the bathrooms to find piss and shit all over the floor, in the sink, in the urinals, even on the walls, and in general, everywhere BUT inside the toilets. Even some people have done stuff like scribble on the wall with shit.
                      I feel very glad that I have never run into this in my several years attending/working at CSU


                      • #56
                        Quoth Food Lady View Post
                        I've heard of toilet art, but have never seen it personally.
                        My only experience was with toilet art. I went into the restroom at a Roy Rogers many years ago, and saw the art work. I told a manger there was a problem in the men's room, and he suddenly had a horrified look on his face. It made me think that wasn't the first time it happened.
                        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                        • #57
                          Quoth BarbieGirl View Post
                          At the movie theater during big rushes the guys never liked to wait in line so there were many many many times we just found piles of poo in the corners. Sometimes so big they HAD to come from more than one person, YUCK. The womens restrooms were always a disaster with toilet paper EVERYWHERE. I even found a vibrator once, (seriously why would you need that at the movies??????)
                          Maybe she was Buzzing with excitement over the latest movie releases


                          • #58
                            Oh dear gods, this whole thread has me glad I work security- If I find shit, I don't have to clean it up. I just notify the appropriate people and write the incident report.
                            It also makes me glad that sites tend to be of the construction variety, so no idiots coming in and trashing things.

                            A few years ago, I did work at an apartment building. One morning, I went to do my 5 am round, and found the entire floor of the single elevator in the building covered in piss. I went back to the office to write the incident report and that was when one of the tenants came to my office door, ordering me to clean it up! I flat-out refused, stating that I was not trained or equipped to deal with biohazards, and the janatorial staff would have to take care of it. There wasn't much the guy could do at that point- my office would have backed me up on that, on worker's comp grounds.
                            If I got sick as a result of handling piss, which was outside my job description, worker's comp would not touch me.

                            I honestly don't get what posesses some people to play with their own piss and shit- I guess we really are descended from apes, regardless of what the creationists would have us believe. It just shows more in some people.


                            • #59
                              Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                              Yuckity yuck yuck. My worst bathroom story is when I worked at Media Play. I dread hearing about store liquidations, and this is just another reason why.
                              When Linens 'n Things went out of business, I went into the store near the bookstore to see if they had any good deals (not really; most of the stuff started out at 10% off - I can do better any day with the stack coupons I have from Bed Bath & Beyond). I went into the bathroom and handicapped stall was just horrid. And someone obviously had tried to plunge it, because the plunger was still sitting in the bowl. Apparently they were unsuccessful.

                              Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
                              Speaking of trashed restrooms, has anyone else noticed a trend toward people trying to flush paper towels?
                              That was the big problem we had with the men's room at Store1; they would stuff them in the urinals and flood the place. We stopped putting paper towels in there at all. They have also been known to let someone go home an hour early with pay for volunteering to clean some messes. I'd rather finish out my shift, thankyouverymuch.
                              I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                              I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                              It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                              • #60
                                I remember one construction site I worked at- a large apartment building. We had working toilets every few floors, so workers would not have to go all the way outside to use the porta potties.
                                One night I found that some dumb schmuck had wiped his ass with flyers out of the newspaper and then tried to flush the resulting mess! Toilet cloggage ensued. Cue me wrinking my nose at the smell and writing an incident report.

                                And as for that girl at brownie camp who crapped all over the shower on purpose, I bet the other girls made her life really fun. One, there's the piss-off factor of being made to stand outside in the middle of the night for two hours until she fessed up. And there's also the gross-out factor of what she did. Imagine the fodder for teasing and name calling there!

