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I thought I had heard it all...

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  • I thought I had heard it all...

    We have this customer who is a pain in the butt.
    Picky, demanding. Returns and exchanges everything.
    Puts stuff on hold for ages then comes in and decides to change to something else.
    One day, she even asked to have each pack of light bulbs put in separate bags so they wouldn't bang together.

    Well, the other day, I went up to the front service desk, and the cashier was just shaking her head. She said, "Do you remember that lady who's a pain in the arse? You know, the one I mean. She made me separate all her light bulbs that time."
    I said I did, and then she proceeded to tell me that she had just been in doing a return.

    She said, "Ree, I swear, the lady said that her husband was having a heart attack, and she had called an ambulance. She said she was heading down to meet him, but she had to do this return while she was on her way."

    We are located on the highway that takes you to the next city where the larger hospitals are located. I know they live a fair piece out of town, and only get in every so often, so maybe that was her only chance to return the stuff, but really....

    I asked her if maybe she had heard wrong, and he had already been admitted to the hospital and she was on her way to visit him, but she swears she repeated exactly what the lady said. The other cashier confirmed it, too. happy is that marriage?
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Reminds me of the movie "War of the Roses" with Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas. Where he has a heart attack and she rushes to the hospital - but she never makes it because she stopped on her way there and realized that she was actually happy over the thought that he may be dead!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      One of my best friends grew up un in this little podunk fly speck of a town and let me tell you, a comedy series could be made of some of her stories.

      Her dad was having a serious diabetic situation, right? What does her mom do? Calls the beauty salon and declares a hair emergency. I mean, she can't very well go to the emergency room with her hair all a wreck, right?

      I swear I am not making this up. I COULDN'T make this up.

      It gets better. The stylist's reaction was "Oh, sugar, come on down right now! I'll work you in, don't you worry. We'll get you fixed right up!!!!"

      I st you not. This woman absolutely could not go to the hospital without having her hair done first.

      I swear my friend has all the best stories. I keep harping on her to write a book.


      • #4

        Wow, that reminds me of a story, I forgot where I heard it...Oh, wait - I read it in an advice ER nurse wrote in the following story:

        An elderly lady was having chest pains and decided that she should probably go to the emergency room. Rather than call an ambulance, she called her son to come and take her. She needed the time to fix her hair and makeup and chose the right clothing. Well, by the time her son got there and got her in the car, it was too late, she passed away on the way to the hospital. The nurse who wrote the letter was writing because she can't believe how many times things like that happened. She said, "it's an emergency room, we don't care what you look like!" She said when the lady got there, they had a good looking corpse. Harsh, but that's an ugly truth.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

