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Screaming Makes Everything Better

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  • Screaming Makes Everything Better

    This happened back in November.

    Okay, a little background. The company I currently work for is an authorized agent of one of the cell phone carriers, which essentially means we're a franchise. We can set up new accounts, do upgrades, troubleshoot some minor software glitches. We can't take payments and we don't have technicians to work on the phones. The nearest store that has a technician is about thirty to forty-five minutes away. Because we don't have technicians, we can't do warranty exchanges, because a technician has to check the phone first.

    So there I was, working alone in the store I used go to one day a week. (Because there's only one person in that store, I go over to cover the manager's day off. Someone else has that honor now.) It was an especially slow day, which was par for the course in that store.

    About mid-afternoon, a man of Indian/Pakistani origin comes in. (I only mention this because it’s relevant to the story.) He comes in saying he's having problems with his phone and he wants a new one. I explain that I can't replace the phone, because I can't do a warranty exchange for the reasons I listed above.

    To say he went batshit doesn't begin to describe it.

    He started yelling at me, accusing me of not wanting to help him, despite my explaining that I couldn't do what he wanted me to do. He keeps telling me that he has a two year warranty, which makes no sense; the manufacturer's warranty only lasts a year. Explaining this doesn't help; he's still accusing me of not wanting to help him, saying it's the worst service he's ever gotten. He said he was in the store last year, and the guy that helped him was nice. I tried again to explain to him that, as an authorized agent, there are things that I can't do.

    His reply: "I don't want to hear that!"

    He kept repeating that I could see it was the battery that was the problem. Confessing that I had no way of knowing that, since I had no way of testing the battery, and that the problem could quite easily be the phone itself, which I couldn't tell since I had no way of testing the phone, didn't help.

    I ended up just sitting there with a blank look on my face, waiting for him to stop screaming.

    He didn’t stop.

    As he's heading for the door (after grabbing a business card so he can complain to customer service - good luck with that, by the way), he says that as soon as I saw his dark hair & skin, that I didn't want to help him. I started to protest that this wasn’t the case, but he screamed back that it certainly was the case.

    So, apparently, I'm a racist. Huh...learn something new every day.

    What was I supposed to do? I'm sorry you have to go to another store, but I can't do what you want me to do.

    Y'know, now that I think about it, I guess I am a racist...I hate the entire human race!
    "Now, don't feel bad. It's not you, it's me. I don't like you." - Aeryn, Farscape

    Suddenly you're not alone in the Universe - farchild628

  • #2
    Ah, the default race card. Never fails. Can't get your way? Pull the race card! It slices, it dices, it makes you look like a complete horse's ass, but who cares? The race card! Available at these fine retailers....


    • #3
      You said you were alone in the store? I'd just walk behind the counter and call the police saying you had a belligerant customer in the store. If that doesn't make him shut up or leave, at least you have cops on the way who will make him leave.
      "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

      ...Beware the voice without a face...


      • #4
        Ah the race card. I've actually had THAT pulled a lot.

        "WTF man you're charging more cause I'm black!"
        "...Double Meat and bacon cost money."
        Kangaroo Squee!


        • #5
          As others are so fond of saying...."I'm sorry, your race card has been declined. Is there another form of entitlement you'd like to use?"
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            "You're a racist!"
            "Yup, damn humans. You all suck so much. You're worth less than the scaly skin on my toes..." *continue on as long as my evil imagination keeps inspiring me*
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              In a neighboring town we have a full service store (it's own storefront) and two stores down in a now defunct electronics retailer a franchise store. I was in now defunct electronics retailer and a custoemr was yelling at the clerk about a report. he refused to walk a few hundred feet to full service store to make his payment.


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                As others are so fond of saying...."I'm sorry, your race card has been declined. Is there another form of entitlement you'd like to use?"
                ...I'm SO using that if I ever get the race card pulled on me.
                Osoroshii kangae nimo osoware masu...


                • #9
                  Quoth Wade View Post
                  Ah, the default race card. Never fails. Can't get your way? Pull the race card! It slices, it dices, it makes you look like a complete horse's ass, but who cares? The race card! Available at these fine retailers....
                  You forgot that The Race Card can also make french fries...
                  A swift blow to end defiance, a thousand voices silenced in fire.

