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Contender for the "Nice Try Award"

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  • Contender for the "Nice Try Award"

    Reading some of these scam threads reminded me of one I had at (cell phone company).
    Whenever we spoke about a customer's account to an associate (sales, dealers, marketing, etc.), we had to get a dealer code from them. This allowed us to see if they're on the up and up.

    PS: Possible Stalker

    PS: Hey! I need to check information the phone number (blabbity-blah).
    ME: Very well, Sir. (Pull up the info and it's a female name. No males are authorized on the account.) Sir, no males are listed on the account.
    PS: I know. I'm in the marketing department.
    ME: Okay. What's your code?
    PS: MC130.
    ME: .....that's not a valid code. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, that's a military plane. What was your name again?
    PS: (hung up so fast you could hear the air being cut)
    ME: Thought so.

    Further checking shows this guy had been calling in for awhile. I got permission from my supervisor to put a memo on the woman's account.
    I have a...thing. Wanna see it?

  • #2
    ME: .....that's not a valid code. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, that's a military plane. What was your name again?
    Their is a C-130 turboprop transport plane developed in the US in the late 50's and used by many nations.

    Than again he my have tried to pull off the KC-135 Stratotanker, used for mid-air refueling.
    Last edited by mattm04; 02-17-2009, 08:51 PM.


    • #3
      You're right. MC-130 is also listed in the first link:
      # MC-130E/H Combat Talon I/II (special operations)
      # MC-130W Combat Spear (special operations)
      I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


      • #4
        When I worked for Lear Fan, a C-130 flew into our airport (Stead, NV) as the local Reserves unit operated out of our airport. I got to watch it take off, just amazing. The guys I worked with who had been in the military were telling me all kinds of stories about what a great plane it was.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
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        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          wonder what his relationship was to the woman.

          that happened to a woman i know.. i'll call her X. X's husband was psychotic-jealous. If X spoke to any man (even if work related)... she was having an affair! Go out with a group of girls? ...hubby would slightly tolerate it, but... one of the girls brings her boyfriend along?... NO! X is having an affair with that man!

          Yeah. Psychotic.

          Needless to say... he broke into her cell phone account to track who she called. He even called ME to ask who I was.

          If he calls again, I'd say ... notify the woman that this person is attempting to access her account.

          Hell... it could be like that situation above... or it could also be a stalker or someone she has a restraining order against.

