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Tales of WTF-ery...

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  • Tales of WTF-ery...

    I swear, this week brought out the weird people.

    Case #1:

    Idiot tries to scam one of our lovely service desk people by returning something without a receipt. Oh, sorry, can't do that! So he attempts to lean over the counter and send his fists flying. You are the Weakest Link. Goodbye.

    Case #2:

    Some kid about 14/15 tries to steal a bottle of Jim Beam, two bottles of Coke and a carton of some obscure beer from our liquor section. Poor kid didn't get very far...

    Case #3:

    All I saw of this one was our manager going after some woman with a pram. Turns out that either mother or child (dunno which) had stolen a Mars Bar among other things...

    Case #4:

    technically a sighting, but all I saw of THIS one was a lady in one of those electric gopher-like wheelchairs and some old guy ranting and raving at one of the poor butchers who works near us (not the one I'm dating either ). all I caught of it was something to do with price, since the guy was shaking his head and had gone red. Dunno if he was laughing or not.

    Case #5:

    Mild suck on work's part, but these guys were regulars so they'd know by now.
    Sometimes to speed things up we'll start pulling the items that were on special THIS week off the endcaps on Sunday and start putting Monday's specials up. This usually occurs late in the afternoon under manager's supervision. And also usually most people will read the signs and go to find said item. Not this couple.
    All week we've been having a special on our boxes of soft drink cans-something along the lines of BOGOF. Bear in mind that they come in two different sizes. This is important.

    So Special Packs have all been sold out. In place, since they'll be on special I'm guessing at some stage are the Bigger Size. Special Price Signs are still up, advertising said deal. So guy comes up to me, I recognise his face because I've seen him a few times. OK guy, not picky. Normally. He then asks me if it's the Bigger Size that's BOGOF since he read the sign. Uhhh, no way. Especially not for this price. Called over manager for that department. I knew that the bigger size weren't on special, but I figured it'd sound better coming out of my somewhat scary-looking manager's mouth. Guy spends about five minutes arguing with manager over lack of Special Packs. Nope, he didn't want to take a raincheck either. In the end, he gets several Small Packs and trots off to the bag-free register.

    Why must they all come to me?!?!
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...