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You're Not In Walgreens, Toto. Or, I Am NOT a Pharmacist.

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  • You're Not In Walgreens, Toto. Or, I Am NOT a Pharmacist.

    Three stories today, none of them really sucky, just making me scratch my head in wonder.

    I work at Aid of Rite.

    When Did I Get A Promotion?

    Because I've had no less than 3 people coming up to me to ask me my opinion on this cough medicine or that stop smoking lozenge or the pain reliever best for that pain and such like. Normally it's one person every 3 months but I guess the universe likes to consolidate everything sometimes for efficiency. The stop smoking lozenge people? Took easily 10 minutes between me in English with hand signals and the daughter of the man relaying it in Bosnian to her father and asking me questions about how precisely to use the product and would it smell like nicotine and me going, "Urm...I don't know because I don't smoke/haven't used it before" really intelligently. Eventually the took the new white mint gum that supposedly whitens teeth as you chew it.

    You're Not In Walgreens

    As I'm putting away the pregnancy tests from truck, lady comes up behind me and starts looking at the generic brand tests, saying, "Oh, I lost the box for the results and I'm not sure what it is...maybe I'll have to buy a new one."

    "Well our brand is $7.99 on sale this week," I say.

    "Oh, it's that price at Walgreens." She picks up our brand and gasps. "According to this the two dots means I'm pregnant....great. I need to kill myself now."

    I guess this brings up the question: What do walgreen brand tests say if you're pregnant? I'm guessing that different store brands = different ways of saying that you're pregnant?


    As I'm going back up front to help ring a woman comes in with a dog on a leash, which is a no no since it's obviously not a service animal. The dog is everyone's vision of a perfect Toto, a dark gray terrier with a black quilted jacket on him and a bright pink tongue poking out. He's sniffing everything and is also friendly, he licks my hand. I'm about to tell this woman off for bringing the dog into the store because it WILL get her banned (and we banned a woman not too far back from repeatedly bringing her vicious little Pomeranian dog in after we told her not to, the dog was snappy and growly and she would put him in one of our carriages and stand near the pharmacy for ages waiting for her prescriptions, which is not a good idea especially since families with young kids and people allergic to hairy dogs were there) The woman says, "The dog is not mine, I found him wandering the parking lot and I thought I would bring him in." The dog has fresh snow clinging to his paws. Hm. So I page for the owner of a gray terrier to come up front and within 5 minutes, a rather sheepish woman with a green coat comes running up to grab the dog because he apparently escaped through her car window or something. The woman who found the dog begins to berate the owner for being so thoughtless and the dog could've been run over by some idiot or dognapped and the dog had no tags and so on and so forth. Loudly. VERY loudly. To the point where I want to scream, "Come ON lady, the owner made a mistake and she's feeling bad, stop adding fuel to the fire!"
    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill

  • #2
    I never knew Walgreens had their own pregnancy test brand. I see the same brands at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc etc. No, it's not like I shop for them, but they always tend to be in the same aisles as condoms and KY.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      It used to be everything was one dot (or line) if your not pregnant and two if you were. The first line was the control so you knew it worked. Then they came out with plus or minus. And now they have ones that say pregnant or not pregnant.


      • #4
        Quoth ralerin View Post
        Took easily 10 minutes between me in English with hand signals and the daughter of the man relaying it in Bosnian to her father and asking me questions about how precisely to use the product and would it smell like nicotine and me going, "Urm...I don't know because I don't smoke/haven't used it before" really intelligently. Eventually the took the new white mint gum that supposedly whitens teeth as you chew it.
        Everyone's results are different, but after 20 years of smoking and 100's of attempts to quit, the nicotine losenge is the only thing that has worked for me. I have been smoke free for 2 months now, so if you need a testimony, tell'm I said they are great


        • #5
          Quoth ralerin View Post
          "Oh, it's that price at Walgreens." She picks up our brand and gasps. "According to this the two dots means I'm pregnant....great. I need to kill myself now."
          Wow. I don't know who to feel more sorry for--her (because she obviously does not want to be pregnant, though we have no reasons why) or the baby (who is not likely to be warmly welcomed by its mother). Either way, that still seems like an awfully harsh statement to use upon finding out she's pregnant. I'm glad I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have said.

          But, hey, at least she didn't react like this woman did.
          I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
          - Bill Watterson

          My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
          - IPF


          • #6
            I need to kill myself now.
            that usually means "i need to call the cops now"
            we were always trained at work to take that shit seriously.

            the owner cared so much she went shopping instead of looking for her dog?
            Last edited by PepperElf; 03-04-2009, 05:35 PM.


            • #7
              I honestly think I'd side with the lady yelling at the dog owner on that one. I've never understood why people think it's a good idea to bring their animals in the car, then just leave them while they're shopping. People do it at my grocery store all the time. Security for our strip mall has to go around and break cars open because people left their animals in there when it was almost 100 degrees out....

              And what a response to being pregnant o.O
              Pit bull-

              There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


              • #8
                Ah, how familiar I am with those kinds of problems. I work at another big-chain pharmacy, and I stock the cough-cold and analgesics products on our delivery day. Cold season is in full swing, and I've been bombarded with those kinds of questions. Allow me to offer some advice - tell them the basics of each product, recommend they speak to the pharmacist for additional information, and recommend orange juice or something else with vitamin C. You would be shocked at how many people do not know about the immune-boosting effects of Vitamin C. Just that bit of information will solve 90% of those incidents.

                As for the aggressive dog-rescuer, well, it's best not to intervene except for asking the customer to settle down, but always be ready to call the police if things go to hell.


                • #9
                  Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                  Wow. I don't know who to feel more sorry for--her (because she obviously does not want to be pregnant, though we have no reasons why) or the baby (who is not likely to be warmly welcomed by its mother). Either way, that still seems like an awfully harsh statement to use upon finding out she's pregnant. I'm glad I wasn't there. I don't know what I would have said.

                  But, hey, at least she didn't react like this woman did.

                  The kicker? Planned Parenthood is RIGHT NEXT DOOR. Less than 100 feet away...
                  Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


                  • #10
                    Quoth PhotoChick View Post
                    It used to be everything was one dot (or line) if your not pregnant and two if you were. The first line was the control so you knew it worked. Then they came out with plus or minus. And now they have ones that say pregnant or not pregnant.
                    Apu and Manjula: "Baby... GASP! baby....Pirate?"
                    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kyree View Post
                      I honestly think I'd side with the lady yelling at the dog owner on that one. I've never understood why people think it's a good idea to bring their animals in the car, then just leave them while they're shopping. People do it at my grocery store all the time. Security for our strip mall has to go around and break cars open because people left their animals in there when it was almost 100 degrees out....

                      And what a response to being pregnant o.O
                      We have called the cops for that several times. One time the dumb owner left their dog in a black Mercedes on the hottest day of the year (over 100 with high humidity) . My car said 109 in the parking lot when I left.

                      The cops checked all the stores no response, one cop distracted the dog to one side of the car while the the other broke out a window. The dog was fine, but the SC got arrested for animal cruelty and a warrant.


                      As I'm going back up front to help ring a woman comes in with a dog on a leash, which is a no no since it's obviously not a service animal. The dog is everyone's vision of a perfect Toto, a dark gray terrier with a black quilted jacket on him and a bright pink tongue poking out. He's sniffing everything and is also friendly, he licks my hand. I'm about to tell this woman off for bringing the dog into the store because it WILL get her banned (and we banned a woman not too far back from repeatedly bringing her vicious little Pomeranian dog in after we told her not to, the dog was snappy and growly and she would put him in one of our carriages and stand near the pharmacy for ages waiting for her prescriptions, which is not a good idea especially since families with young kids and people allergic to hairy dogs were there) The woman says, "The dog is not mine, I found him wandering the parking lot and I thought I would bring him in." The dog has fresh snow clinging to his paws. Hm. So I page for the owner of a gray terrier to come up front and within 5 minutes, a rather sheepish woman with a green coat comes running up to grab the dog because he apparently escaped through her car window or something. The woman who found the dog begins to berate the owner for being so thoughtless and the dog could've been run over by some idiot or dognapped and the dog had no tags and so on and so forth. Loudly. VERY loudly. To the point where I want to scream, "Come ON lady, the owner made a mistake and she's feeling bad, stop adding fuel to the fire!"
                      We had a dog wander into our store once. Had current tags and was friendly so we got a bed off the shelf and he laid in the managers office while we looked for the owner in our store asked the other stores to make announcements. Turned out the guy lived just down the street and the dog saw something outside just as the owner was coming in with groceries (from our store) and the dog escaped.
                      Last edited by mattm04; 03-05-2009, 07:13 PM.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View Post
                        Apu and Manjula: "Baby... GASP! baby....Pirate?"
                        Oh wait! It says pirates are wild!
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

