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There Are TWO Signs, Morons! (Two Stories)

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  • There Are TWO Signs, Morons! (Two Stories)

    We're Not A Doctor's Office, And We Don't Play One On TV!
    I work as an administrative assistant at a child care agency, which takes up the entire fourth floor in the building where we're located. We're the only non-medical tenant in the building (the rest are doctor or dentist offices), and the only tenant that takes up the entire floor.

    As soon as you get off the elevator on the fourth floor, you are directly faced with a ginormous sign of the name of our agency, which is also right beside the doors to the office. Once inside those doors, you are directly faced with the receptionist's desk, behind which is also a huge sign indicating the name of the agency.

    Nevertheless, people will come in asking if they can see a doctor or a dentist. One day last week this lady brought her kid and asked if we had any available doctors to see her son, as the doctor who she normally sees in the same building wasn't seeing patients, as he was ill.

    "Um, ma'am, this is a child care agency."

    If the signs weren't enough, the decor should have been. There's no way in hell anyone with common sense would mistake the office for a medical one of any kind. Guess I'm asking too much.

    Well, Your Stupidity Is Kind Of An Emergency.
    I used to work at a drugstore. Our emergency exit was clearly marked with big red letters that said, well, EMERGENCY EXIT. However, despite that and the fact that the real exit - large sliding doors - were located right in front of the cash register, some customers would exit through the former.

    Which would set off a loud-ass, ear-piercing alarm that could probably be heard across the city.

    After a few too may incidents like this, management decided to add an additional sign that said, big and bold in a large font and all caps: THIS IS AN EMERGENCY EXIT. PLEASE DO NOT EXIT THROUGH THIS DOOR.

    Well, guess what happened? People were STILL exiting through that door and setting off that alarm.

    (Before I quit, the last customer who did it, I think, did it out of spite because he was mad that we wouldn't do something for him that was against store policy.)

    If TWO signs can't help these idiots, then what will?! WHAT, I TELLS YA?!
    Last edited by Melicious Motormouth; 03-19-2009, 03:12 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Melicious Motormouth View Post
    Well, Your Stupidity Is Kind Of An Emergency.
    I used to work at a drugstore. Our emergency exit was clearly marked with big red letters that said, well, EMERGENCY EXIT. However, despite that and the fact that the real exit - large sliding doors - were located right in front of the cash register, some customers would exit through the former.

    Which would set off a loud-ass, ear-piercing alarm that could probably be heard across the city.

    After a few too may incidents like this, management decided to add an additional sign that said, big and bold in a large font and all caps: THIS IS AN EMERGENCY EXIT. PLEASE DO NOT EXIT THROUGH THIS DOOR.

    Well, guess what happened? People were STILL exiting through that door and setting off that alarm.

    (Before I quit, the last customer who did it, I think, did it out of spite because he was mad that we wouldn't do something for him that was against store policy.)

    If TWO signs can't help these idiots, then what will?! WHAT, I TELLS YA?!
    We have had this happen several times. A door hidden in the corner with a "EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY" sign on the door. It dumped you directly outside. A SC went out that way, realized it was a long walk to around the building and pounded on the door trying get in. We decided not to. He eventually came back in and claimed he was looking for a employee to look in the back for a item. He walked right past two less that 5 feet from the door.


    • #3
      Quoth Melicious Motormouth View Post
      If TWO signs can't help these idiots, then what will?! WHAT, I TELLS YA?!
      Charge them for setting off an unnecessary alarm. Some people actually tend to learn once things have an impact on their wallet.
      I still miss my ex.
      But my aim is getting better.


      • #4
        Quoth Midnight_Angel View Post
        Charge them for setting off an unnecessary alarm. Some people actually tend to learn once things have an impact on their wallet.
        Yea-the fire department has to come every time regardless, and that costs the store money. Even if they were fined for a partial amount-DUH.
        Well fiddle dee dee!!


        • #5
          Quoth Melicious Motormouth View Post
          Which would set off a loud-ass, ear-piercing alarm that could probably be heard across the city.
          I've installed a fair number of these "Bail-Out" alarms and the idjits (upper level management bean-counters) never want to do it right:

          A low to medium loudness audible inside and a Wrath-of-Cthulhu, shit-your-pants-right-now LOUD siren outside.

          As usually installed, the noise is aimed away from the perp plus the door immediately closes and shields them from the effects. Result: only effective in cubicle farms where coworkers can beat the fool unsilly when they get back to their desk.
          I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
          Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
          Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


          • #6
            It is a proven fact that signs...... Don't work.

            AT ALL!... Apparently.

            Way back when I used to work at Subway, I'd have people routinely spend ten minutes looking at the menu, (and coincidently our 6ftx2ft "SUB OF THE MONTH" sign located level with my shoulder), and follow-up immediately with:
            "What's the Sub Of The Month?" with the second-place question being "And how much is it?"

            It got to the point where all I'd do is just reach up and tap the sign.
            I have determined that you could have something written up in ten-foot-tall, flaming-pink-neon letters....... And people still wouldnt see it.
            Or they would glance at it- and proceed to ask you whatever the hell was answered by the sign.
            Waiter? ... Waiter?
            Curses! When will I ever remember- Order dessert first and THEN kill everyone in the restauraunt.


            • #7
              Re: Emergency exits

              Several years ago, I took a break from working in the tutoring center for a summer to have some neck surgery done. When I got back in the fall, the exit to the stairwell had been alarmed, and signed for emergency exit only. One afternoon, the fire alarms go off, and the announcements come on that this is NOT a drill, this is a true emergency, and to evacuate the building NOW.

              I am about 5 steps from that door. The next closest way out is 30 feet away, and I would still have to come back down the hallway and go down the exact same stairs. So I head out the door, setting off the alarm for that door, of course.

              Fast forward about 3 hours--the fire department has come and gone, and the building has been cleared for re-entry. My shift was not yet over, darn it, so I head on back up. The door alarm is still going. Nobody knows how to turn it off. I get chewed out for setting it off in the first place.

              Too bad, so sad, but I am NOT going to endanger myself and others to avoid setting off an alarm when we have been told to evacuate!
              Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


              • #8
                Quoth Primer View Post
                Fast forward about 3 hours--the fire department has come and gone, and the building has been cleared for re-entry. My shift was not yet over, darn it, so I head on back up. The door alarm is still going. Nobody knows how to turn it off. I get chewed out for setting it off in the first place.

                Too bad, so sad, but I am NOT going to endanger myself and others to avoid setting off an alarm when we have been told to evacuate!

                So in a nutshell, you got reemed out for using an emergency exit DURING an emergency?

