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Ummm...this is for charity, people

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  • Ummm...this is for charity, people

    The youth service club that I help to run held their annual Easter Breakfast today.

    It's a fundraiser for the kids, and has been a pretty good way to make money.

    This was our 4th year, and as always, we had our usual odd sucky customers thrown into the mix.

    We serve a breakfast of pancakes and sausage with beverages for $3. It runs from 8 am - Noon and each hour, we have an egg hunt with the Easter Bunny.

    We had people coming in, expecting not to pay because they weren't eating breakfast and were only there for the hunt. WTF??

    Who did they think was going to pay for the eggs their kids found?

    It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just one family, but there were others with the same idea.

    I mean, really! What the hell??
    I wouldn't have the nerve to bring in 3 kids to do an egg hunt at a fundraising breakfast event and expect to get in for free because I wasn't eating.

    Then, we had the Mom whose kid puked all over the floor
    She just said, "Sorry," and was all embarrassed, but she didn't even attempt to clean up her own child's vomit.

    I have a really weak stomach. One of the kids from our group came running over and said, "Ree, some little kid threw up in the hallway."

    I turned, and I almost threw up myself. I ran and got paper towel to put over it, but I was gagging the whole time.
    I said, "I can't clean this. I have a really weak stomach."

    That's when the mother apologized and then she just left with her child.
    I don't care how embarrassed a person is. If one's child throws up, clean it up yourself.

    One of the kids in my group stepped in and offered to clean it up, bless her heart.
    She earned major brownie points with me over that one.

    When it came time to do the hunts, the other group advisor tried to make an announcement, but nobody would shut up long enough to listen, so we were all set to do the hunt and there were still about 15 kids sitting at the tables, because nobody had heard her tell them to come to the center of the room.

    I went around and pointed it out to them. Then, it was like herding fucking cats as the parents brought their kids to the center of the floor, and none of them would shut up or hold still long enough fr us to get an accurate count of how many kids would be hunting.

    We usually hide a set number of eggs divided over the 4 hunts, and depending on how many kids are searching, we like them to end up with at least 3 eggs.
    In that case, we barely had enough eggs to cover all the children, so we had to make them wait while we hid some more.

    Then, we opened the curtains to the hunt area, and all the kids and their parents came forward, but I looked, and there were still a group of 3 or 4 posing for pictures. I'm surprised they didn't whine that there were no eggs left for their kids.

    I had one little guy come up to point out that another kid took 4 eggs.
    Ummm...go tell his Mom, then. I'm not about to go and build bad relations with somebody and give our service club a bad name by taking their kid's eggs away because they're too stupid to teach him to behave properly and not be a greedy little monster.

    Our club let us down to begin with, because we had only 4 kids show up to help. Our president never showed, and neither did the other 3 members.
    The boys who were playing the part of the bunny did nothing but whine all morning about how hot the suit was, even though they had been warned and were told to bring shorts to wear under it.

    The kid who played the part for the first half of the morning finished his job, then came and was whining that he wanted to go eat with his family who had come in by that point.
    The other advisor told him we needed him to help, because we had lost the other pair of hands while the other boy went to play the role for the next half of the morning.

    That left us with only 2 kids plus me. There were 2 adults in the kitchen and the other advisor was busy with the costume change.
    Next thing I know, the kid's mother came over and asked if he could go eat with them as his uncle was visiting and it was a surprise.

    I said, "I'm sorry, but while he was playing the Easter Bunny, these kids have been working triple time to cover all the jobs. We really need his help now."

    That meant his family was ticked at us, and he pouted the rest of the day.

    I'm sorry, but what part of volunteer and "we need all the help we can get" did this kid not understand?

    Anyway, I was so glad to get home and relax.

    I was doing everything at one point - taking tickets, making coffee, filling juice,
    cleanup, serving when things got backed up and the kids couldn't keep up with the tables, all while supervising the kids to make sure their tables got served properly.

    It really kind of sucks to deal with sucky customers all week and then have to put up with them at a charity fundraising event.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    *gives hugs and cookies*
    Melody Gardot


    • #3
      I'm sorry Ree. *huggle*
      "Kill the fat guy first?! That's racist!" - my friend Ironside at a Belegarth practice after being "killed" first.

      I belly dance with tall Goblins!


      • #4
        The customers were sucky, but so were your club members for not even bothering to show up and help. that's pretty darned poor.
        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


        • #5
          Yeah...they're teens. (Age range 11-17)
          What can I say?

          Some of them have learned the meaning of the words, "commitment" and "responsibility" and others have yet to learn.
          Some have parents who don't really take an interest in their child's activities, so they don't really follow the calendars that we give them, and make sure their child attends the activities that they have signed up to do.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


          • #6
            I agree that it must have been disappointing to see volunteers not honor their commitment. Either honor the commitment or do not make it at all.

            However, I do understand the family being ticked especially since the uncle was there as a surprise.


            • #7
              The uncle was going back to their house and they had the whole afternoon, not to mention, the uncle is staying for a few days.

              I can understand his family wanting to have him sit there and eat with them, but why should he get to go and sit, leaving two other kids and me to bear the brunt of the work? This happens at all of our breakfasts. His family comes in and he immediately wants to drop what he's doing and leave his station unmanned so he can go and eat with them. Then, he will sit for a half hour while everybody else has had to do his work as well as theirs.
              We were just so shorthanded this time and we really couldn't spare him at all.

              Also, how fair is it that he would get to go and eat at that moment, because the rest of us weren't going to get to eat until the end after all of our "customers" had been served?

              Then, there's the fact that my daughter and granddaughter came to breakfast, too, and I was so busy, I barely had time to see my granddaughter with the Easter Bunny, let alone take a picture of her. (I managed a few quick ones with my cell phone.) I didn't get to go and eat with them.
              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


              • #8
                Well they don't get any better when they get older... I'm in an organization that is probably 50+ percent over retirement age. At Christmas we had a day of bell ringing for the salvation army. My shift was with the president of our group (a retired minister) who didn't bother to show up and left me stranded in the rain ringing a bell for six hours... I couldn't even go to the bathroom because I couldn't leave the kettle.

                Now we have a day of work at the habitat house. They will be painting on our day so it doesn't get much easier than that... Last I heard we had four volunteers out of 200+ members.

                So don't blame it on being teenagers. Some people just don't get it. Be glad for the good ones and hope they bring in some friends!

                Steve B.


                • #9
                  Yeah, they're not bad kids.

                  I was actually more upset by the people who felt they should get in free just because they weren't going to eat, but were sending their children to hunt eggs, and with the mother who didn't even clean up her child's puke.

                  Then there are the ones paying $3 for a fundraising breakfast and act like they're dining at the Ritz and expect the full service.
                  We serve the plates. We don't bring your coffee or juice to you, folks.
                  We have 2 volunteers in the kitchen and only one grill.
                  I'm sorry that your table of 12 got 8 meals, but then had to wait a bit for a second batch of pancakes to cook so we could bring the other 4.
                  We aren't professionals, but we do try to time it so we can send out whole tables of plates together. We do the best we can with limited space and people.
                  Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Ree View Post
                    I'm sorry that your table of 12 got 8 meals, but then had to wait a bit for a second batch of pancakes to cook so we could bring the other 4.
                    At $3 they should have been happy it was there at all. Jerks.

                    *offers herb tea and a recliner*
                    Last edited by RootedPhoenix; 04-07-2009, 06:11 AM. Reason: making sense is good!
                    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
           (A blog about everything and nothing)


                    • #11
                      Charity SCs are the worst. Everyone enjoys these annual traditions but very few want to pony up serious money or time.

                      99% of the attendees get the whole spirit of the thing and don't act like cheap entitlement whores about it.

                      But that 1% sucks even more because you're not even getting paid to deal with them.

                      Then there are the no show/barely show volunteers.

                      A lack of participation finally caused our town's Fourth of July Committee to quit one year. The few people who were doing the bulk of the work just couldn't bear the load alone any more.

                      So they took a year off and invited anyone else who wanted to take it on, to feel free to do so.

                      Nobody thought they really meant it and nobody came forward. To everyone's amazement, the celebration did not just magically happen.

                      While it was disappointing, it wasn't the end of the world. The town survived and learned a Very Valuable Lesson. There were plenty of volunteers for the next year.

                      Maybe next year you and the reliable volunteers should have "other plans" on the day of the event.
                      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                      The stupid is strong with this one.

