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Sure, we'll just give you stuff you can't prove you paid for

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  • Sure, we'll just give you stuff you can't prove you paid for

    Yesterday was slightly interesting. Work just felt kinda different.

    I had one lady who wasn't really sucky, but definitely could've been, and a would-be shoplifter.

    First, a woman came up to my register with car mats and some other item. I gave her the total, which came to twenty-something dollars. She basically screamed "HOW MUCH WERE THOSE MATS!?" I told her they were $19.99(on sale too). The woman told me they were $9.99. That's kind of a big difference for something to be, so I'd have to call someone to check. Luckily one of my coworkers in the register next to me said she'd go back and check. The woman went back with her, and I couldn't take customers for a few minutes while I waited for them.

    While I'm waiting, up comes the potential shoplifter. She had to have been around my age(18). She came up to my register with a blue bikini. I informed her it might be a few minutes until she can check out, and she might want to try another line. She said something like "Oh it's ok. I already got this." I was thinking *umm....okk....* I wasn't sure what she wanted exactly. I think I asked her what she wanted or something. She said "I was already in here and bought this(and you didn't take it with you...?), I just need someone to bag it for me."
    Uhh-huh. Sure honey. I smiled and said "Ok, could I just see your receipt then?" You know, cause if for some stupid reason you left a purchase at the store and not in a bag, you'd bring the receipt with you to show you really did buy it. Next thing she said/screeched was "CAN I TALK TO A MANAGER?!" Ok....No reason to freak out but I'd be glad to get you off my hands. I turned around to the phone and was about to make a page, when she just asked if she should go to the service desk. I told her "Sure."
    So she was out of my hands. Found out later that they even asked what cashier checked her out, and she couldn't remember who. And she asked something like "Don't you trust your customers?"
    The woman at the service desk said "Think about it in my shoes. Would you trust someone who said they paid for something but don't have a receipt?" Apparently she said "Of course I would!"
    Ha. So she left without the bathing suit I'm sure she never came in and bought.

  • #2
    If it look like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck--it's a duck...or scammer.
    I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

    Who is John Galt?
    -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


    • #3
      We had an issue of that yesterday. I was working u-scan and this guy checked out with diapers. I remember him because he just bought diapers and as far as I know, he paid and walked away. I didn't do a void transaction and people were buying stuff at that u-scan. Well, he comes back a few minutes later with diapers and tels me he is making an exchange.

      First off, we aren't supposed to do exchanges at u-scan and I don't know the price of the diapers. One was in a box and the other in a bag so from my old store, the boxes were more expensive. I tell him I can't do an exchange here and he tells me of course I can. Um, no. Then I tell him he has to go to customer service and he throws a fit. He didn't have his receipt on him, he didn't tell me he was going to make an exchange (at least to my face), he didn't tell customer service he was going to.

      Because of the area, I didn't want to get in trouble if he was stealing a box of diapers. It looked like a theft because 95% of the people go to customer service first.


      • #4
        Why is it that some people will pick something up from a display with a BIG price tag on it, bring it to a register where that price is scanned right in front of them, and then be soooooo surprised when the cashier tells them the total? And also act like the cashier is personally trying to rip them off.

        It's obvious that lady was inexperienced at scamming... if she had screamed about it long enough she probably would have gotten the bikini
        "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron

