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twas the night after easter

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  • twas the night after easter

    and it sucked. didn't help that i was stuck with V, yet again. it was just crazy all day.

    now yesterday (Easter) for a holiday on a Sunday, it was actually busy. normally on any Sunday our front store makes $8,000 something. but on Easter we made $7,100

    wtf. it seemed like it was really busy since it was only 2 of us from 6pm-8pm. (bossman used everyone during the day to help set up summer)

    there always the customers who act surprised when you tell them we're open regular hours...yea, its because we have to be open for jerks like you. so yo can buy your makeup...because you know its sooooooo important.

    now today, just sucked. it was crazy busy when i got in, but luckily it died down a bit afterwords...but with V there, you will be busy no matter what.

    You cant do it?
    so i get called up to photo because a customer has a 'problem'. my cw tells me the sc wants to make a copy of a copyrighted photo. i tell her that we cant do that, unless she has a release from the photographer

    sc: but it was from a preschool
    <me thinks>and? so what, its still professional
    sc: who can do this?
    <me thinks again> no one dumb ass, its the same policy at any store
    i tell her she has to talk to the photographer, we cant do it.......and she leaves

    Cant someone open?!?eleventy!!

    i was near the registers, but wasn't behind them or even ringing. this guy walks up to the photo counter and puts his 2 things down. and asks me if im open....

    so i nicely tell him, no, but the lady over there can ring him up ( you know the one actually at the register helping people)
    sc: "you've got 5 people in line and no one can open a register?!?!
    at this point, a line had formed when he said that, so a few of us opened up registers. the photo tech goes to her register and stupid sc tried to get rung up by her, but she nicely tells him that she has to take the next person in line ( since he never got in a line) apparently he gave quite the nasty look.

    i mean seriously. you'd never have to give us the attitude if you had actually gotten in line like a normal person.

    on side note, kinda funny. i have to wear a pedometer for one of my classes. turns out i take over 6000 steps a day at work. so in that little store, i walk about a mile a day lol (small compared to a walmart or target...)

  • #2
    A guy at work brought a pedometer in and during a full shift loading trucks he reckoned he managed about nine miles.


