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Don't Use That Tone With Me Missy

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  • #16
    Yeah that woman sounds like a huge jerk. You need to weigh it so you have to get another one to weigh. Not that hard to understand.

    When I was small dad would usually just break a juice box out of it's pack and give it to me. OR open me up a bag of Teddy Grahams for the girl to scan.

    For the most part he'd just put me down, give me a fiver, tell me to grab a bottle of juice, and have me toddle off to the cash. This was when I was 3. Sometimes I'd get a snack too. But mostly dad would just ask me to wait until the shopping was done. The juice was usually enough.

    I never sooked about being hungry, but I would sook about being thirsty.
    Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

    Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
    Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


    • #17
      Quoth Jester View Post
      Seriously, you know what my parents would have done to us if we had started eating food that had not been paid for? I believe the word "smack" comes into play here.

      As for the really small youngsters, yeah, they can be a handful, sure.

      But any idiot knows that produce is sold by WEIGHT. Well, almost any idiot. Apparently not the OP.
      I'm not talking about an older kid who knows better just helping themselves from off the shelf, I'm talking toddlers. When my son is old enough to know better, damn straight he'd be punished for that.

      Of course really small youngsters are a handful, they don't call it the "terrible twos" for nuthin'.

      I believe I said that the OP was a bitch, and a silly one at that since if she had asked a produce employee nicely, it's highly likely they would have let her child have the banana for free.

      I always make sure I have a ziplock at least 2/3 full of graham crackers, nilla wafers, soda crackers, goldfish, etc. AND a granola bar, plus juice, water, or milk. That's a lot of food for a 25 pound person to scarf, especially right after breakfast, but I've seen my kid eat all that, plus an entire banana or apple and MORE during a 45 min-1 hour shopping trip. Other days, he'll want nothing. Kids (unlike adults, including me) don't eat unless they're hungry. So, as a parent you feed 'em any way you have to. That's what being a parent is. are also an adult who needs to set a good example for your kid, and part of that while out at the store, is to make sure you are NOT an SC in any way shape or form and that includes doing what you can to keep a screaming kid from disturbing everybody else in the store.
      "I've never had a heart attack, but it isn't for my son's lack of trying." - Me


      • #18
        Quoth TTAZ View Post
        doing what you can to keep a screaming kid from disturbing everybody else in the store.
        Agreed. I was just saying that the douchetwat in the story should have not been such a douchtwat about it.

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          It's one thing for a parent to give you a half-empty box of cookies to scan. Not exactly legal maybe, but if they do pay for it what's the harm? But asking you to ring up "One medium banana"?

          Any idiot knows produce has to be weighed.
          Women can do anything men can.
          But we don't because lots of it's disgusting.


          • #20
            I always drink before paying the grocery store. There were times when I had to discreetly eat something like a pop tart or Nutri Grain bar. But that's very rare. But drinking before paying-I do that every single time. I don't consider it to be a big deal because I always pay for it with the rest of my stuff. I have never eaten or drank anything that I wasn't going to pay for. They can't accuse me of stealing unless I walk out of the store with something unpurchased.


            • #21
              Gahhh I hate it when they graze on fruit and veggies, especially the kind I have to weigh! Luckily that doesn't happen too often. I don't mind if they're eating out of something I can scan.

              This kind of reminds me of this mom and her two kids who had bought some mini salads from the deli and were eating out of them like Winnie the Pooh goes for honey. The mother tells her kids to give the salad containers to me to scan, and they chuck them at my head!!

              Mother got pissed which was good but the containers were all nasty... blech.


              • #22
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                Well there are baby bananas. Ever see them at Wal-Mart? Gosh they are cute. I don't even want to eat them, they are too adorable.
                Here I believed I was the only one who thought baby bananas are adorable!

                I completely understand when someone just needs to eat a piece of candy or something but they need to pay for it first so that LP won't swoop down on them and have them arrested for theft. There are times, however, that it's not possible. o.o
                Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                • #23
                  Personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with consuming a bottle of water or pop as you peruse the store, as long as you pay for the empty container. However, I did a really BONEHEADED thing the other day:

                  I was at my local Meijer and was dying of thirst for some reason, so I grabbed a 20oz bottle of water from the front as I grabbed my cart. Usually I sip the bottle as I shop, and just toss it in the basket to be scanned with the other stuff. However, I was sooo thirsty that I consumed the whole bottle in the first couple of aisles.

                  Engrossed in my shopping, I pitched it away in one of the cans without thinking.

                  I didn't think about it till I got to check out and spied the cooler, and suddenly remembered that I had tossed it. Sad part was, I couldn't recall the brand, so I came clean to the cashier about it.

                  She was cool and laughed and just had me hand her a bottle of aquafina, scanned it for me, and I placed it back in the cooler, unharmed.

                  Damn, but I felt like an airhead that day!
                  "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                  • #24
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    Well there are baby bananas. Ever see them at Wal-Mart?
                    I see them everywhere, they haunt my dreams!
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #25
                      Just the other day, this lady handed me a bag of grapes, and said she would be right back, she needed to grab more because her daughter ate some. We let it slide.

                      A few weeks ago, I was talking to one of the guys in produce. He said he's seen *adults* eating bananas and stuff. He told customer that it needed to be weighed, and the customer just shrugged. So produce guy said that customer would be charged (pound price). Customer was pissed. Unfortunately, as far as I know, customer wasn't actually charged for it. :hiss:
                      I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                      Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                      • #26
                        Bananas are easy and portable, I understand why parents give them to toddlers to much on while shopping. But most parents buy two bananas and have the second weighed twice instead of trying to guess how much the kid ate. The lady in the post was a twerp for not realizing cashiers can't pull random weights/costs out of thin air. If she didn't want to wait, she should've grabbed a second banana so the cashier didn't have to run back for one. Pretty simple, really.
                        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                        • #27
                          Err...great, now I have to be the ebil one.

                          Its a good thing I don't work at any sort of convenience or grocery store as I would smite grazers. Its one thing to cram something into the shrieking black hole of a toddler, but just munching on stuff cus you're hungry? Argh. Unless you're diabetic, smite.

                          I dunno, it just strikes me as remarkably rude to open something and munch on it when you haven't paid for it. I see dickheads do it all the time at 7/11 and the grocery store near my office at night. It pisses me off two fold at 7/11. You can't wait 30 god damn seconds? What are you? Two? =p

                          My mom woulda smacked me. -.- Heck I think she did once. Once. Than I learned. >.>

