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i dont get paid enough to do that

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  • i dont get paid enough to do that

    so this is my first post. I enjoy everyone else post. This occured about 7 years ago when I was working in the food court at a wholesales club. I was running the register and the girl who was at the door checking everyones receipt came up to me.

    Dg= door girl
    Me= you got it.

    Dg: (comes up with the look of discuss) hey faulker do you smell that!

    Me: yeah it smells like someone like fartyed or something...

    At this point she walks away to check a cust receipt and then a couple minutes later comes walking back to me again looking very queezy.

    Dg: hey faulker I know where that smell came from.

    Me; yeah where

    Dg: there was a lady sitting at one of the tables with her kid and her kid shit himself!! I didn't know until she got up and ran past me and then I smelled it really bad after she ran past.

    Now I go to the table to investigate and there is poop all over the damn chair. I was about to puke b.c this was not of the kid had a accident no big deal. The kids ass had to like explode and overflow from his pants or something. I called my manager over and explained what happened and all he could say to me is " I'm not cleaning it up" I tell him I am not doing it either I get paid 7 bucks a hour. I told him I do not get paid to clean nasty runny chair covering poop. He argued with me for 15 minutes and since I was gonna have one of the ladies I work with do it( I was the only guy there)
    I had to buckle and clean that mess. Sooooooooo gross. The kicker to it is that the customer did not eben tell us her kid had a accident or did not offer to clean the damn mess.

  • #2
    I think I would have just tossed the whole chair in the dumpster.


    • #3
      Isn't there a law that says you can refuse work that may be hazardous to your health?
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #4
        Cleaning poo is not hazardous to your health.

        Dirty and disgusting, but somebody's gotta do it (if you're not gonna just throw it in the dumpster). There's nothing very hazardous about it - with appropriate chemicals and PPE.


        • #5
          I had an issue like that when I was a bagger at a supermarket. Sometimes they'd want me to check the bathrooms, but one time there was a horrible mess in the men's room. I mean disgusting, with poop everywhere.

          They tried to get me to clean it, and argued with me for about 15 minutes. At the time I was under 18, so it wasn't as if they could force me to do it, or I would've left (I didn't necessary NEED the job, either, so I wasn't going to cave in).

          Finally some managers did it, and they gave themselves each gift cards for doing so. Good for them, but I wasn't hired for cleaning.


          • #6
            I'm not paid enough to clean up shit either, but sometimes I don't have a choice. If I'm on carryouts I have to do it if needed.

            I haven't had to do so in a while though. *knocks on wood*
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              at the bar i used to work at back in europe we had one drunk woman to poop herself,( in the mensroom) and smear it all over the wall ( WTF? ).
              Thank god bartender i used to work with catched her, and yeah, we made her to clean it! that was satisfying!


              • #8
                Ten years ago when I worked fast food, it was just another part of your closing/cleaning duties. If people got sick/pooped/or bled all over the place, it was your responsibility to clean it up. Working at *big box retail*, blood requires serious protective gear with bleach and poop/vomit requires the standard gloves and whatnot. Yes, they give you gloves. This is the first job I've worked where employees were given gloves and/or protective workwear for this stuff. So I'm not sure if it's a law thing so much as a company thing. *Big box retail* wouldn't want to be sued or have higher insurance premiums, after all.

                And yeah. At my current job, cleaning up this crap (no pun intended) is sooooo not my job.
                A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                • #9
                  I would have told them, "You pay me X/hr to work for this company as a Y (title). Cleaning shit off of chairs is not part of my job responsibility. I will quit and get a job making the same amount of money if not more somewhere else, maybe at one of your competitors. Make someone else do it."

                  If they say that is your job responsibility, ask them to show official paperwork that states directly "Cleaning fecal matter and/or bodily fluids off of company property." that you signed and agreed to do. Obviously, they can't procure it.

                  If they keep persisting, then it becomes a hostile work environment and you now have a case to sue the company for emotional distress. Congrats! Get a raise!

                  Don't put up with companies like that. They exploit the hell out of you if you don't know your rights. Give an inch, they'll take a mile.
                  Last edited by Blade_Raver; 04-18-2009, 05:41 AM.
                  Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                  • #10
                    As long as the company provides you with gloves, I'm pretty sure it isn't illegal to ask you to clean up poop. And it's also legal to fire you if you refuse (likely without unemployment.) And of course you are welcome to quit.

                    I haven't had a job yet that didn't list "and other duties as required" in the job description.



                    • #11
                      Then that would open the floodgates to allow other demeaning and/or degrading tasks that were not part of the original deal... and allow the employer to get away with it.

                      If you give them an inch, they'll walk all over you. Best to stop it before it happens and not be an enabler.

                      Where do you draw the line?
                      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


                      • #12
                        I wonder.... if a manager told an employee to clean up things like that -- but didn't give chemicals or protective equipment, would it be allowed?

                        But then comes the best question: if you are forced to clean it up or be fired -- and you then puke all over the place from being sick from it, can they then force you to clean up the puke causing a vicious cycle of vomiting? (yeah, I've known a number of people who literally throw up in amost a projectile way if they have stenches/crap like that!)


                        • #13
                          Way back when, at our first (and Becks' only!) gas station job, the owner made Becks clean clogged paper towel out of the toilet...and got pissed when she asked for gloves. I think he ended up doing it himself, bitching the entire time.
                          I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                          Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Blade_Raver View Post
                            Then that would open the floodgates to allow other demeaning and/or degrading tasks that were not part of the original deal... and allow the employer to get away with it.

                            Much as cleaning up poo had to be explained as not being hazardous to your health, apparently it's not clear either that it is not demeaning or degrading.

                            *Somebody* has to clean it up. *Nobody* has it in their job description. Just who do you think is going to do it then?

                            Cleaning up poo is not demeaning. Making you wear a sign saying "Blade_Raver couldn't hold it in!" while doing it, would be.


                            • #15
                              Fair enough, you make your point.
                              Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.

