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Because I'm fat!

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  • Because I'm fat!

    Had it not been an employee I would have been nicer. Today is mother's day, or was its about 3am but still. An employee comes to my window to cash her check.

    SE-Sucky employee

    SE: So, are you expecting?

    My eyes instantly narrowed. There was no small talk just straight to the point. I felt snarky and I answered in snark.

    Me: No, I am just FAT!

    I got really angry. I currently can't have kids and it hurt.

    SE: Oh, it must be your shirt, I thought with your... *points to my stomach*

    At that point I was done. I just stopped all personal talk and got her money ready.

    Lady, if someone doesn't volunteer the info, STFU! I guarantee she won't be asking someone else anytime soon. I am not really fat, just chubby. Some people get those wrap around stomachs but mine just poofs out a bit. Even though you NEVER point out people's flaws and stick a pregnant label on it. I would love to say that's why that's there. I want a baby but alas at the moment that is not possible, thanks lady. I feel grrreat.

    I know I wasn't professional but she shouldn't have asked. I could have handled it better but I didn't.

    I get the first part she honestly didn't know BUT when she pointed---I lost it.

  • #2
    I would have gone all teary and said, "For your information, I am infertile/had a miscarriage!" and laid on the guilt.

    I've done that before; once when a complete stranger stopped me in the street and told me to smile, once when this old bat of a customer was saying that I should work over Christmas cuz having no kids meant I didn't have a family. -.- Why people think they have a right to make personal remarks and assumptions, I don't know.
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.


    • #3
      <hugs> I've been there. I'm fat, too, with the pokey outey belly. Try being 15 in line at a grocery store, and having some crazy old bat come up and RUB your belly, asking when you're due.

      My mom corrected her rather quickly, and this lady's response was something along the lines of "well, with so much teen pregnancy today, I just had to assume..."

      So...<offers ice cream> I say screw 'em.

      P.S. I understand the can't have kinds part, too. I don't know that I'll ever be able to have them. Some people are just inconsiderate doofs.


      • #4
        Ah yes, mistaking somebody for being pregnant. I have absolutely no sympathy for somebody who humiliates themselves by assuming somebody is pregnant and then making a comment that ends up being incorrect. I have no sympathy because it is so freaking easy to avoid. Just shut the fuck up!!!

        Honestly. I used logic a long time ago to realize if I thought somebody was pregnant and they weren't both of us would be embarrassed, but I would end up looking like a douche bag. It really isn't a difficult concept. Even if I am in the maternity ward and I pass by a room where the baby is crowning and I see it, two things will happen. First I will vomit and pass out (actually, that is only one event, because they will happen so so close together as to be for all intents and purposes the same event). Second, when I woke up, I would not assume that the woman was pregnant, because it could just be some kind of trick to make me look like a fool. Well, I will wipe the vomit from mouth and shake my finger at you, because you have failed to make me your fool!

        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        My mom corrected her rather quickly, and this lady's response was something along the lines of "well, with so much teen pregnancy today, I just had to assume..."
        Because some how assuming you are some stupid slutty teenager makes it better?


        • #5
          Because a woman "looks" pregnant doesn't mean she IS. People really need to mind their business when it comes to stuff like that. It's alright to wonder if someone is but that particular thought should NEVER be spoken outloud. Keep to yourself!


          • #6
            I hate how SC's feel that they can make personal comments. I am plagued with adult acne, generally it's mild, most of the time fine and I have had a passenger or two saying "oh I didn't know you could be an air hostess with spots!"
            No longer a flight atttendant!


            • #7
              A few stores back I was working and a lady asked me when i was due. I told her i wasnt pregnant... her answer? "well, the girl next door was expecting so i thought...." O.o did i get into some sort of pregnancy pact i wasn't aware of?


              • #8
                Quoth Kirachan View Post
                A few stores back I was working and a lady asked me when i was due. I told her i wasnt pregnant... her answer? "well, the girl next door was expecting so i thought...." O.o did i get into some sort of pregnancy pact i wasn't aware of?
                Ok, that just broke my brain.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Try being 15 in line at a grocery store, and having some crazy old bat come up and RUB your belly, asking when you're due.
                  and no one punched him/her for touching you?

                  sorry some stranger starts reaching for my belly he's gonna get his hand smacked away... with a lot of force


                  • #10
                    I kinda had the opposite happen. I was pregnant with my daughter and whilst I was pregnant, I started to resemble a small apartment building (AKA I get HUGE with pregnancies) so there was no mistaking that I was pregnant. I finally had my daughter and I was feeling GREAT. I lost most of the weight and went into work one day to collect some paperwork from my manager. On my way to the office, I get stopped by a coworker who proceeds to rub my relatively FLAT belly and asks me when Im due....

                    Umm, I had her two weeks ago. Thanks....*exits*

                    I wanted to kick him the balls...but didnt.


                    • #11
                      Awwww, sorry to hear.

                      If I saw you, I wouldn't have said or indicated anything, but inside, I'd probably be thinking how cuddle-able you look.
                      Suckiness is reinforced up OR down at every transaction. Accepting BS makes them worse for all of us; firm fairness trains them to suck less.


                      • #12
                        I follow Dave Barry's advice....
                        Never assume or in any way imply that a woman may be pregnant unless you actually SEE a baby coming out of her at that very moment.
                        I no longer fear HELL.
                        I work in RETAIL.


                        • #13
                          Something like that happened to me when I was working at an "old country store" as a cashier. I'm pretty thin but after big meals I get this HUGE belly for a few hours while my food digests, lol. So this guy comes up to me and says, Wow, so when are you due?"
                          My response: "Sir, I wasn't aware that I 'm a library book, but thanks for telling me!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth LadyKelli666 View Post
                            So this guy comes up to me and says, Wow, so when are you due?"
                            My response: "Sir, I wasn't aware that I 'm a library book, but thanks for telling me!"
                            Good answer! Good answer! *applauds*

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              People really need to learn when to just keep their flapping gums shut.
                              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

