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What Will Most Likely Be My Last Post Here....

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  • What Will Most Likely Be My Last Post Here....

    Some of you apparently took offense to my latest posting. If you haven't read it, oh well - go find it. Two people, including Rapscallion, the moderator, thought I was a bit out of line. So, the Moderator closed my thread.

    My whole point of my last thread was the fact that people use "conditions" or "disabilities" as an excuse to treat us like refuse. If you happened to read Rapscallion's response in closing my last thread, then you'll understand my reply:

    I respectfully disagree with you, though it's your site and you're obviously free to do with it as you please. I've seen plenty of posts from other members you haven't closed where an objective person may have disagreed. My point was the customer was being an ass to me. Call me a bully if you will - that's subjective. But to close the comment board like that is hardly objective when other posters here have been subjected to the same mistreatment by customers who have used a "condition" as an excuse to be jerks and/or mistreat those of us in the service industry.

    And thus, I will say in anticipation of Rapscallion's wrath, that it's been a nice, long trip....
    Last edited by Wade; 05-16-2009, 06:49 AM.

  • #2
    ok.... why incur more drama?
    Wade... how to say this. The problem wasn't that you had a client/customer that had a physical thing. it was more in the way of how you reacted with it. It appeared to have no compassion whatsoever. But that is all besides the point.
    The point being this. You made a post that some ppl took offense to, and the thread was closed. I figure some behind the scene stuff is going on with all this and that prompted you to write this.. Now. In what i have observed from Raps... he is a pretty reasonable person to a point. This post is directly saying Fuck You to him. What would possess you to do this?
    Seriously. If he was being a hard-ass your thread would have been removed altogether. He still let people see what you wrote. He only closed it because He saw a potential shit-storm.
    So my question to you is this(if you don't get banned), why antagonize the people/person who is providing you with a service? That in and of itself screams SC.


    • #3
      Because the thread was closed on a one-sided argument, is why. No one bothered to ask me why, or what the circumstances were - they just assumed I was being a dick to begin with.

      Gee, I thought this site was for us to vent about negative experiences with customers, and we could band together for understanding, but apparently I was wrong.


      • #4
        Get over it

        It takes a lot for Rapscallion to actually close the thread. You wrote the story and you made yourself look like a jerk.

        You are starting to be one of our Stupid Customers who thinks that you are entitled to everything. If you do not like our rules then go somewhere else.

        We have lots of people that have no problem following the rules and the last thing we need is another Stupid Customer.


        • #5
          Fine - hint taken. I wish you all nothing but the best, and that you can compose yourselves better when presented with a similar situation when someone tries to use a disability to their advantage.

          God Speed.


          • #6
            Again. You miss the point. He closed it because of potential shit-storm. It is possible that you did not go into enough detail so that it looks a lot worse than it does. But as it is... it looks like you were being a dick to a person that was having a REALLY bad day..
            Now. I was in the Navy. And not only that, but in the Submarine Navy. We had a lot of shit to deal with on a daily basis. By the time I reached NCO(Non-Commisioned Officer) I had learnt a few things.
            1 - Never react when you are hot. Calmly store it away until you can think clearly.
            2 - When someone that is higher in the Chain of Command does something that you do not like, or feel is wrong. Take care of it behind the scenes. Don't smear shit on the walls because all it leaves is a mess with everyone going, "WTF" and staring at you.
            3 - Respect others around you(and their opinions)because when it comes down to it. That is all everything really is. Opinions and whose matters.

            So my advise to you(warning: will be very blunt) is this...Shut up. If you have a problem take it up with Raps and the other mods. Because all this is doing is ensuring your fate of being banned.


            • #7
              When we close a thread, the discussion is over. If you want to discuss it further, take it up with the moderating team. Don't bitch about it publicly.
              Sometimes life is altered.
              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
              Uneasy with confrontation.
              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

