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The Judge, Cops, and a Bad Sunburn (My first post)

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  • The Judge, Cops, and a Bad Sunburn (My first post)

    Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster.

    Quick background: I’m a college student doing undergrad research in the hopes of winning over some lucky professor’s heart to take me on for a research project in the hopes of getting my Master’s in Environmental Engineering. I took on an afternoon job as a salesman for a local home security company because the undergrad research is volunteer work and I need some money to pay rent, eat, and drink. So from 8am to noon I do undergrad research and from 1pm to 8pm I do door to door sales.

    So, one week of training, I learned a lot and heard horror stories from the veterans: dog attacks, angry belligerent people, mostly naked obese geriatric men answering the door, etc. So I expected a certain amount of surprises. And they all have their stories about a sale going wrong that they manage to recover.

    Week one:

    One sale to a young couple who actually needed what I was selling. I was happy.

    Week two:

    Knock on the door of an older couple’s home. I manage to get invited in, and as I go through my spiel the husband says “I already got me a security system—“ to pause for a moment, everyone seems to think their schnauzer and/or WWII issue pistol is a home security system. This is neither humorous nor original, but I laugh at their jokes to make the sale. He proceeds to say, “—it’s called ‘the judge’” he then whips out a revolver chambered to hold .410 shotgun shells!!!! FULLY LOADED!

    I swallow my fear, laugh at his joke, and try to proceed with my sale thinking I botched this one and if I live to tell about it, I’ll have a horror story to tell to the rest of the team. Apparently, all my talking had the wife sold on the monitored smoke and heat detector. She proceeded to do my job and CONVINCED HER HUSBAND TO BUY!!!!

    So now I have a horror story and a recovered sales story. Not bad for a Wednesday! But the week is not over.

    The next day, I put in my four hours of research taking topsoil samples, core samples, and plant samples. All of this takes place in the field; its all hard work practically akin to farming. I eat, shower, and change clothes to go to my sales job. I’m walking away from a door after about an hour into my assigned neighborhood, when two police cars pull up to the curb with their lights on. Cop one asks all sorts of questions about my job, employer, boss, how many people did I come with, where is my solicitation permit, etc. I answer everything to the best of my knowledge, company I work for, boss’s name, there are eight of us, the company obtains the necessary permits; he even gets my ID and DLN.

    Everything seems to check out, except I can’t get a hold of my boss… there goes a lot of my credibility. Luckily I carry around a copy of the local Coupon Clipper and point to my company’s advert. The cop lets me go with an order to cease and desist. I spend the next twenty minutes trying to get through to my boss, all the while the neighborhood is crawling with police—I saw more than six cruisers at once.

    Eventually I get through to my boss. He calms me down over the phone, picks me up in the van--which incidentally has tinted windows, is unmarked, and has expired plates--and takes me to a gas station to let me pee what wasn’t already in my pants. He happens to finds a cop in the neighboring parking lot and asks what's going on.

    It turns out on the day before a sales scam was done in the exact same neighborhood, using the exact same pitch, for the exact same product with some minor technical differences that made us legal and them not so much. I thought we would quit for the day, as he rounded up the rest of the sales team and started heading home. But he takes a detour to a town just outside the previous city’s limits and tells us to go knock more doors! And we will be working late because we wasted an hour dealing with the cops!!!

    I was wearing SPF 35 sunblock but more than eleven hours of sunlight seems to have left me with some burnt forearms and ears. I wonder how bad it would have been without the sunscreen.

    Today, two and a half hours before work, the boss sends a text message to everyone telling us to be in an hour early. I arrive 10 minutes late, get scolded, but put in another long day and make my third sale.

    This job is so stressful, but it pays excellent. I will see if I have the fortitude to survive the summer.

    grey out!

    P.S. Sorry about the length. I will try to make subsequent posts reasonable
    P.P.S. I don't know if the second half of this story should go in the Morons in Management section. I hope the mods will tolerate me on my first attempt.

  • #2
    Welcome Grey!

    I have a lot of respect for people who can do door-to-door, cold sales. I do not have the talent nor the stomach for it and was a dismal failure at it.

    Your boss sounds like a real "winner".
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #3
      Wow. I give you props for taking on such a job. There's no way I could handle that type of work.

      By-the-way, welcome to the board!

      Very shortly, I will also be working on my undergraduate hoping to get on research projects. I have a part-time job which I just recently switched to swing shifts. That starts next week. I'll be making just enough to function...but school is so much more important to me at this point in my life.
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #4
        Quoth grey0987 View Post

        He proceeds to say, “—it’s called ‘the judge’” he then whips out a revolver chambered to hold .410 shotgun shells!!!! FULLY LOADED!
        Ahh, the Judge. I want one. It looks like an awesome gun. And it's cheap, too! From what I've been able to find, a brand new one can be had for only about $400.

        And why were you surprised that it was loaded? That's kind of the point of having a gun on your person: to defend yourself. If it isn't loaded, it's just a fancy little club. It's another thing if he actually pointed it at you. Then, not only is he an idiot, he also broke the law.

        Sorry for being sorta off-topic, I'm a gun nut.


        • #5
          is he going to pay you for the extra hour of work?
          or is he going to treat you like you weren't working while the cops didn't allow you to work.

          if so... that's something the labor board might want to know... though i suspect he will fire you over it. (sorry he sounds a tad bit shady in how he treats you)

          it sounded a bit like the guy was pointing the gun at you... which will make someone freak out a little. someone who knows what they're really doing will NOT break the "Treat never keep keep" rules.... treat every gun as if it's loaded until you've checked it, never point it at anything you don't want to destroy, keep your finger off the trigger until you're ready to fire, and keep aware of your target and what's around the target

          waving a fully loaded gun around breaks 3 of those, and all 4 if his finger was on the trigger.


          • #6
            They have a new model of the Judge that takes 3" shells too.


            • #7
              Welcome to ! I feel your pain, my first gig (I was 19) was doing door to door sales for a local company that did promotions for small and new businesses. I went around to plazas trying to sell these gift certificates, I remember one place I went to the secretary was almost willing to buy but had to shoo me away because of her boss' no solicitation policy. The boss (a pretty big male) comes storming out and started shouting "DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ENGLISH?!! GET OUT NOW!!!" etc. I was too scared to say or do anything so I got out like a bat out of hell. Needless to say that job didn't last long since I didn't make enough sales.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Quoth PepperElf View Post
                is he going to pay you for the extra hour of work?
                or is he going to treat you like you weren't working while the cops didn't allow you to work.


                it sounded a bit like the guy was pointing the gun at you... which will make someone freak out a little.
                No, I don't get compensation for the extra hour, I work on commission. I don't get anything without a sale.

                And he didn't point it at me, he just showed it to me. He actually offered to let me hold it, but I politely declined.


                • #9
                  I work as a police dispatcher, so during the summer we get lots of calls on the door to door salespeoples. (This area has had a lot of problems with people pretending to be salesmen, but they're actually crazy armed rapists looking for women home alone, so the paranoia is justified) Anyway, there is a certain uppity rich neighbhorhood who calls on these poor salesmen constantly. Why? Because they're black.
                  Me: 911 emergency blah blah blah
                  Me: And what did he do that upset you?
                  SC: Well, I mean, he's black...
                  Me: Really, that's you're only reason?
                  "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                  ...Beware the voice without a face...


                  • #10
                    I remember working for the census. The stage we were at was just seeing if there are new housing in sections. And we had to go to homes and ask a few questions, mostly just the address is. One house was a bit isolated and there was a freakin' huge sign saying "NO TRESPASSERS!!!! I WILL SHOOT!!!!" The house was far from the street. I was the assistant super, and the poor shlub that had to canves the house said he asked neighbors. The supervisor told me to ask the post office, but no luck with that. It was freakin' scary, esp. since there was no mailbox or anything to indicate the address.
                    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                    I wish porn had subtitles.


                    • #11
                      Welcome to the board, don't worry about the post lengths. Some of us are long winded.

                      As for the door to door job, yeah, I tried it once selling Kirby vacuums. I learned quickly that door to door is not for me. There are some weird people out there.
                      Random conversation:
                      Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                      DDD: Cuz it's cool

                      So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                      • #12
                        Door-to-door sales is tough. Especially when it's pure commission. And since it is commission, why the heck can he tell you to stay later? Is it going to matter if you get to a house that day or the next?

                        I haven't done door-to-door since I was a kid. I used to do that for selling stuff for fund-raising for my school. I was usually one of the best sellers for whatever group I was in; I like people and can give a decent pitch.

                        We get people, mostly kids, doing the door-to-door thing, and it baffles me that some of these people sell a damn thing. They can't string a sentence together and half they time they don't even say what they're selling.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                          And since it is commission, why the heck can he tell you to stay later? Is it going to matter if you get to a house that day or the next?

                          Exactly. If they get to set your hours which is treating you like an employee, then they have to pay you wages by the hour like an employee.

                          If your pay is purely commission, then you are an independent contractor. Independent contractors set their own hours and work their sales territories as they see fit. They can't dictate how and when you do the work either.

                          They can't have it both ways. They can't expect to have control of your time like an employee and then turn around and pay you as a contractor.

                          That sounds pretty shady.
                          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                          The stupid is strong with this one.


                          • #14
                            Quoth grey0987 View Post
                            a revolver chambered to hold .410 shotgun shells!!!! FULLY LOADED!
                            He fires that, he'll break his arm

