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why oh gods do holidays bring out the suck?

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  • why oh gods do holidays bring out the suck?

    (warning: language)So tonight... sucked. For those of you not in the states, it is customary to tip between 10-15% to servers... with 20%+ for really good service.
    Tonight however... i was struggling to get 10% tips. My service didn't change... the types of customers did.
    For some reason, a lot of people that hate life and love making others lives miserable go out and spread their suck amongst the population
    Ihad 3 tables leave me just a couple of bucks for their 50 plus tickets,,, and the kicker... I had one person give me their credit card, i ran it and came back to the table handing it back to her. At this point i wish the people at the table a good night and whatsnot. While i am doing this she takes her card back, signs the slip(without leaving tip) and hands the book back at me. All the while staring at me straight in hte eye, just daring me to say something. I just shut up and take it back from her. Her is the suckiest part about that. 2% of my sales go to the bartenders for all they do for the servers. Her ticket was $70.00. Which means i just paid $1.40 to serve your ass. I make 2.14 an hour plus takes so fuck you.

    I know what she was trying to do too. She was trying to get me to yell at her so that she could go to a manager and get her meal comped. fuck you, you just screwed me but you aren't going to get what you want either so go home being pissed at me too. I HOPE that you bitch at your friends how you actually had to pay your gods be damned bill... also, i hope you die because you are too cheap to buy a safe vehicle.

  • #2
    "I'm sorry ma'am, was there something wrong with the service?"

    That's what I would say when that would happen to me back in the dark days when I was a person of the table-waiting persuasion.
    It USUALLY embarrassed them enough to make them change their stance.
    "What did you have for breakfast this morning? Carnation Instant Bitch?"
    -Eric Foreman That 70's Show


    • #3
      Quoth StanFlouride View Post
      "I'm sorry ma'am, was there something wrong with the service?"
      Depends. Are they cheap, just not used to tipping, or trying to scam and get food free? Since the OP feels this woman was a scammer, then the patron would be OMG offended and able to list off how horrid the food/service was during the meal. Which would result in things getting comped. The food industry is tough.
      Last edited by protege; 05-25-2009, 01:25 PM. Reason: Quote tag :)
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        Quoth finlayfox View Post
        (warning: language)it is customary to tip between 10-15% to servers... with 20%+ for really good service.
        I am having the same issue this weekend. One table had a $50 order and left me $1.

        Another table there were 6 ppl, grandma, grandpa, mom, dad and 2 (VERY BRATTY) kids. When they were leaving I hear grandma say "aren't you going to leave more than 2 bucks?" Father replies, there was a 5 there but bratty son took it so she can deal."
        You've got a real problem all right, and a banjo is the only answer! - Pinkie Pie

