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Reservation? What for?!?

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  • Reservation? What for?!?

    Victoria, B.C. is a tourist town, and since it's just a short ferry ride from downtown Seattle to downtown Victoria, we get a lot of cross-border traffic. Especially on week-ends, especially on long-weekends, and for reasons I'm not quite clear on, even more so on American holidays that aren't observed in Canada, (or at least, not observed at the same time.)

    Also, since the drinking age here is only 19, every weekend there's a ton of 19-20 year olds from Washington state showing up to spend a day or two bar-hopping. Fair enough, go to it, and enjoy Canada I say.

    Where I get vexed is after I turn away my 40th young drunk of the evening with this mindset:
    "Hey, I'm in a foreign country, and I don't have a credit card, (Note: I only know of 2 hotels in town that will allow people to check-in with a cash deposit instead of a cc.) I should go drinking for 8 hours, and THEN try to get a room. It's not like they'll be sold-out on a holiday weekend or anything."
    Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

    "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

  • #2
    I grew up in the Fraser Valley. It was a serious thrill for me, when I started working and had my own car, to take my own vacations on the island. I could spend weeks in Victoria if I had the money. I usually liked to take my holidays the week after Labor Day, because rates dropped then and the screaming chilluns were all back in school. Quieter.

    Know when I made MY reservations? In April. Then again, I've never, EVER gone on a spontaneous cross-border weekend drink-a-thon. Spend the day shopping in Bellingham or Seattle, sure, but getting sloshed in a foreign country with nowhere to crash? Nuh-uh.
    What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


    • #3
      Quoth mharbourgirl View Post
      Then again, I've never, EVER gone on a spontaneous cross-border weekend drink-a-thon. Spend the day shopping in Bellingham or Seattle, sure, but getting sloshed in a foreign country with nowhere to crash? Nuh-uh.
      I once witnessed someone who did just that.

      In Germany there was a guy with an obviously American accent, so almost certainly a tourist. He had also apparently been drinking at a bar until it closed, so they kicked him out. He was blind drunk, yelling at taxis. Wisely, the taxi drivers all avoided him, for between bouts of yelling he would keel over and puke all over the side of the building.

      Then he would yell at cabs again, loudly cursing at them as they swerved to avoid him as he ran out onto the street to try to stop one with his body.

      Eventually the police stopped by and picked him up.

      And I know all of this before my hotel window was pointed directly at this scene, and had to be open because it was a warm summer night. It was also 3am.


      • #4
        Quoth Hyndis View Post
        I once witnessed someone who did just that.

        In Germany there was a guy with an obviously American accent, so almost certainly a tourist. He had also apparently been drinking at a bar until it closed, so they kicked him out. He was blind drunk, yelling at taxis. Wisely, the taxi drivers all avoided him, for between bouts of yelling he would keel over and puke all over the side of the building.

        Then he would yell at cabs again, loudly cursing at them as they swerved to avoid him as he ran out onto the street to try to stop one with his body.

        Eventually the police stopped by and picked him up.

        And I know all of this before my hotel window was pointed directly at this scene, and had to be open because it was a warm summer night. It was also 3am.
        Hahaha, Americans drinking German beer is one of the funniest things I can imagine. *opens another bottle of Meisel's* Prost"
        Melody Gardot

