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As If I Don't Weep Enough

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  • As If I Don't Weep Enough

    Access Class
    I HATE Access. Today's class was no exception. First guy there didn't acknowledge my existance when I asked if he was there for class. It may seem obvious to him, but apparently not to the 3 other people who ignored the "Class in Session" sign. I'm not asking for my health here. (I should probably add that I was already in a cranky mood since there was a major wreck on <main route to work> which also jacked up <alternate route to work>. My normally 20-30 minute drive in took me nearly an hour.) Two others wandered in late. Them I shall refer to as Computer Illiterate 1 and Computer Illiterate 2.

    Computer Illiterate 1 somehow kept deleting the file we were using and generally FUBARing the little pieces. Thankfully, she wasn't getting flustered or upset, just really confused. Computer Illiterate 2, on the other hand, really wasn't getting it. She kept opening Word, couldn't understand the concept of a Wizard, and I pretty much had to hold her hand through the whole class. I HATE hand holding. Especially with people that won't even try on their own and expect me to do it. I don't even know why we offer the stupid Access class because quite frankly most of what Access can do is easier to do in Excel. Excel just might not look as pretty.

    On to the weeping
    At any given time, it's not unusual for one or more of our computers to be down. Most of this week, we've had two down, but one of them is back up with a taped-in network cable. IT is (supposed to be) looking for a new cable. Comp #2 is running slower than a snail after gorging itself at the buffet. It's been out for over a week as IT's budget has been cut along with everyone else's and they are having to scrounge for parts. After asking around, the machine may have some sort of demon possesion and I was instructed to leave it off until IT can get around to fixing it. It also has an Out of Order sign clearly visible taped to the screen and no chair.

    Enter in He Who Was Dropped On His Head As A Child. Or Idiot Guy for short. Idiot Guy pulls up the chair from the print station and proceeds to sit at Computer #2. I let him know that computer is down right now (I even use the phrase "Doesn't Work!" for clarity's sake) and am amazed that he's still sitting there. Whatever. If you want to sit and stare at a blank screen, that's up to you. I notice him fiddling with the back of the computer and a few minutes later the following conversation ensuses:

    IG: Hey! Come over here a minute. *I come over, he points at the computer's log-in screen* I fixed it. Log it in.
    Me: Sir, that computer isn't working properly right now.
    IG: I fixed it. Now log it in for me.
    Me: *a bit snippy* Yes, it turns on, but it's not connecting to our network at this time. That's why the sign is there and the computer was turned off. If you want to use a computer, you'll have to either go downstairs or wait for another one in here to open up.
    IG: *defeated* Yes, ma'am.

    As I walk back to my desk, I hear him mutter something about "attitude" and he leaves. Yeah, I fibbed about the reason the computer was offline. But I've been instructed to leave it off and I'll make up whatever darn reason for it I please. And it's not a total lie as that computer has been having network issues lately. I wasn't the one who reported it down, so I don't know the specific reason. The best part was the conversation I had on my way out the door to the restroom:

    Awesome Customer: Why in the world did he cut that computer on with that big Out of Order sign?
    Me: I wish I knew.
    AC: He's stupid.
    Me: *trying not to laugh as I walk out*

    I could hear AC making fun of IG to another customer as she waited for a machine to open. Honestly. Major Fail right there.
    I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

  • #2
    I hate Access too. I had a bit of a hard time learning it, but geez...! We use some really huge files (like millions and millions of records) so we pretty much have to use Access. I have two computers at work because running against a big file in Access slows down the whole computer so much sometimes you can't do anything else. They're both on the same monitor and I have a switch so I can toggle between them.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
      I hate Access too. I had a bit of a hard time learning it, but geez...! We use some really huge files (like millions and millions of records) so we pretty much have to use Access. I have two computers at work because running against a big file in Access slows down the whole computer so much sometimes you can't do anything else. They're both on the same monitor and I have a switch so I can toggle between them.

      Which is pretty funny when you consider sql 2000 or 2005 don't really slow anything down unless you run a big update or something. Of course I'm spoiled, all the one's I work in are on pretty beefy servers.
      I used to be disgusted... Now I'm just amused


      • #4
        Access does just fine for what it is. It is not built for databases of millions of records, but I built a pretty good employee database for a medium sized organization with it back in the day. I find it useful because almost every place I've worked has MS Office installed. Why pay extra for the heavy-duty DBs when you don't need that much horsepower?

        I don't even know why we offer the stupid Access class because quite frankly most of what Access can do is easier to do in Excel. Excel just might not look as pretty.
        Er, no. Access is a database program while Excel is a spreadsheet program. Unless things have changed drastically since I was handy with Access, Excell doesn't do a lot of what you can do with Access. If they were just teaching you to use Access as a spreadsheet, then you are right, they were wasting your time. That would be like buying a jumbo jet just for the compass.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #5
          But the compass on my jet is just soo shiny.


          • #6
            Hey, I admit Access has its uses. But the average person does not need a database program period much less one like Access. The way our class is set up, the students set up a basic file that keeps track of a couple students with one letter grade each. Granted, that is for learning the mechanics of the program, but grade tracking can easliy be done in Excel. Excel will even sort things for you. It just doesn't have a cool Report feature that makes it nice and pretty. I guess that's my problem with the Access class. The program has such a specific niche that it's difficult to teach the basics of it and not have the data be easier to deal with in Excel.
            I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


            • #7
              On a happy note, someone just bought my copy of Access 97 Bible on Woot! The last time I used Access was in 2003. I built a database with it, but I never learned VB, so no programming, but I created some great forms and good reports.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect

