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More book fun

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  • More book fun

    I have some more stories from the bookstore this weekend .

    Not again.

    A customer came up to me at customer services looking for a book. Now this person spoke really slowly, so you need to imagine his part of the conversation sort of drawled out. He wasn’t sucky but, just watch:

    Me: “How can I help you?”
    SC: *Slowly* “I’m looking for a book. I don’t know the title or author though.”
    Me: “Do you know what it’s generally about? I may be able to make some guesses...”
    SC: *Slowly* “You see, there was this guy that read the Bible. He then wrote a book about his opinions on it.”
    Me: “Well, that’s rather vague…I can show you the Christian Inspiration section – it may be under Christian reference too.”
    SC: *Slowly* “I already looked there and the entire religion section. Do you know what book it is? I think it may be newish.”
    Me: “I’m sorry sir, but that’s the only area I can think of. I’ve already had to look through the new book displays and I didn’t see anything that would fit that description.” (all true)
    SC: *Slowly* “Ok.” *Sighs and walks off*

    At least this guy was polite.


    On this particular evening we were having a book fair and were busy as a result. A random pack of loud teenagers approached me at the customer services desk.

    Sp: teenage spokesperson
    Me: Duh
    Rp: random pack of teens
    OC: other customers

    Me: “How can I help you guys?”
    Sp: *giggling* “Can we hug you?”
    Sp: *giggling and talking really fast* “You see we’re doing a scavenger hunt and one of the requirements is to hug an employee and take a picture of the hug. So, please?”
    Rp: *waving cameras and giggling*
    Me: “I’m sorry, no.”
    Sp: *shocked* “What?! Why not?”
    Me: “I don’t feel comfortable doing that.”
    Rp: “Awwww.”
    OC: *snickering in the background*
    Me: “Sorry, no.”
    They move off crestfallen. As the one group leaves another group comes up.

    Sp: “Hi! We’re doing a scavenger hunt and…”

    You can imagine the rest. The other customers waiting to be helped were trying not to laugh out loud as I stonewalled the scavenger hunters. Whoever wrote those instructions wasn’t thinking – I was imagining the whole time that someone could say later that they had evidence of a store employee assaulting underage teenagers on film (which probably wouldn’t have happened with this group, but I’m just not taking that chance). If I wasn’t on the clock I might have done it, but the thought that they just assumed that I would because I worked there…I just didn’t like it.

    My turn.

    I’m helping a customer on the phone. We were in the process of ordering a book and I was repeating her email back to her.

    C: customer
    Me: duh

    Me: “ So, just to confirm, the email address is B as in Bob, H as in hat, C as in…uh…chicken…”
    C: “C as in chicken?”
    Me: “Yeah, I kind of blanked out on words starting with C…”
    C: *laughs and gives me the rest of her information*

    I still have no idea where chicken came from.

  • #2
    SC: *Slowly* “You see, there was this guy that read the Bible. He then wrote a book about his opinions on it.”
    My first thought was The Year of Living Biblically...which is in the humor section. (And a couple years old now, I do believe.)

    Sp: *giggling* “Can we hug you?”
    'k, I've had a number of people doing scavenger hunts but no one's ever asked to hug me. I think, in general, asking complete strangers to allow you to violate their personal space for a game is a no-no. (My favorite was the college girls who had to buy a copy of Playgirl.) When I was in college we did one and one of the things we needed was a picture of our group, minus the person taking the picture, in the pool. None of us wanted to actually get in the pool, so my friend drew, in pencil on a sheet of notebook paper, a pool with little stick figures labeled with our names. Her figure was on the side with a camera. Yes, we got credit for that.

    mmm...I'm having chicken for dinner...
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      My friend Christine got married to a stranger to earn points for a college scavenger hunt. The guy was in her freshmen orientation group and they'd met that day. They stayed married for 4 years, enjoying lower insurance rates, tax benefits and a higher credit rating. After graduation, they got it annulled, having never so much as kissed except once, during the wedding ceremony.
      Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

      "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

