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"You Stink!"

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  • "You Stink!"

    This involves the SC from this thread

    Now, as I mentioned in the previous thread, the customer smelled. But it was something you could notice if the guy came near you. However, recently the smell has been getting worse.

    I walked into work the other day and the smell hit me like a punch in the face. It was quite possibly the most foul smell I have ever encountered coming off a human being. It smelt like pure PISS. That is the only way to describe it. An entire section of the pub was empty because of this smell. Thankfully he left about five minutes after I started. I passed on my concerns to my boss.

    The next day, I walked in, and the smell was there again. But this time it was worse. The whole pub stank of it. The place was practically empty! I had to walk past the guy to get to the bar, and I was actually sick in my mouth. It was un-fucking-bearable. Again, the guy left just after I started, but I gave the manager who was on before me a bit of a talking to for allowing that foul stench in the pub in the first place.

    The manager said he understood, but said he felt awkward going up to the guy because he said he couldn't think of a nice way to say "Take a fucking bath!" without offending him. I kind of understand that, but it was now at a point where this guy was effecting our business! In the space of 15 minutes I had had two complaints about the smell. Most customers thought it was some sort of sewage leak in the toilets.

    So then we get to yesterday. The smell was that bad that I could smell him before he even got to the bar. My boss was stood next to me.

    Me: No way. I am not serving him.

    I walked away. My boss agreed. She walked up to the SC.

    Boss: I am sorry, but we are not serving you.
    Boss: You are not getting served in here until you take a bath. I cannot have you in here. You are driving my customers away.
    SC: It's not me that smells! It must be you!
    SC: Yes! The smell is coming from you! I can smell it right now. YOU STINK!
    Boss: How dare you! Get out of my pub!
    SC: I don't want to drink in here anyway! You are trying to blame me because YOU STINK!

    He stormed out, and took the smell with him.

  • #2
    Well.. at least he left.
    I had to deal with people like that as "Home Improvement Store" They would come in smelling to high heaven after being in the sun all day, and would never say or do anything to apologize.


    • #3
      I really don't understand how people get like that. Can't they smell themselves? There's a guy at work (sitting near me right now in fact, hellloo!) who always smells of really stale sweat. It makes my eyes water, why not his?
      Saying I'm "turning down a sale" and thinking I give an airborne fornication – GUILTY – Irving Patrick Freleigh


      • #4
        The sad fact is, no. They can NOT smell themselves.

        It's a weird little thing, but nose stops registering certain odors after a while. You get so used to them that it doesn't bother to notice them anymore, no matter what.

        The same factors that make someone ignore their own rank body scent is the reason why many people wear way too much cologne or perfume. They've grown used to the mild scent of it over themselves, and as such they no longer notice it at that level. Thus, they have to use more just to smell the same to THEMSEVLES as they used to... Never once realising how sharp they smell to everyone else.


        • #5
          Damn, I bet you guys had to use a shit ton of Febreze or something to get all that stench in the air out from Mr.Sofa King Stinky . CRML, your manager is awesome!
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


          • #6
            Quoth AdamaGeist View Post
            The sad fact is, no. They can NOT smell themselves.

            It's a weird little thing, but nose stops registering certain odors after a while. You get so used to them that it doesn't bother to notice them anymore, no matter what.
            This is the case.

            You smell things when scent molecules match up with receptors inside the nose. However, there is a limited number of each of the different types of receptors, and when they fill up, you can't smell anything that has a molecule of a type that matches those receptors until the smells you've already encountered decay and free the receptors.

            That's why smokers can't really smell the foulness of their ashes and nicotine body odor, and freaky cat ladies can't smell the amonia of cat piss, and why the unwashed and otherwise bodily funky people can't smell their own nasty aromas.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              That's why smokers can't really smell the foulness of their ashes and nicotine body odor, and freaky cat ladies can't smell the amonia of cat piss, and why the unwashed and otherwise bodily funky people can't smell their own nasty aromas.


              and thank the merciful heavens-why Katt can't smell the horrors of the lab anymore....
              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


              • #8
                Sadly I have a relative that I shall call Stinky Gal. She doesn't realize HOW BAD it is. The odor is in her car, when she opens the door it makes you gag. We had to go to her house to help her with something i claimed I had to run to the store to get "girly" supplies but i bought VIX vapor rub and hubby and i had it under our noses.
                You can smell it emanating from her home about 7 feet from the house!

                I can't find a delicate way to say LADY YOU REEK. I would rather smell a pack of scared skunks!

                HOW do you tell someone they smell?
                You've got a real problem all right, and a banjo is the only answer! - Pinkie Pie


                • #9
                  Quoth AmethystSquirrel View Post
                  HOW do you tell someone they smell?
                  Over the phone or at least 5 meters away.

                  Seriously, there's no nice way to put it but sometimes it has to be done. If you want you can have an intervention in someone else's house so there's a support and to show it's not just you.
                  How was I supposed to know someone was slipping you Birth Control in the food I've been making for you lately?


                  • #10
                    A former member, Meltdown (and what happened to him, anyway?) wrote a truly memorable, incredibly funny story about a customer whose body odor was so bad that Meltdown had to talk to him outdoors and upwind of him. He even TOLD the guy why nobody would get close to him ("Sir, you STINK,") and the guy - in addition to being a true SC - refused to believe it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
                      The manager said he understood, but said he felt awkward going up to the guy because he said he couldn't think of a nice way to say "Take a fucking bath!" without offending him.
                      I think that I, too, would feel awkward if I were ever put in that situation, but like you said, it was affecting your business and something had to be said. Maybe you'll be lucky & that's the last you'll ever see of the stinky man.

                      BTW.... did stinky ever find his bag?
                      "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                      ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


                      • #12
                        At the place where we used to hang out, there was someone exactly like that.

                        He'd leave and it would take hours for the smell to clear. He wore a leather jacket everyday of the year - summer, winter, hot, cold, didn't matter. Same jacket all year long. Unshaven, unbathed, just yuck.

                        He didn't smoke, but would follow the smokers outside and talk to them so they couldn't even escape him for just a few minutes .

                        My DH and I finally were "elected" by our group of friends to say something to him. Nothing doing. Not my bar, not my friend, not my responsibility (if it had been a friend, I would have). So we went to the manager (friend of ours) and told him there was a mutiny forming and we would abandon ship if something wasn't done about the stench.

                        Stinky was finally taken aside and informed he was banned until he cleaned up his act.

                        A few days later, he was back. A bit more clean, but still a bit stinky.

                        We decided we'd won our battle and from then on, whenever he became a bit too ripe, we'd just send a signal and the manager would toss him out again for a day or two to dryclean.

                        Lather, Rinse, Repeat - without touching soap or water .
                        No... Just No! And I mean it this time!


                        • #13
                          Quoth AmethystSquirrel View Post
                          HOW do you tell someone they smell?
                          Offer them a gift basket filled with antibacterial soap, bath sponges, toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, shampoo and deodorant? Maybe throw in some laundry detergent as well?

                          I just don't get how people can let themselves get that foul. Even if they can't smell themselves after a while, you'd think they'd notice their hair getting slimy, their skin getting crusty and their clothes turning ugly colors.
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Tito View Post

                            BTW.... did stinky ever find his bag?
                            I don't know if he found his bag, but he came in for three days asking for help in finding it, when he could have easily have walked around the corner and found out for himself.

                            But then again, that would mean he would have to leave the pub and the alcohol for five minutes...


                            • #15

                              We have a customer that comes into The Restaurant on occasion (twice in the last week, unfortunately) that stinks to high heaven. It's a very herbal sort of smell, as if he's doused himself in some sort of herbal oil or something, but way too much of it.

                              It irritates my allergies something awful (if i stand near him too long, my throat will start to close up, seriously), to the point where i cannot serve him, or any tables near him. You can smell this guy from 10 feet away, at least. And the place still stinks for a while after he leaves.

