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Age Before Beauty

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  • Age Before Beauty

    It was semi busy today and it had slowed down to the point where the three of us were kind of standing there talking. Well, one lady got in line and an older woman got infront of her to get into my window.

    YG-younger woman
    OL-Old lady

    Me to OL: I'm sorry, I'm taking from the line first.

    OL just stands there and ignores me.

    YG: Don't worry about it. As they say, Age before beauty!!!

    I had and then I couldn't hide my

    The OL in my window said nothing but I was trying to hide my smile. And after YG got taken care of by my co worker OL yelled to her: Hillbillie!

    My thought was OL should have STFU because she cut in line anyway so I had no sympathy.

  • #2
    Hillbilly? That's the best the old bat could come up with that whole time?

    Feh. Age before Brains, it seems like.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      I just good spirited cust's like your YG. It's nice to hear someone actually say the things you are thinking, bout unable to verbalize. "age before beauty" is pretty original too!! Props to her!!
      Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

      ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~


      • #4
        i had an old lady cut my line today too. I jumped on a register and took the next woman who had a whole bunch of kids with her so it was taking her a second to come over and an old lady jetted down in front of me and i said "i'm sorry, i've already accepted the next person who was in line" and the old lady looked pissed and yelled 'WELL THEN I'M NEXT!!!!!!!!"

        A second later another register was opened and she jumped to it and mumbled something about too many lines. lol. Who knows.

        It's just ALWAYS the old ladies who try to jump lines and somehow think it's a race. Nevermind that young mother has been standing there for 5 minutes already. If it takes her more than 10 seconds to switch lines she obviously forefits her turn.


        • #5
          The store i used to work in had a RIDICULOUSLY high elderly customer population, because it was close to a group of retirement homes, and one of the only one-level indoor shopping malls with lots of carpeting.

          I would just hate when one would walk right up to my cash instead of waiting in a line of 9-12 ppl and expect to be served. Then when asked to join the line would either say "I can't stand that long" or something along thos lines. The line was also filled with a few elderly persons, kindly waiting their turn. Not happening lady, sorry.

          I also had it at the store that there would be ONE line for 3 or four cashiers and they would just call the next cust as they were free. I hated it when ppl would think they can just skip the line and stand by one of the cashes and be served quicker. They would throw out some response liike "Im waiting for THIS cash, those ppl are waiting for THAT cash"...Ummm yes sir, alllllllllllllllll these people are stupid enough to be standing in ONE line for ONE cash while there are several casheirs going. and your the ONLY ONE who was smart enough to solve this puzzle. Congradulations!!! Here's your sign........
          Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

          ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~


          • #6
            I was given the "age before beauty" line in a bathroom.

            we were very short staffed that day and on top of having to wait an hour for a break because someone called off I had to wait almost my whole break in the line for the restroom, due to high customer volume. I was next and an old lady walks past me as someone exits a stall and i cut her off. "Sorry I was next." She replies "age before beauty." I replied "No, I have been waiting over an hour to use the restroom, it's my turn." and Slam the door in her face. She was pissed and tried to complain to my boss who replied that she was older than both of us and she wouldn't be so rude as to deny someone who was waiting their turn.


            • #7
              When I hear that line. I reply, "but then Beauty was a horse". (Black Beauty).

