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Rainy weather

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  • Rainy weather

    Last night I had to deal with a few people who are too stupid to stay in out of the rain.


    SC: Do youhave a radiator for a 1978 Torana?
    Me: No, we have a few small spare parts like radiator caps up the back...
    SC: Not a cap, a radiator! It was about to blow up but I thought it might last another week.
    Me: We don't carry spare radiators. We might have hoses up the back...
    SC: You don't have spare radiators? What kind of place is this? *stomps out*

    First of all, he can't tell the difference between a gas station and a wrecker's yard. Second of all, he knew it was about to go bad but didn't do anything about it.

    (What's PPPPP? Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance)

    When you want something that exists, I'll be able to help you

    SC: Can I have $15 of 3 credit? (3 is a phone company)
    Me: (looks at machine) The lowest it comes in is $20.
    SC: But I only have $15. Give me a $15 one!
    Me: I have (reading from machine) $20, $29, $30, $49...
    SC: Just forget it! This place is stupid!

    Yeah, we're so stupid we refuse to sell things that don't exist.

    Try the brothel down the street

    SC: Do you have... FUCK! (walks out)

    No cash for you!

    Our ATM was out of order, and we don't do cash out over the counter... the last person to give out cash got in big trouble.

    SC: The ATM's broken, can I get cash out?
    Me: No.
    SC: But the ATM's broken.
    Me: There's a sign on it saying there's no cash out at the counter.
    SC: But the ATM's broken. Not even a little bit of cash?
    Me: No.
    SC: Nazi! (walks out)

    Not the ATM you're looking for

    We have trailer hire, which is all done through an ATM-shaped machine. The trailer hire company rents the space, and we get a cut of trailers hired from our store.

    The trailer hire machine has a sign above it that says "TRAILERS" and the ATM has a sign above it that says "ATM". The ATM also had an out of order sign on it.

    SC comes into the store, heads toward the ATM, and sees the out of order sign. He then goes to the trailer hire machine and starts pressing things on the touch screen.

    SC: You need to put a sign on this other ATM, it's broken too.

  • #2
    Quoth edible_hat View Post
    SC: The ATM's broken, can I get cash out?
    Me: No.
    SC: But the ATM's broken.
    Me: There's a sign on it saying there's no cash out at the counter.
    SC: But the ATM's broken. Not even a little bit of cash?
    Me: No.
    SC: Nazi! (walks out)
    Nazi!?? Hey... Have you ever, by any chance, sold soup in New York City?
    Who hears all your prayers? Why, the NSA, of course!


    • #3

      Prior planning prevents piss-poor performance.


      • #4
        Quoth edible_hat View Post
        (What's PPPPP? Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance)
        I prefer PPPPPPP...

        Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance
        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Quoth edible_hat View Post
          Last night I had to deal with a few people who are too stupid to stay in out of the rain.


          SC: Do youhave a radiator for a 1978 Torana?
          Me: No, we have a few small spare parts like radiator caps up the back...
          SC: Not a cap, a radiator! It was about to blow up but I thought it might last another week.
          Me: We don't carry spare radiators. We might have hoses up the back...
          SC: You don't have spare radiators? What kind of place is this? *stomps out*

          First of all, he can't tell the difference between a gas station and a wrecker's yard. Second of all, he knew it was about to go bad but didn't do anything about it.

          (What's PPPPP? Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance)

          Almost as bad as the guy who stumbled off the street on a Sunday night and was angry that the mechanic had gone for the weekend because he needed the windshield for his car replaced that instant. When I explained to him that it would be Monday before anyone could even try to price getting a new piece of glass from a wholesaler, let alone installing it, he went into "special snowflake" mode, apparently believeing that the real problem was that I just didn't UNDERSTAND his peril, he had to get to Boston that night! And his windshield was broken? See? and he couldn't get there unless it was fixed, so why couldn't I just fix it? I again explained that it would be Monday at the earliest before anyone could assist him because we don't have windshields lying around in the back, they'd need to be ordered on a case-by-case basis. Still certain that I was missing the point, he again told me he had to be in Boston THAT NIGHT and why wasn't I being more helpful? He was already late and I was making it much much worse! He did try to bribe me "It's worth $300 to fix it! It's quick money! You don't want it?" he whined as I herded him out the door.....
          - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


          • #6
            Re the mobile phone guy...

            He would've been better off buying from his local 3 dealer rather than a servo. Telstra (who I used to be with until I switched to Optus) did $5, $20, $30, $40, $50 and $100 increments. Work does the $20-$100 ones and adds a $70 one in there. Most small businesses start with $20 anyway.

            Optus on the other hand has $10 credit...
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...


            • #7
              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
              I prefer PPPPPPP...

              Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance

              Proper Prior Planning Permanently Prevents Perilously Piss-Poor Performance

              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth edible_hat View Post
                When you want something that exists, I'll be able to help you

                SC: Can I have $15 of 3 credit? (3 is a phone company)
                Me: (looks at machine) The lowest it comes in is $20.
                SC: But I only have $15. Give me a $15 one!
                Me: I have (reading from machine) $20, $29, $30, $49...
                SC: Just forget it! This place is stupid!

                Yeah, we're so stupid we refuse to sell things that don't exist.
                Wait, wait. Let me poop one out for you.
                If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

                Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


                • #9
                  Quoth edible_hat View Post
                  Last night I had to deal with a few people who are too stupid to stay in out of the rain.


                  [SC: But the ATM's broken. Not even a little bit of cash?
                  Me: No.
                  SC: Nazi! (walks out)
                  I've actually "sieg-heil"ed someone who said that to me. Should've seen his face.

