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Good Times, Bad Times *Long*

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  • Good Times, Bad Times *Long*

    It all starts off when I walk into work and am immediately greeted by all the staff for the day. The problem was that they were all newbies and I had an awful feeling that the day may have been a complete disaster.

    You Cannot Make Your Own Rules
    They all told me that at opening time a table of about 20 had come in (minus a booking, oh how I love these people). As there was no one else dining they were able to come in. When a server took their order they demanded a buffet meal, which is not available on the weekends. They were told they couldn't have that, to which they argued that they were entitled to it and blah blah blah. Server and then a manager tells them that we are not making a buffet for one table (especially as they didn't book). Following this they agree but tell...that's right TELL the manager that they'll be giving them 20% off their bill. Manager practically laughs in their faces. I'm not entirely sure what happened with them afterwards, but I know they didn't get any discounts.

    Night of Suck
    As a result of all the new staff having been on that day, countless mistakes had been made, meaning we were pretty low on a couple of items. We also had trainees in the kitchen for the evening shift meaning there may be a couple of hiccups still. Now, if everything had run smoothly with the servers ordering the right things during the day this wouldn't have caused much of an issue, but the kitchen was in disaster. I don't blame the servers though, they're new and have to learn, but I would have preferred to have had a couple of veterans in too. There wasn't a single order I put through that didn't come out wrong. Of course, the kitchen aren't getting the full brunt of the complaints, so don't really see what's wrong and therefore don't seem to be making any big effort to help out or improve.

    Smile and Nod
    A takeaway order comes in and there are a couple of people waiting when I take the boxes over. I call the name and someone steps forward. I read through everything in the order and the guy agrees with everything, smiles and takes the order. A little later another guy comes in and gives the same name of the guy who'd left about half and hour earlier. His stuff has to be remade all because someone just couldn't be honest. So already we have someone who has paid for just one pizza, but has taken two.

    DID YOU KNOW I'M A VEGAN!1!!!1!!!
    In another 'masses of people come in without a booking' scenario about 10 people are seated in my section. I go over and am greeted with, 'What do you have for vegans?'. I immediately start thinking and make multiple trips to the kitchen to check on the ingredients for things while making offers to the customer. Thus follows this conversation:

    Vegan: *in really snippy tone* Do you know that 10% of the population is vegan?
    Me: I understand totally where you're coming from, as I'm vegetarian myself and I know how much of a struggle it can be with that at times, but I'm afraid we can only offer you *option A*, *option B* or *option C*.

    Vegan lets out a huge sigh and picks something. The rest of them order and their food comes out...with one meal missing. Cue a huge fuss about this and how they have to leave quickly and aren't paying for it. At the same time, the same is happening on another table and so the manager is busy. I try and sort something but they're getting more and more hostile with me. I'm also facing complaints from another table who'd been pissed off by an earlier server who has decided to shout at me.

    Everything eventually calms down, by which point I'm stressed to the point of tears. The best bit about all the fuss about the food though? I go to clear the table and the vegan has a variety of foods that are obviously dairy products.

    Making a Fool of Myself
    I only have two tables left before I leave and am shaking with the way I've been shouted at and all the stressing, but thankfully the last two tables are lovely. In fact, one was waiting behind the vegan table and as they walked out turned to me and said, 'What did you do to deserve that? Kill their first born?' I almost laughed, but then the relief of having someone be nice actually made me tear up again instead. I felt like such an idiot. He then gave me a tip and told me to have a good drink when I finished because I deserved it.

    The other gentleman I was serving called me over to the table and very kindly asked me if I was OK, because he could see I was getting stick. I apologised because I was about to cry again and said I'd have to come back. He then turned and told me not to worry and that it was some of the best service he's had.

    So there we go, hope and despair in somewhat equal measures. It does feel amazing to vent this all too!

  • #2
    There are two people I don't mess with: the ones who know where I live and those who deal with my food.

    I'll never understand how people can be such jerks. They should trade places and try doing your job.
    If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

    Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


    • #3
      Quoth PizzaDrone View Post
      Everything eventually calms down, by which point I'm stressed to the point of tears. The best bit about all the fuss about the food though? I go to clear the table and the vegan has a variety of foods that are obviously dairy products.
      Ah one of those people who equates being a fussy jerk with being vego/vegan. Unfortunately its people like this who give the wider vego/vegan community a bad name and make food service workers cringe at the mere mention of the words.
      Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


      • #4
        Quoth PizzaDrone View Post
        Vegan: *in really snippy tone* Do you know that 10% of the population is vegan?
        That isn't true. Wikipedia (which I would never trust if the info wasn't backed up with a credible citation) cites a source that says the vegan population in the UK is about 0.4%. The US is 0.2%. So now you can arm yourself with this knowledge in case he ever comes back and throw it back in his face.


        • #5
          You beat me to it, Sprocket.

          I didn't know the numbers, but I was going to mention there's no possible way 10% of the population is vegan.

          I might be willing to believe 10% is vegetarian, though I'm pretty sure that number is too high also, at least for North America.

          Though I do wonder about the figures wikipedia suggests:
          Is that the percentage who ARE vegan, or who CLAIM to be vegan?

          I know several people who claim to be strict vegans who regularly consume products made with eggs or milk, etc.

          I also secretly delight when someone claims to be vegetarian and orders fries cooked in beef tallow, or ceasar dressing which contains sardines and bacon bits.
          Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

          "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


          • #6
            It was more the frustration of having spent all that time really trying to help him, just for him to go and get stuff that obviously he shouldn't have been eating. Also snapping at me for however many people are vegan so I could change a menu that's been created and passed down from corporate that I have no control over. I'm always really willing to help out people with different diets because I'm a vegetarian and also really grateful to those servers who help me out when I'm having trouble finding something.

            Perhaps he's new to being a vegan or something and doesn't quite have all of it together yet...but still, lots of the other servers had no idea what a vegan was, so he really would have been stuffed then.

            Big thanks for the info sprocket, I figured he would have inflated it, but not nearly that much!


            • #7
              What the hell is a vegan? Is that a person that will eat absolutely no products that come from an animal?


              • #8
                Maybe your "vegan" was like my cousin: she claims to be a "relaxed vegan" because she's okay with dairy products as long as she can find out what company produced them and can confirm that the cows are not being mistreated there.

                Quoth Camry178 View Post
                There are two people I don't mess with: the ones who know where I live and those who deal with my food.
                In the case of pizza workers, they're usually both!
                I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
                - Bill Watterson

                My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
                - IPF


                • #9
                  10% of the population are vegans? Yeah right.


                  • #10
                    Quoth mikoyan29 View Post
                    What the hell is a vegan? Is that a person that will eat absolutely no products that come from an animal?
                    Not only that, but they probably won't use anything else that animals were involved in the making of.

                    They won't wear leather shoes, they won't use certain kinds of cosmetics or soaps that are made from animal byproducts, etc.
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth jerkface11 View Post
                      10% of the population are vegans? Yeah right.
                      maybe 10% world wide, which includes many third world countries where people are vegetarian [and using vegan when they mean vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, L-O pesco vegetarian]

                      Isn't it more of a popular option for budhists of varying sorts to tend towards vegetarianism? I know a lot of indians who are vegetarian, and more than a few vietnamese and thai that I met at a retreat for meditation that were varying levels of vegetarian.

                      Im omnivore, but very vegetarian and vegan friendly, it takes all sorts and the more vegans the more meat for me =)
                      EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                      • #12
                        Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                        In the case of pizza workers, they're usually both!
                        As a couple of jerkasses found out the hard way, when I was a delivery driver. Most days there aren't that many drivers on duty at any given time, so regular customers tend to get seen... well, regularly.

                        "Oh, sorry about the soda blowing up in your face. The shocks on my car are just about shot, and the roads around here are like the moon." (The former wasn't true, and the latter is exaggerated, but not so much as to get blown off as all-out fantasy.)

                        As for dietary choices, like AD said, more meat for me. OM NOM NOM NOM *Tim Allen pig grunt*
                        No matter how low my opinion of humanity as a whole gets, there are always over-achievers who seek to surpass my expectations.


                        • #13
                          Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
                          Maybe your "vegan" was like my cousin: she claims to be a "relaxed vegan" because she's okay with dairy products as long as she can find out what company produced them and can confirm that the cows are not being mistreated there.
                          Ethical vegetarians that drink milk are amusing. It takes baby cows to make a cow give milk. What do they think we do with all those baby cows?
                          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                          They won't wear leather shoes, they won't use certain kinds of cosmetics or soaps that are made from animal byproducts, etc.
                          I once ran into an article that cited the animal byproducts used in a leather shoe versus a fully synthetic shoe (that is glued as opposed to stitched). The most common glue (at the time, and possibly still) was animal based, so a glued synthetic shoe ended up using animal byproducts like any leather shoe.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            A Vegan goes into a PIZZA restaurant and complains about their not being Vegan food???? What do you think the primary ingrediants of pizza are? Meat & Cheese!!!!!

                            I was once "lectured" by a wanna-be Vegan I knew who insisted on trying to ruin my lunch (a hamburger) by telling me the horrible things they do to cows etc......

                            After listening to her for about 5 mins I calmy pointed out that for someone wearing Doc Martins, a leather belt and holding a leather bag, she really shouldn't tell me how bad it is to eat meat.
                            "When did you get a gold plated toilet?"
                            "We don't have a gold plated toilet"
                            "Oh dear, I think I just peed in your Tuba"

                            -Jasper Fforde


                            • #15
                              I hate to cry in public and I never thought i'd let it happen at work, but I recently found out that once you cry, suddenly people realize you're human and they're either downright nice to you or they at least struggle to be as mean and vicious as they originally intended to.

