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Assorted Tales of Woe and Triumph

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  • Assorted Tales of Woe and Triumph

    Well, it's me again, here in grocery store purgatory. There have been a lot of stories that have happened but I haven't shared yet, but here goes!

    If one more person starts glaring at you, you'll burst into flames

    Today I was working the express lane, and a woman who spoke very little English comes through my line. She got $16.75 worth of produce. She argued about a lot of things that I had to make out through mime gestures and an unintelligible accent.

    After all that, I had a huge line. And then she got a plastic baggie out of her purse, and proceeded to pay me $16.75....all in change.

    And she kept mistaking nickels for quarters and even tried to give me Vietnamese money! Everyone in line was glaring at her and I was trying not to scream. Finally she left.

    What is this logic you speak of?

    A woman comes through my line and buys a piece of cake. (It's packaged, this will be important in a minute.)

    She comes storming back claming I have 'contaminated' her piece of cake, showing me a hair on the cake and demanding a free one.

    'Ma'am, I didn't even open your cake, it was sealed.'

    'You're lying! You go get me a new piece of cake!'

    I decide to pull out the big guns.

    'Ma'am, the color of hair in the cake is brown.'


    'What color is my hair?'

    She sputters for a minute and leaves. Her hair? Brown. My hair? Red.

    Dumbest. Scam. Ever.

    Please, for the sake of my sanity, just write your congressman.

    DISCLAIMER TIME! I have no issues with people on food stamps. I have friends who recieve government aid, I'm glad it's there for people who need an extra hand. However, it does not cover everything in the store, and most people know this. These people chose to scream at me for something beyond my control, and that is the purpose of this rant. I'm blaming the people, not the system.

    Are we clear? Good. Okay, here we go:

    Two women come in with a huge basket of items, to the point where it's overflowing and heavy enough to break a wheel. This is very common where I work, business as usual. Both of them are on cell phones, having loud moronic conversations with a complete lack of grammar and tact. Sadly, also business as usual.

    I start checking them through, offer them our sale item (which they both ignore), and among the items are:

    -Toilet Paper
    -Hot Chicken frpm the Deli
    -Mashed Potatoes from the Deli
    -Dog Food

    Those items are not eligible for food stamps where I work. You can't get hot food, and no paper products, because you can only get things fit for human consumption. (Thus, no dog food.)

    Most people know about the paper products, and most know about the dog food, but the hot deli items are where we have the most trouble. Finally it's all scanned, and the total is well over $200. They swipe the food stamp card, and after that's done, it shows a leftover balance of $35.78.

    They flip out.

    'What?! What the hell ain't covered on my card?'

    I try not to sigh as I take all the hot food, paper products, and dog food out of their cart. I show them.

    'What the hell is this shit? We can't get our chicken? Since when?'

    'Since over a year ago, ma'am.'

    'Don't give me none of your lip, bitch! And how come I can't get no dog food? You want my dog to starve? She want our dog to starve!'

    Then they start giving me the same rant about withholding the tampons for them and the diapers for their baby. They are causing such a scene people are starting to stare, and a manager comes over without having to be paged. After many attempts to reason with them, they decide to leave with NONE of their groceries since they can't get some of the items.

    This pisses me off, because it's so busy we have neither the time nor the people to put that cart back.

    It didn't end there. The lady goes over to the business center and gets out her cell phone. She calls the government aid office and proceeds to shriek at them about their polices for fifteen minutes. Just as we were about to have them be removed by security, they storm out, never to be seen again...I hope.


    Whew! Okay, that's it for now.
    Now appearing in comic form!

  • #2
    Quoth GroceryWench View Post
    What is this logic you speak of?

    A woman comes through my line and buys a piece of cake. (It's packaged, this will be important in a minute.)

    She comes storming back claming I have 'contaminated' her piece of cake, showing me a hair on the cake and demanding a free one.

    'Ma'am, I didn't even open your cake, it was sealed.'

    'You're lying! You go get me a new piece of cake!'

    I decide to pull out the big guns.

    'Ma'am, the color of hair in the cake is brown.'


    'What color is my hair?'

    She sputters for a minute and leaves. Her hair? Brown. My hair? Red.

    Dumbest. Scam. Ever.
    I'm surprised she didn't fight back with, "Did you just call me a liar?"
    You: No, I said you were fired.
    To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


    • #3
      I find the last story a little interesting. If only because she called her aid office, which means some little gasping part of her brain realizes it's the system, not the store. Too bad she's one of those SCs who, even if she knows the truth, would much rather scream insults at anyone in her path. What a horrible woman.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        I've had people try to use food stamps to buy stuff at my fast food place.


        • #5
          Quoth GroceryWench View Post
          It didn't end there. The lady goes over to the business center and gets out her cell phone. She calls the government aid office and proceeds to shriek at them about their polices for fifteen minutes. Just as we were about to have them be removed by security, they storm out, never to be seen again...I hope.
          Why would it not surprise me to find that she has the government aid office on speed dial?
          Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
          Save the Ales!
          Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


          • #6
            We have two systems down here in australia. Besides food banks and the like, supermarkets can set up accounts with the customer, or allow the customer to buy on the Government department's credit card (it's a sheet that gets faxed to us with their name and spending limit-anywhere between $50-$500). We also sell gift cards that are given out by charities and/or can be bought online, that will cover you for everything but cigarettes and alcohol (it used to be pet food as well for some strange reason and apparaently in the past it was even more restricted than that-similar to WIC)
            The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

            Now queen of USSR-Land...

